Demetria Rollins
February 27, 2015
There are many gay symbols that have been around for quite sometime . For example the Rainbow Flag was created in 1978 for the San Francisco’s Gay Freedom Celebration. It was created by Gilbert Baker. It was not shaped like…
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Currie Jean
February 27, 2015
What follow are the eleven most commonly held reasons for opposing gay marriage. In the spirit of fair representation, each reason is coupled with a refutation. 1) “Women and men already have equal marriage rights: all men can marry women,…
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Lynette Alice
February 27, 2015
Just as sports fans wear their team’s colors and corporations can be recognized by their specific logo, the gay community has it’s symbols to show our pride in who we are. Every faction of the LGBTQI (Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer/Intersex) community has their…
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Lynette Alice
February 27, 2015
Domestic violence in any manner gay or straight is abominable. In the gay community domestic violence has long been a dirty little secret that was swept under the rug and kept from the light of the day. Lately as homosexuality…
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Roger Crain
February 26, 2015
There are six pervasive myths of homosexuality, but only three will be delineated for purposes of this narrative and therefore, dramatize the conundrum they have cause in society at large. For example, the young man I encountered at a recent…
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Leah Malone
February 26, 2015
Gay marriage. The love between two people man and man or woman and woman. You do not need to be straight to love somebody. There are straight people among us who do not know how to treat his or her…
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Jimmy Ettele
February 26, 2015
The last time I anted in on people judging people, I found out that people really disagreed with my stance and decided to let me know it by judging my article. But I’m here to take another stab at it…
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February 26, 2015
What is marriage? In ancient times, marriage was created as a legal means of acquiring someone else’s property as well as having children as heirs and as helpers to tend flocks and harvest fields. Before present-day religion, people did not…
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Lori Ryan
February 26, 2015
I’m not going to argue right or wrong here. I’m not going to defend or disparage the institution of marriage (well, maybe a little). I’m not going to get into the morality or propriety of homosexuality. I am going to…
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February 26, 2015
Not only should marriage not be a sacred institution between only a man and a woman, legally, it should not be recognized at all. This country was founded on the principle of individual rights, not group rights. No man or…
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Pamela Henderson
February 26, 2015
It is a misconception to say that the world is against any particular group of society.Every one of us who has an individual way of life will have an element of the population that choose not to accept our ways…
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Trisha Nikki
February 26, 2015
Who are we to judge people on their life? If they chose to marry a person of the same sex then we should allow them. Many people believe that it is a sin but aren’t all sins forgiveable? They are…
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R.J Walker
February 26, 2015
The first thing you must understand about being gay is that it is not a disease. Most people confuse being gay with being sick or confused. Most parents do not understand the concept of being gay because they feel embarrassed….
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Tom Parsons
February 26, 2015
In electronics, as in plumbing, there are connectors that are male and connectors that are female. They are designed to fit together to complete a connection. The male connector is designed to fit inside the female connector. Trying to complete…
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Randy Duckworth
February 26, 2015
As with many other relationship issues, this is a question which does not often have a clear and simple answer. There are many different kinds of people, each of whom offer a different opinion on the matter, and no one…
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Anthony Konesky
February 26, 2015
People have been arguing for decades over whether or not sexual orientation can be changed. This is such a heated debate since the answer to such a question would have great social and religious ramifications. Many therapies both religious based…
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February 26, 2015
As a recently turned 50 year old lesbian, I strongly disagree with the notion that marriage should be between a man and a woman. Men and women, these days, find it hard to stay married so why should this privilege…
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Gloria Ridgell
February 26, 2015
Why are people against gay marriages? Let’s see could it be because they are scared of the impact it will have on the world, or maybe they are just a little insecure with their own sexuality. I think so, The…
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Randy Duckworth
February 26, 2015
It happened again! I got another idea for an article from a conversation that I had recently. The other day, I was talking to one of my Internet friends by instant message, and we had the most interesting discussion that…
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Hope Darby
February 26, 2015
Can a person be forced to change genders? To stop breathing oxygen and start inhaling carbon dioxide? How about being forced to get a few inches taller? Shorter? No? Well there you have it. People cannot be forced to change…
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Lynette Alice
February 26, 2015
Being in the United States military is a great sacrifice. Forget about being bounced around from duty station to duty station and the lower than civilian pay for commensurate work. The potential risk of life makes this a truly difficult…
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Amanda Demers
February 26, 2015
Yes, I believe that gays and lesbians should be allowed civil unions. This would allow for same-sex couples (as well as opposite-sex couples who can’t enter into legal marriage for whatever reason) to have most of the legal protections that…
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Richard Zervakos
February 26, 2015
Simply, no. But instead of examining why marriage should be free to anyone who wants it, we should take a look at both who is arguing against it, and why. Opponents of freedom of marriage argue that our society is…
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Susan Peabody
February 25, 2015
In light of Christ’s plea for to us to love one another I wonder why people judge gays and lesbians. Here are my thoughts about Radical Love Mark 12:28. Which is the first commandment of all? Jesus answered him, “The…
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Jason Klepko
February 25, 2015
To deny a person something that is available to other people is not a punishment or discrimination. It’s not a violation of any sort of rights. Marriage is and always has been the term used to define the event and…
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Seth Keipper
February 25, 2015
Yes lets confine marriage to one man and one woman. And while we’re at it “exercise should be a sacred institution for overweight people only’ and ‘Color photography has no appeal to the colorblind’ or what the heck let’s just…
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Evil Mammoth
February 25, 2015
“We are confronted primarily with a moral issue… whether all Americans are to be afforded equal rights and equal opportunities, whether we are going to treat our fellow Americans as we want to be treated.” John F. Kennedy If polling…
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Emily Reed
February 25, 2015
Although gay marriage is legal in several states, it is an enormously controversial topic between politicians in current legislature. High ranking politicians, including President George Bush, want to ban marriage completely between same sex couples. Politicians argue that gay marriage…
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Ann Chin
February 25, 2015
When a spouse comes out: Impact on the heterosexual partner. Jason was young and insensitive. He was the youngest employee in a small trading company. Without thinking, he went around telling the rest in the office, “Pssst! Sam’s wife is…
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Jacob Lickers
February 25, 2015
In the public discourse surrounding the issue of gay and lesbian marriage, in newspapers, magazines, on blogs and talk news programs, I have seen three main arguments deployed against allowing gays and lesbians the same rights to marry. There are…
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