Susan Hibberd
January 23, 2015
Human beings are part of the animal world. We are mammals, and despite all our posturing and intellectualizing, we have the same drives as other animals. We need to eat, we need to sleep and we need to reproduce. The…
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Dimitri Davis
January 23, 2015
The genesis of every word gives it a denotation, that defines its meaning and usage. Over time, as cultures and their language changes, the denotations of words can shift as well. Gay is a good example of a word whose…
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Helen Haston
January 23, 2015
Same Sex Relationship’s have been a Taboo subject for many years and it has always been considered and even still today, as being wrong. I was brought up by my parent’s to believe that getting Married and having children of…
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Mary W. Matthews
January 23, 2015
By definition, homosexuals are people who are sexually attracted to people of their own gender — men lust after men, women lust after women. Bisexuals, in contrast, are people who are attracted to BOTH genders. The very definitions of the…
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Kamala K. Rojas
January 23, 2015
Why do people refuse to see that the world is full of people who are different? why cant everyone see that not everyone is the same? Why does the world have such a phobia of gay people? Its not like…
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Dimitri Davis
January 22, 2015
Throughout my experience as a person, student, activist, and employee, I’ve found that, more or less, homosexuals are just the same as heterosexuals. Or, to put it another way, people are simply people, regardless of their beliefs and actions. Simple,…
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Joseph Mohr - 414872
January 22, 2015
When you grow up questioning your sexual orientation, or preference, or whatever you want to call it, the fact is life in general is tough. Unless you decided to come out straightaway, which most people don’t do, you always worry…
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Bob Burks
January 22, 2015
I believe that Homosexuality is just as natural as any other form of sexuality. Homosexuality is found within at least 1,500 different species of the animal kingdom, of which we are a part. Medical science has found significant physical…
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Anna Johnson
January 22, 2015
As a heterosexual looking at the whole bisexual concept please educate me on this.I do not have a problem with folk’s sexual preference or anything like that.But I truly believe at some point in this person’s life they will eventually…
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Gordon Edwards
January 22, 2015
This is an interesting question and one that I have actually had with several friends. To me it is a very simple answer no being bisexual does not mean a person is homosexual. What it does mean is that they…
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Marie Richards
January 22, 2015
Marriage should be a sacred institution between only a woman and a man- WRONG! Gay and Lesbian marriages are a topic that raise a lot of controversy. Everyone has something to say about it, and a lot of it involves…
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George Merritt
January 22, 2015
Spiritual life is only preserved through the union of the male and the female. Our spiritual being resides in the physical body, we all understand that, although some will and do argue the element of the spiritual. It is and…
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Bob Burks
January 22, 2015
Gay and Lesbian hate crimes are once again on the rise in America today. Promulgated by an uncaring and selfish but very vocal segment of Society and a Government that refuses to admit that Gays and Lesbians are equal citizens…
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Teresa Hoback
January 22, 2015
Yes! I really believe that some people are born gay and I believe this will be scientifically proved over the course of time. It has been found that homosexuals often act differently from heterosexuals in early childhood, before they even…
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Jane Rutherford
January 22, 2015
Bisexuality implies an equal sexual attraction towards both sexes. In simple words a bisexual is capable of having romantic and sexual feelings towards both boys and girls. Yes, if one takes the Kinsey scale into the consideration it will show…
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January 22, 2015
I have never understood why, in this age of reason and caring for fellow human beings, there is even a debate about gay marriage. I personally have never even seen one single debatable point from those who oppose gay marriage….
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Daniel Baker - 53498
January 22, 2015
When did you become heterosexual? There must have been a moment, even in the smallest of occurrences that you all made a choice of your sexual orientation. A vast majority of Americans believe that sexual orientation is a choice, and…
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January 22, 2015
The Seven Great Sins are, as listed in order, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride. Do you see a ‘Homosexuality’ on there? I don’t. What is marriage today in the United States, when you can get married and…
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Tina Devittori
January 22, 2015
Yes of course homosexuals should receive all the rights and benefits of marriage. Some of the best relationships I’ve seen are same sex couples that loved each other through sickness and health, richer or poorer and through good times and…
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January 22, 2015
To say that marriage is a sacred institution is laughable, at best. To say that heterosexuals are the only ones who deserve to get married due to the fact that an age old book with an invisible Daddy figure not…
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Neo Tau Vea
January 22, 2015
I really don’t think it’s how to tell your parents your gay, I think they pretty much know, I mean when your given a toy truck for Christmas and you cried because you wanted your sisters Barbie doll, thats a…
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Erika Cormier
January 22, 2015
Its so simple. People judge because they cannot possibly understand what they are not personally going through themselves. They look at gays like its another “realm of beings”. When they are really normal people with a different sexual preference than…
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Laura Caine
January 22, 2015
What do people mean by the words “marriage” and “sacred”? There are varying definitions of both words, and depending on which definition one chooses a case can be made for each side. If we’re talking about marriage as 1) a…
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January 22, 2015
Coming out. Two small words but a lot involved for most people who would like to act upon them. Some people have told me that I have a Jerry Springer life. A little background here: I have always been a…
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Tom Koecke
January 22, 2015
There is growing support for allowing gay men and lesbians to file quasi-marriage licenses distinguished as civil unions. Those who support the concept are those who would otherwise deny these people marriage licenses, except they are losing court cases. It…
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Meghan Peterson
January 22, 2015
In modern, western society people are beginning to evolve away from judging people before they get to know them. People are more willing to accept that members of the same sex are able to have the same relationships as those…
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Angelique Bolling
January 22, 2015
What has always been of interest to me with regard to the “classification” bisexual, is that people expect that bisexual people are promiscuous, engaging in sex with anything that walks on two legs. It is assumed that a bisexual person…
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January 22, 2015
This is something that only you can decide as everybody’s situation differs. Firstly though you should weigh up the pros and cons of coming out to your parents. I say this, because although we would all like to think it…
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Elaine Burns
January 22, 2015
My personal opinion on this subject is yes, they should be given all the same rights and benefits of marriage. After all they perform the same duties in society and are covered by the same laws and obligations. I believe…
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Ellen Granfield
January 22, 2015
Alice B. Toklas, Where Are You? Marriage. Lesbian marriage. Excuse me, but what exactly is all this broo-haha about? It’s been around a long time, despite the current rhetoric against it’s supposed evils. “Baby precious Hubby worked and/ Loved his…
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