Laura Beth Caldwell
February 1, 2014
I’m sure everyone has heard or read about the lesbian couple in California who recently exchanged wedding vows after waiting for fifty five years. Their story is an inspiration and testimony to lesbian relationships as a whole. We want to…
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Laura Beth Caldwell
February 1, 2014
We’re coming to get you Barbara! And we’re bringing our U-Haul. Lesbian singles? Is there really such a thing? Honestly, how long do we remain on that “list”? The problem with meeting lesbian singles is that they may only be…
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Lisa Reed
February 1, 2014
Who is anyone to judge the love that exists between two individuals? True love is one of those rare things that children grow up listening to stories about in awe and wonder. Fairytales promise happy endings and children grow up…
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Bridget N. Watts
February 1, 2014
In the last decade, a lot has changed when it comes to lesbian visibility. Ever since Ellen DeGeneres came out of the closet and told the world she was gay, many other gay and bisexual women have followed her example….
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Alex Stroud
February 1, 2014
Absolutely! Homosexuals, Bisexuals, and even the Trans-gendered should have the same rights and privileged as Heterosexuals, when it concerns any Constitutional, and legal. We must remember why we have a constitution, and what purpose it serves. The Constitution is not…
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Laura Beth Caldwell
February 1, 2014
Women are vulnerable. That is the premise of any relationship and especially a lesbian relationship. The simple truth istwo women make for two times the drama. And God, do we love drama. I don’t think we’re satisfied without it actually….
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Jay Warner
February 1, 2014
Although the words “transgender” and “transsexual” are often used interchangeably, there is a significant difference between the two terms. Before discussing the differences, there are two clear concepts to consider. First, the understanding that gender identity (whether a person considers…
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Karlin Brock - 281715
February 1, 2014
Freedom Of and From ReligionThe Gay Marriage Issue Marriage existed long before the birth of Christianity. How then can Christianity claim to define it? They certainly have the right to define it for their followers, but not for the entire…
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Laura Beth Caldwell
February 1, 2014
We are women who have passed through time resilient in a common quest to exist as individuals, unique in our expression and thought and yet common with the cause of female identity and purpose. The landscape of our minds and…
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Lisa Fagan
January 23, 2014
I have said it before and I will say it again until I’m blue in the face: marriage is between a man and a woman only! No ifs, ands, or buts about it! The gay and lesbian lifestyles are condemned…
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Beauregard Fox
December 30, 2013
The simple answer to this question is, “yes, ‘fag’ can be used in a way that isn’t negative.” A more complete answer has to delve in to shades of meaning. To begin with, I am a gay man, and I…
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Carmen Polvere
December 22, 2013
Opponents of same sex marriage need to ask themselves why they are against two people who deeply care about each other from getting married. If the reason has anything remotely to do with religion then I would strongly suggest…
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Victoria Tiegert
December 22, 2013
Being the children of gay or lesbian parents is not always an easy life, even for the strongest and most resilient of young people. In today’s progressive society where it is considered socially unacceptable to consider anyone else socially unacceptable,…
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Travis Pewitt
December 22, 2013
Differences occur in every man, woman, and child. These differences are what make the world so diverse and colorful, or more specifically rainbow. To those who do have not yet realized who the diverse group I am talking about; It…
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Kelly Mastanduno
December 22, 2013
Being bisexual while in a heterosexual marriage can definitely be tricky. Some spouses would consider it cheating and a breach of the vows taken on your wedding day. For most, probably, this may be the initial reaction. But there are…
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Jim Kerrigan
December 22, 2013
When will equal rights be applied equally? Why would we even allow any group to have “special rights” this is madness and as far away from equal as we could possibly get. Every time a group be it racial, religious,…
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Philip Lop
December 22, 2013
Gay and lesbian civil partnership was made legal in the UK on December 5, 2005, under The Civil Partnership Act 2004. Under the act, couples of the same sex are entitled to legal recognition and should receive similar treatment and…
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Todd Daigneault
December 22, 2013
As a gay parent, getting past gay parenting stereotypes may be very difficult. Misconceptions and other very wrong views still run rampant in society over gay and lesbian parents. These can even come from sympathetic and understanding friends, peers and acquaintances, who…
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Daniel Rivera
December 22, 2013
After reading the articles on the subject as posted here on Helium, I must say that there seems to be an extensive array of opinions on bisexuality and of course the bi-curious. I must interject by stating that I am…
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Jacob Woods
December 22, 2013
In a world where everyone was gay. . . This sounds like an intro to a really amazing movie. Though the concept would make great for a fiction film, in reality, not everyone is truly gay. The reasons why some…
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December 22, 2013
While our country has come a long , long way to ensure that all individuals are treated equally and respectfully, sadly, it still has a long way to go. I do feel that homosexuals should recieve the same rights and…
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Mara Yoresh
December 22, 2013
Bisexual means having sex while riding a bicycle. Bicurious means to wonder about having sex while riding a bicycle. Just kidding! Got your attention, though, didn’t I? The funny thing is, the words “bisexual” and “bicurious” tend to attract attention…
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Lynette Alice
December 22, 2013
The feeling of alienation is something we all deall with during some point of our lives, it’s no exclusive to the LGBT or the straight community, it hits us all. In the LGBT community it is seemingly more pronounced. Even…
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S.S. McDaniel
December 22, 2013
I could not help but chuckle a bit when I read this debate title: Should bisexuals be considered homosexuals? A bisexual, as the word should indicate, is a person sexually interested in either sex. This means that, unlike homosexuals, a…
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Charleine Fenn
December 22, 2013
Marriage not only should be, but is a sacred institution between husband and wife. Man and woman. Why would gay people even want to get married? Their sexual relationship is a sin against God and the laws of nature. Why…
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Carisa Silvesan
December 22, 2013
Marriage. The definition of marriage from is “the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.” For centuries this is how marriage has been…
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Jacob Woods
December 22, 2013
Segregation is a word that is directly associated with the African-American Civil Rights Movement. At every point in society there was government regulated segregation that physically separated blacks and whites. Black only bathrooms, black only schools, black only restaurants, Harlem…
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Jacob Woods
December 22, 2013
Amongst oppression and ridicule, lgbt entrepreneurs thrive in sea of inequality thresholds. With a good look around anyone can find these successful entrepreneurs who are constantly finding ways to overcome a loss of hope and inspiring young minds to keep…
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Aron Powell
December 22, 2013
The right to create laws on gay Marriage should no doubt reside at the federal level.Because gay marriage is non-procreation and a philosophical crime against humanity that indirectly threatens the very foundation of human existence on a worldwide scale, it…
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Alexandra Lebold
December 22, 2013
I have to agree with the first part of the title of this discussion that marriage should be a sacred institution. That is, a sacred institution of love, loyalty and respect between two people. But just as we have all…
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