Frank Collins
December 22, 2013
It is unfair to single out a group of people and then deny them rights enjoyed by the rest of the citizenry. It is called discrimination. It really is that simple: Do we have the right to target a group…
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Bruce W. Coffman
December 22, 2013
Homophobia is nothing more than a form of prejudice, and all prejudice is rooted in ignorance. For homophobia to be truly eradicated, the ignorant among us will have to do that which they have been unwilling to do for so…
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Lynette Alice
December 22, 2013
The keys to establishing a healthy lesbian relationship are for the most part the same as those needed to establish a healthy relationship between two men or a man and a woman. It goes without saying there are some things…
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Lynette Alice
December 22, 2013
On September 22, 1958, Joan Jett was born in a Waynewood, PA. hospital as Joan Marie Larkin. By the time she was 12, her family moved to Los Angeles, and by the time she was 15 she had formed her…
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Shelly Barclay
December 22, 2013
There are so many misconceptions about what is “gay” and what isn’t. There is also no way to truly define what gay is without having certain gray areas, such as bisexuality, physical attraction that is not acted upon and single…
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Erin Harrington
December 22, 2013
January 18th, 2004 Showtime broke new ground with the debute of “The L Word” the first show on television to focus on the lives of lesbians as a main plot. Being the first of anything is a guarenteed way to…
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Brean Schell
December 22, 2013
The idea that sexual orientation can be selected either consciously or unconsciously is both insulting and degrading on several levels, for the implications and the reality of sexuality. The attitude that a man can turn a lesbian straight is as…
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Shelly Barclay
December 22, 2013
Lately, there has been serious debate over whether an individual’s sexuality is a choice. Some people believe that being gay is a choice that an individual makes and that they can “choose” to be straight at any time. Others argue…
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Randy Duckworth
December 22, 2013
Joan Jett defined rock and roll for an entire generation of young girls who aspired to be like her. The oft leather-clad singer is best known to the masses for her unique brand of simple, stripped-down, three chord rock and…
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Brean Schell
December 22, 2013
She walks into the pub, eyes on the bartender and nowhere else, she’s only after a drink because it’s been a long day and she wants to unwind a little. Her jackets still on and its worn in, but nor…
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Lara Lewis
December 22, 2013
So it’s finally come to that awkward post-breakup question- Can we still be friends?The answer is yes, if you follow the rules. Not guidelines, but rules. Stick to these rules and provided the two of you are actually over each…
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Laura Beth Caldwell
December 22, 2013
Falling in love is blissful; it is a time of abandonment when all caution is thrown aside for the excitement, the exquisite joy of merely falling… But now that you’ve landed in yet another unfulfilling, unadventurous, boring white bread without…
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Frankie Taylor
December 22, 2013
The mind and heart of a lesbian…Break-ups! Girls, girls, girls…. Why can’t we all play nice? Break-ups on the average generally aren’t very nice.. let’s face it.. there’s a reason why you broke up, right? Okay then… things didn’t work…
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Amy Ganger
December 22, 2013
What is Lesbian Cool? Anyone who has been out for a while has likely tried visiting the clubs, reading the magazines and e-zines and has even checked out some local options on-line. Then there are also your local community and…
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December 22, 2013
Yesterday the Gay Pride Parade took place in my city. There were some interesting articles on the lives of the gay community, Especially touching were the interviews of mothers of lesbians. None of them said that male attitudes contribute to…
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December 22, 2013
If you are lesbian or have been in a relationship with a woman you know we can be intense and emotionally charged. An argument can occur over who forgot to water the plants or take out the dog. Normally we…
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December 22, 2013
The thought that men or anyone from the opposite sex contributes to why someone is gay is more than just absurd it is down right hilarious. It is ever so hilarious to me because I am constantly asked “what happened…
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Tye Larabee
December 22, 2013
Oh my! Can it really be yet another issue that men want to take the credit for? Yes, I said ‘credit.’ Why? Because being a lesbian is not a curse, it’s not a choice, and it’s not wrong. So, asking…
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Vanessa Cobb
December 22, 2013
It was never this tricky at Uni. All you had to do was hang around the Junior Common Room for long enough and eventually you’d catch her eye, that slender gamine goddess you noticed in the Bio-chemistry lab; or flop…
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Suzanne Magee
December 22, 2013
What about Lesbian Bed Death? It seems like almost any conversation about the nuts and bolts of Lesbian sexuality almost always leads to some mention, however muted, of lesbian bed death. The mere utterance of the term is enough to…
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Gemma Willcocks
December 21, 2013
The mind and heart of a lesbian, firstly may I point out far more often than not even in heterosexual relationships the conflict of the heart and mind cause so many problems. So why are lesbians different? Besides as a…
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Teia Rogers
December 21, 2013
Online articles won’t give you all the information you need about love. Most of what you need to know will happen through your own trials. You need to have these experiences to know what works for you and what doesn’t….
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Ellen Granfield
December 21, 2013
Alphatude Lesbians have ‘tude. Alphatude. Alpha, from the first letter of the Greek alphabet, meaning coming first, being number one, always numero uno. And ‘tude, from attitude, meaning a state of mind, or manner of carrying oneself. Alone, having alphatude…
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Lara Lewis
December 21, 2013
Lets see first there was Heather- the ex-gymnast with severe OCD. She rearranged my entire bookshelf while I was sleeping. Then there was Britney, the seemingly innocent vegan/ eco-activist who slapped me when I the salad I ordered came with…
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Samantha Horrocks
December 21, 2013
Why are so many lesbians rushing to the altar? Why did my spouse and I long to marry? Why did we make that trip to Canada this summer to marry? Why was it important to us to live where our…
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Martine Pauwels
December 21, 2013
Freud stated we are all bisexual and this makes sense. If we would all be straight straight or gay gay to put it, we might only get along with people of our own or the opposite sex, without communicating with…
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Amy Castle
December 21, 2013
Yes. Personally I think females who may be lesbian may turn this way because they have had bad and unsuccessful relationships with the men they have had walk into their life. Every relationship I had with a male was unsuccessful…
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Maxwell Cynn
December 21, 2013
To quote a well known cheater; it depends on what your definition of is, is. Actually we must first define what we mean by “sleeping with”. We will assume that it includes intimate sexual relations. But again the answer to…
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Michael Shepard
December 21, 2013
The male is partly at fault for same-sexual behavior in females. Eve fell to temptation from the serpent and ate forbidden fruit first. However, Adam ate, too. Adam partook because he wanted Eve to not suffer alone. Naturally, religious fantasy…
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December 21, 2013
So you want to join the millions of people who swear by meeting their potential partner on the world wide web. Now where do you start? I believe the first thing you need to think about, is what it is…
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