Lynette Alice
March 18, 2015
While the gay community does have many legitimate fears venturing forth in the world, as do many other minority groups, the risks faced by gay persons from online dating are negligible at best in comparison to any other person. The…
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Lynette Alice
March 18, 2015
Who is to define what love is and whom it can be felt for? While some people attempt to do this with great vigor and equally flawed logic there is a universal axiom that love is inexplicable, it is just…
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Kandice Day
March 18, 2015
Science is not proving an evolutionary slide into the gay lifestyle. Science itself is evolving, acceptance is evolving, humanity is evolving, technology is evolving, but there is no proof that more GLTB (gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual) people live today than…
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Lynette Alice
March 18, 2015
Gay hate groups, like any hate group, are a sad portion of America’s landscape. These organizations that are defined by the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) and various watchdog organizations don’t think of themselves as hate groups, rather they prefer…
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Jennifer Ortega
March 18, 2015
Who are we to judge a couple in Love whether it be hetero, bi, or straight. People don’t realize sometimes that we are all unique; we are all entitle to live and love whom ever we want. I might not…
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Lynette Alice
March 18, 2015
The big misconception many people have when discussing whether or not a person chooses to be gay or not is that they assume there is a choice to be made. Being gay is who a person is, it is the…
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P. Zellie
March 18, 2015
Who Are You? I grew up with a little girl next-door who was petite of build but as tough as a tomboy. Like me, she liked to climb trees, have tea parties in the back yard, and make mud pies…
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Megan Stoddard
March 18, 2015
Rights cannot be given. They are inherent. Everyone, no matter their race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or anything else, has the basic right to autonomy and dignity. Legal and social rights merely recognize that inherent right. If a group of…
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Susan Brinkley
March 18, 2015
Marriage should not be legally defined as an institution between only a man and a woman. It is not okay to discriminate against a person based on their sexuality, just as it is not okay to discriminate against them based…
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D. Edward Hughes
March 18, 2015
In today’s society, the pressure of sexuality itself seems to take precedence over all other aspects of the lives of many. And it seems to be, oddly, quite new; as if this had never existed before. An interesting school of…
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Elaine Sihera
March 18, 2015
Same gender marriage…is it okay? Q. What is your stand in same gender marriage? Do you agree that it should be legalized all over the world? A. It is not for me to decide whether someone should get married or…
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Lynette Alice
March 18, 2015
In 1992 the term “gay agenda” entered the public lexicon to describe what some conservative and anti-gay groups felt was a push for the normalization of homsexuality at the expense of heterosexuals. What they considered to be a gay agenda…
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Tyler Jozovich
March 18, 2015
To be gay, straight, bisexual is not a matter in which we have a choice. I am saying this now and holding it to be fact. As Im sure many people would agree, if it were up to them, most…
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Lynette Alice
March 18, 2015
Nowadays gay and lesbian couples and individuals adopting children in need of a home is an ever increasing trend. There is no way to avoid the stark and painful reality that there are simply too many children on the planet…
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Philip Lop
March 18, 2015
Our teenaged years are often a very bittersweet mixture of experiences. Whilst the process of growing up and discovering the world can be tremendously exciting, this is offset against the fact that our bodies are awash with hormones. As teenagers,…
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Dan Stannard
March 18, 2015
Yes. That is the short answer. But as is quite plain to see, it doesn’t fill the minimum of a four hundred word quota, so now I will explain my potentially nonchalant, flippant response. Homosexuality, Heterosexuality, Bisexuality, Pansexuality, Asexuality, All…
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Lynette Alice
March 18, 2015
December 10, 2008 marked the unofficial observance of “Day Without a Gay” day (DWG) in the United States although it was first officially observed on May 15, 2007 with better results. As a very hot new phenomena many people are…
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Barbara Stanley
March 17, 2015
Does everyone have latent bisexual desires? I know that the answer to this question is, “No”. If only one person can truthfully say that he or she has no sexual desire for the same sex, then it can safely be…
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Ginger Kazay
March 17, 2015
Is there such a thing as a “gay agenda”? Of course there is; just go to There is an entire web-site devoted to this subject. But, you may be surprised to find that the “gay agenda” is nothing like…
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Dallas Brown
March 16, 2015
Yes, Marriage should be a sacred institution between only a woman and a man, simply because it already is. Any group of people who seek to divert from this true definition of marriage are like the atheists themselves, people who…
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Jack Roviere
March 16, 2015
In our society, marriage is a classification that bestows the government’s permission in filing taxes jointly (rather than separately), sharing insurance with your significant other, being able to make decisions for your significant other as a family member (rather than…
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Christina Swearengin
March 16, 2015
Some people say that same sex marriages “cheapen the idea of marriage. I think marriage was cheapened a long time ago. When spouses cheat on each other, or completely ignore each other completely, that cheapens marriage. Two people who love…
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Barbara A. Black
March 16, 2015
I’m not sure I would actually go so far as to say that people are born gay, but I would say that some people seem to be gay from early childhood. And many, by the time they are teens, have…
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Matthew Waters
March 16, 2015
While I am opposed to the overall idea of homosexuality, as a Christian who believes that it is a sin, I still find the debate over same-sax marriages to be a difficult one for me. As a Christian, I am…
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Robert Caulder Jr.
March 16, 2015
“Marriage should be a sacred institution between only a woman and a man”. I completly disagree with this statement. I personally dissagree with this statement, and as a gay man i think i speak for alot of us when i…
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Steven Laskoske
March 16, 2015
I think in that the true issue is whether marriage is a sacred institution or a secular institution that is also given by various faiths as a sacrament. In either case, the arguement of marriage being only between a man…
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Lynette Alice
March 16, 2015
It is human nature to want to explore and understand variance in all we see and experience. When it comes to issues such as homosexuality the past century was no different. In fact there were so many studies and so…
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Jack Roviere
March 16, 2015
In the classical model of rhetoric, there are three modes of persuasion: ethos, pathos, and logos. Logos is the appeal to logic and reasoning. Pathos is the appeal to emotion. Ethos is the appeal to personal character or trustworthiness. What…
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Jeffery Cooke
March 16, 2015
293 articles against Marriage between only a man and a woman shows just how far gone our society has gotten. The more our society continues to compromise its morals and lower its standards, the more acceptable things become. Soon all…
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March 16, 2015
I have been married twice and have been known as a serial monogamist. Marriage is very important to me and I think it is a great institution. I have recently been divorced for the second time but I still believe…
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