January 22, 2015
Being Gay is Not a “Life Decision” I’m gay. Not by choice, but by birth. So what? The young adult, I’ve noticed, seems more responsive and accepting of my lifestyle, while the older generation tends to focus on the good…
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Eliza Day
January 22, 2015
Firstly, it must be said that this title is a bit bogus. The whole world is NOT against gay people. I can only assume that this title was thought up by an American. I have lived on six of seven…
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Perry Brass
January 22, 2015
All right. I think I should come right out and say it: Gays have pioneered what may be the relationships of the future. You think I’m nuts, don’t you? Many of your friends can’t keep a man around long enough…
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Maureen Bachert
January 21, 2015
In the late 1950’s my Irish born, Catholic grandfather gave me some advice I will never forget. He said: “if you ever hear a politician or clergyman tell you that homosexuality is wrong – RUN-DON’T WALK IN THE OTHER DIRECTION.”…
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Joyce Luck
January 21, 2015
Elizabeth Edwards, speaking in San Francisco, recently said it best, and I’m paraphrasing: “Heterosexuals are a greater threat to heterosexual marriage than homosexuals are.” And it’s true. Look at the Senator Vitters and Rev. Ted Haggards of our world, thundering…
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Amanda Tiberend
January 21, 2015
Where do I begin? In today’s society the word ‘gay’ or ‘lesbian’ seems to strike nerves of heterosexuals, but why? People have always been, and will continue to be, quick to judge. We don’t always see both sides to a…
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Shelley Meaney
January 21, 2015
Homosexuals absolutely deserve the same rights and privileges that are afforded to heterosexuals. What is so annoying to me about the current argument is that marriage, by definition means a union of things. It need not be a religious union,…
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Lynette Alice
January 7, 2015
It may be better to say that immature attitudes cause violence and hatred towards gay men as not all teenagers have such negative attitudes towards gay men. In actuality teenagers are perhaps one of the most open minded segments of…
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Lynette Alice
January 7, 2015
Our sexual identity simply isn’t something we choose one day like we choose what to wear. Our sexual identity is something that simply is. To hold one group of people up to scrutiny in regards to their own personal sexual…
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Lynette Alice
January 7, 2015
Drawing a link between homoeroticism and homophobia really isn’t as difficult as one might think, science has been proving this in numerous controlled studies over the years. It is in a way odd how something which is so complex to…
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Lynette Alice
January 7, 2015
Understanding a gay teen is no easier than understanding any teen and that can be said from personal experience. Teens in general have the ability to be a walking, talking breathing body of contradictions at their very best. They want…
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Gordon Ashley
January 7, 2015
Taking the issue before the United States Supreme Court, lawyers Ted Olson and David Boies think America should legalize same-sex marriages across all fifty states … and they think they can win. “This new federal lawsuit, brought by a pair…
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Lynette Alice
January 7, 2015
While it is somewhat unbelievable, it is becoming more and more common in the U.S. that LGBT friendly schools are on the rise. While that sounds good on the surface as most people would say tolerance is something we should…
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Don Patrick Amarasinghe
January 7, 2015
As to liberal interpretation, homosexuality is a genetically predetermined condition, and influenced by unknown environmental factors. It is an orientation, not an addiction, or a learned behavior. Conservative estimates show that 1-2% of the U.S. population constitutes with homosexual individuals….
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Kimberly Walker
January 7, 2015
The fight for the right to marry whomever you choose has been going on for years. It only leaves one question, what are you so afraid of? What gives anyone the right to tell someone else who they can and…
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Dick Stewart
January 7, 2015
There are two kinds of objection to gender-neutral marriage. One is the public face of the “anti gay marriage” campaign. That category of objection portrays an opposition founded in reasonable concerns: protecting a cherished institution and young people from the…
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Lynette Alice
January 7, 2015
The challenges of growing up gay are a little different for everyone because each person is in a different situation. There are definitely some added challenges for some people, especially those of earlier generations. The thing about those added challenges…
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Stanley Courage Duoghah
January 7, 2015
This question is one of the most controversial issues of our civilized world. It is also an issue on which many people have diverse views. Ask any Christian the above question and he/she will make it clear to you that…
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Corey Widdison
January 7, 2015
The fear people have for same sex marriage is not of the marriage itself. It’s not because gays would have the same rights that heterosexuals would have. It’s the fact that for homosexuals to have equal rights others would have…
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Troy Mitchell
January 7, 2015
You know, I am a gay male and I have read a lot of these articles and I respect everyone’s opinion. However, unless you are gay you really don’t know. Every since I was a young boy like 3 or…
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Lynette Alice
January 7, 2015
Labels within the gay community are acceptable. Although that is something which generally is not very popular to say, labeling something or someone is not always a bad thing. It is the manner in which labels are assigned and/or used…
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Jennifer M Scott
January 7, 2015
To answer this question, one must discover what the definition of marriage is. In my opinion marriage is the culmination of a mutual respect, desires, needs, wants and love. If marriage is a bond of love then who is to…
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Lynette Alice
January 7, 2015
Trust is built in a gay relationship the same way it is in any other type of relationship: It is earned. Trust takes time to be built in any form of relationship whether it be between too co-workers, friends, family…
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Wayne K. Wilkins
January 7, 2015
Marriage; the world-wide key to the next generation,The Children are the future. God created two different genders of people for the reason that they are to fall in love with each other, not that they fall in love with themselves….
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January 7, 2015
The answer is no to me. I feel that labels are horrid and the only way that we should be labeled in anyway is if we had some sort of contagious disease and could easily pass it to someone else….
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January 7, 2015
Gays adopting children is controversial because society in general have not fully resolve and accept such a lifestyle to begin with. If we believe that a gay lifestyle is right, natural and acceptable, then it follows that gays raising children…
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Katy Eastwood
January 7, 2015
Bisexuality is a word people put onto those who enjoy the intimacy and pleasure of both sexes. I agree in some respects that bisexuality doesn’t exist but this can’t be true as it does, there are people out there that…
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Gil V
January 7, 2015
When it comes to Gay Pride or Privacy, your dealing with a matter of opinion. Even though the gay lifestyle has become a common theme in todays world, there are still families who believe that it should be locked up…
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Jennifer Peterson
January 7, 2015
School can be a hard place to fit in. Especially if there’s something different about you. But really everyone is different, different back rounds, traditions, beliefs, likes and dislikes. So why are homosexuals being singled out as if they have…
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David Chaproniere
January 7, 2015
“It is a perversion if you say to me that a person chooses to be homosexual. You must be crazy to choose a way of life that exposes you to a kind of hatred. It’s like saying you choose to…
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