February 25, 2015
Homosexuals, trans-gendered, lesbians, and even heterosexuals should all be allowed to marry whom they please. In the case of this country (USA), equality and freedom are our two most talked about beliefs. How can we justify equality if we shun…
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Jim Mentink
February 25, 2015
Yes, marriage should be a sacred institution between a woman and a man, or at the very least, an institution (whether it’s sacred or not) between a woman and man. Here are the problems I have with homosexual marriage: 1)…
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Bill Climber
February 25, 2015
Yes! I Can’t Believe This Issue is Still Being Debated! Of course! The United States, without any doubt what-so-ever,should legalize gay marriage. Let me help you further your understanding of this matter,if you will.First question: can anyone truly define love?…
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Zaida Quinones-Gonzalez
February 25, 2015
Many studies have been made to try and confirm some sort of relationship between homosexuality and nature vs nurture. However, none of these have been able to pinpoint all the details needed to specify whether or not homosexuality is something…
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Joey Benedict
February 25, 2015
The issue of “gay marriage” has nothing whatsoever to do with homosexuality. In fact, marriage itself has nothing to do with sex, so marriage cannot have anything to do with sexual preference. I am not arguing that marriage should have…
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Carly Kade
February 25, 2015
Hundreds of years ago, only the rich and royal had any say in government. Even more recently, women did not get full rights, or a say in how their country was run. Now, gay, lesbian, and transsexual individuals are the…
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Robert Woolsey
February 25, 2015
I believe that yes I was born gay,because believe me with the way the world is now who in their right mind would choose to be gay!and you hear from a lot of different people saying that it is a…
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Mandatory Marcus
February 25, 2015
If you were to strip away every last stitch of emotion from the concept of marriage, you would be left with nothing more than a contract between two people that essentially determines how assets are divided under various circumstances, how…
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Renee Garrison
February 13, 2015
When you choose a friend, you do so because you share common interests and goals in your lives. Your friend is there to support you and inspire you as you pursue the various aspects of your life and you are…
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Lynette Alice
February 13, 2015
Since the dawn of man there has always been someone that thought they knew what was better for someone else than the person in question. Sometimes those take charge people are right, most of the time they are not. When…
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Lynette Alice
February 13, 2015
Bisexuality is in fact a sexual orientation in and of itself. That does not mean that bisexuality does not fall under the “rainbow” but rather that is is quite distinct just as the other portions of the LGBTQI are. If…
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Lynette Alice
February 13, 2015
For the most part the most important issues in a gay relationship are the same ones faced by any heterosexual couple. Of course there are a few unique situations gay relationships face that heterosexual ones do not, but the same…
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MD Lynn
February 13, 2015
The issues that are currently part of a new civil rights campaign: gay marriage and civil unions. To avoid getting into the history of marriage and the strict definitions placed by religion and government on marriage itself, let us deal…
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Jayson Jones
February 13, 2015
First, I have to, in good conscience, say up front that I am a sixty year old, thrice divorced, non-religious, hetero, white male. My principal areas of study lie in the decidedly anthropological issues, so I tend to take a…
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Corinna Craddock
February 13, 2015
Is discrimination the expression of misogyny by our male species? Are men nervous? Nervous because the continuance of the entire race depends on the woman’s productive womb? Indeed, a woman cannot do it alone, she must have a contributing male….
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Lynette Alice
February 12, 2015
A somewhat silly movie once used the line “my name is Jay and this is my hetero life partner Silent Bob” as a punchline of sorts, but it went a long way to illustrating a point, the meaning of the…
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B.D. Bolin
February 12, 2015
The questions around what and how homosexuality occurs in the human animal have been swirling in the public arena since the Stonewall riots violently forced the reality of the gay underground into the mainstream media, which up until then had…
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Lynette Alice
February 12, 2015
Coming out as gay for most people is a difficult decision and process for most people even when they are ready to take such a step and do it in a manner which makes them as comfortable as possible. Being…
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Jaye Green
February 12, 2015
Any attorney can draft various contract/partnership/company agreements which can form legal relations between people of such comprehension that marriage itself pales in comparison. That this option has always been on the table and that homosexuals refuse to use it is…
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Larry Smart
February 12, 2015
The oldest forms of marriages were marriages of families or clans not merely two people. Often they were conducted more for the benefit of the families, their businesses, their farms, their estates, and inheritance rights than for the happiness of…
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Lynette Alice
February 12, 2015
Institutional discrimination as it concerns the gay community or LGBT as a whole is not something many people take much time to think about. In the simplest terms, institutionalized discrimination is the practice of legally allowing people to be subjugated…
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Gina Gott
February 12, 2015
Imagine growing old with the love of your life ;You buy a house together , pay bills together, take care of each other, maybe even adopt a child together . One day your life mate dies, and you can not…
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Lynette Alice
February 12, 2015
The link between gay teens and suicide is horrifying to examine, there is simply no better or gentler way to describe it. While numerous factors play a role in this phenomena, there are some key areas which seem to lend…
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Lynette Alice
February 12, 2015
There is a very simple way to support gay friends and family members and that is to just do it! Not everything in life needs to be complex and require a manual with companion DVD and twelve step program to…
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Matthew Erickson
February 12, 2015
The issue of whether or not homosexual couples should be allowed to marry has spawned heated debates around the country recently. Many conservatives feel that it is the governments job to “Protect Marriage”. If the United States government really wanted…
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Colette Duval
February 12, 2015
In a perfectly black and white world full of neat compartments it would be helpful to this sense of neatness if men and woman only fell in love with each other. It would also be neat and tidy if heterosexual marriages would…
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Lynette Alice
February 12, 2015
The reason people judge gays and lesbians could be one of many things, or more likely a combination of factors. People that judge, not just gays, but anyone in general, are not necessarily bad people, they are people that for…
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February 12, 2015
This is how it goes: Telling your parents you’re in love with someone in most cases isn’t a big deal because is a normal process of life. What if this process of life isn’t as normal as it should be?…
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Lynette Alice
February 12, 2015
Marriage whether it be gay or straight is not something which anyone should need to make a case for, yet reality tells us differently. Making a case in favor of gay marriage is actually a very simple thing to do…
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Stephanie Breidenstein
February 12, 2015
Let’s face it, the word gay is no longer thrown around as meaning to be happy or in good spirits. When the word gay is uttered, it is purely directed towards a group of people who are no different then…
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