Daniel Dermont
January 7, 2015
While most people consider bullying to be the biggest problem facing GLBT youth, I disagree. If kids don’t bully their peers based on sexual orientation then it’ll be due to academics or hobbies or accents or any number of other…
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Charlotte Buckley
January 7, 2015
Experimentation in college isn’t just tolerated it’s nearly expected. When my senior year started this past September, my straight girl friend had a girlfriend, my lesbian friend had a boyfriend, and two of my guy friends confessed they had been…
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Frederick A. Babb
January 7, 2015
The very title of this section depicts what is wrong with the mindset of gay people and the world. There is no Royal Rumble in society with the straight population ready to pounce on gay people over holy matrimony rights….
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Elizabeth Fazakerley
January 7, 2015
My answer is a very definite NO! I mean, what age are we talking about here? If you’re talking secondary school, most kids don’t even think about things like homosexuality when they’re in year 7. Also, as we all know,…
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Emme Setter
January 7, 2015
As a lesbian, the thought of raising children scares me- as it should any intelligent adult considering kids. Having children a massive responsibility, financially, emotionally and socially. The decision to have children is a life change that can not be…
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Mike Deakin
January 7, 2015
Before you can combat or prevent any kind of phobia you first have to understand it. Most of the time those who are homophobic are not sure why they are, they haven’t fully taken time to understand what it is…
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M. Santiago
January 7, 2015
I would like to be very clear before I begin because the very title of this article will bring out presumptions about me. Unlike many opponents to this amendment, I am not a Liberal nor a Democrat. I am a…
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Matthew J. Geiger
January 7, 2015
Marriage is a religious institution that bonds a man and a woman together under the blessing of God in a lifetime commitment to each other. On the other hand, with the surging numbers of divorces and unmarried couples living together,…
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Jennifer Macken
January 7, 2015
Adolescence is always a difficult time where any and all differences can become an excuse for bullying but we don’t separate all the sporty teenagers from the smart ones or make all the overweight children sit in a different room….
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Lynette Alice
January 7, 2015
The difference between the words gay and homosexual goes far beyond the simple approach of examining their origin or witty observations based on playing with the words. It’s undeniable;e that word gay has evolved over time to be used in…
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Carrie Brandon
January 7, 2015
For years this is a topic that’s been hotly debated and whilst many feel strongly against it I have to ask ” If it was you, wouldn’t you feel that you deserved the same treatment as any other heterosexual couple…
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James Dubreze
January 7, 2015
A very simple question but if asked most people, they will answer A nuclear family a family which is consists of parents who are capable of pro-creations. This family is usually composed of the father, mother and their unmarried siblings….
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Brandy Fee
January 7, 2015
My first thought is, and always has been, to agree. That marriage should be reserved for a man and a woman, as it was intended. However, upon truly considering both sides of the argument, I have come to my own…
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Erin Ashley
January 7, 2015
Homophobia has always been an interesting topic for me. I was raised in a household that was as conservative as they come; my father was a military man and my mother was raised by a WWI/WWII veteran. So you get…
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Richard Serra
January 6, 2015
You would think that if a person crosses the line, then they would be considered a homosexual. But to be a true homosexual, an individual has only one preference, whereas a bisexual will go both ways. I would think in…
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January 6, 2015
I believe that homosexuality is a sin against nature. If we take a good look at nature, everything in nature needs a masculine and a feminine in order to procreate. Without procreation there would not be anything, everything would become…
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Dean Tellwright
January 6, 2015
The word homophobia describes an irrational hatred, disapproval, or fear of homosexuality and homosexual culture. First, it is very important to understand that there are varying levels of homophobia. Many people are homophobic and yet never insult a person for…
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Sandy Laib
January 6, 2015
How can you tell when or if you partner is being controlling, As a heterosexual person I have seen different sides of the relationship straight and gay relation and wether or not a gay person can be more controlling over…
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Kitsune Konno
January 6, 2015
YES! People ARE BORN GAY! GET OVER IT! It is in your genetic make-up as to what you will be in your life. My own father is bisexual as am I. All these bible thumpers that think we are all…
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Janice Godlove
January 5, 2015
CONSTITUTIONAL INTEGRITY The Declaration of Independence opens with this statement on the origin of rights: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights…”…
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Donald Hancock
January 5, 2015
Hansel and Gretel “Hansel and Gretel” was the story of a brother and sister who encountered a wicked old woman with a large stove. But it is also the story of two lovers – Hansel Liebowitz and Gretel Gottlieb, who…
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Lynette Alice
January 5, 2015
When did you choose to be straight? Can you recall the instance, the day, or the motivating factor to choose that as your sexual identity assuming you are heterosexual? I’m not just a lesbian, but a transsexual lesbian and I…
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Angelia Campbell
January 5, 2015
Same sex marriage should be passed on a federal level, well at least at first. The reason for this opinion is this; marriage as defined now is recognized on a federal level. Point being that there is where all the…
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Lynette Alice
January 5, 2015
What is marriage and who should be allowed to marry? Is marriage a union between a man and woman only? Is it a union between two men or two women? The answer is yes to all of the above. Marriage…
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Lynette Alice
January 5, 2015
When it comes to homosexuality everyone with an opinion is an expert. At least it seems that way. I have always found it both odd and humorous that many of the “experts” on what gay people are, or what makes…
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Kelly Maxwell
January 5, 2015
In this day and age you would think that homosexuality would be more accepted. I have not got a problem with gay marriages, if two people love each other and in a happy relationship then why not? Who decided what…
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Tony Smith
January 5, 2015
The problem with Civil Unions for gay & lesbian couples is that it sounds like a great idea in theory, but in reality civilly united couples are still not getting the same rights and recognition that married heterosexual couples do….
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Patricia Coffey
January 5, 2015
Marriage is a sacred institution. Sacred institutions are under the jurisdiction of religious institutions. Our constitution clearly states that there is a separation of church and state institutions. Our founding fathers came to this country to freely practice their religious…
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Valencia Garner
January 5, 2015
The Spirituality of Gayness has roots in nearly all indigenous cultures. Sexuality and spirituality are linked in many ancient spiritual practices and belief systems from around the world. So there hasn’t always been a church and moral issue with gay,…
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Laura Beth Caldwell
January 5, 2015
The key to being accepted as gay or lesbian is to first being accepted as a decent, honest, trustworthy individual regardless of sexual orientation. If someone can’t stand to be around you because you are a liar, a cheat or…
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