April 22, 2015
Stereotypes can be so destructive. They falsely give people ideas that just are not true. Lets visit a few I have encountered. First: Gay or Lesbian people are not perverts As a matter of the many Gay and Lesbian I…
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Debbie Todd
April 22, 2015
We live in an age when gay relationships have become acceptable across most spectra of society. This has become possible because so many prominent public figures who are gay have been totally open about their sexuality. These people have been…
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April 22, 2015
Telling your parents that you are gay is probably the hardest thing I have ever done. In my case it was my mother I told and she took it rather well, actually better than I had expected. We all desire…
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Bruce L. Eaton
April 22, 2015
All of us supporting the legal rights of same-sex couples to be protected by federal law owe a great debt to those people writing for the “No” team. When the top ranked articles are repeating the threadbare “Adam and Steve”…
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Joey Stanton
April 22, 2015
Completely disagree with the statement marriage should be only between man and women. I suppose next you’ll be reminding us all that homosexuality is a sin according to the Christian bible? This leads me to ask you, why do people…
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Green Crest
April 21, 2015
Assuming that you believe in the Bible, then you must accept that marriage must be a sacred union only between a man and a woman. If you don’t, you can have as many ideas about marriage as you want. No…
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Author Name Withheld 333
April 21, 2015
People oppose gay marriage because they think it’s icky or because they’re afraid of the possibility of being gay. These, of course, are not the publicly stated reasons. Christians have come up with several contrived positions on the issue so…
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ll andersen
April 21, 2015
Keeping marriage a sacred institution between only a man and a woman in America is a discriminatory practice. What is the reason America allows this discrimination? Why would 300+ million people who live in a country infamously known for its…
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April 21, 2015
Hello. I am introducing myself to you as a woman who has been married to a man and in a “straight” relationship for almost ten years, a divorcee with a son who is approaching twelve years old, and my current…
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Jason Billingsley
April 15, 2015
Marriage, as an institution, was created to preserve bloodlines and inheritance. These are the only criteria universal in the history of marriage. It is the very reason that marriage was created. It was not created to segregate, ostracize, or alienate…
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B. Ann Patterson
April 15, 2015
Marriage should not be a sacred institution between only a woman and a man. I believe that any two persons of marrying age should have the same advantages that any man and woman can have in America just by purchasing…
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Michael Greaney
April 15, 2015
The whole question of what constitutes a “marriage” is deeply rooted in our modern confusion over what “society” itself is. Typically, an adherent of marriage as a religious institution will assert passages in a holy book, such as the Bible,…
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Stacia Elizabeth Whitbeck
April 14, 2015
Denying homosexuals the rights and benefits of marriage is a form of punishment for sexual orientation. It sends the message that if homosexuals insist on marrying, they are not going to be recognized in our society as a valid married…
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Amanda Keller
April 14, 2015
We all know that being gay is a genetic thing, as proven by all those gay sheep turned hetero for breeding purposes. We also know this because nobody in their right mind would choose to be part of a minority…
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Jen Kerlin
April 14, 2015
Perhaps the question that we should be asking is, “Why does the government of the United States of America have the right to decide who is allowed to form a sacred union?” This country was founded with the idea of…
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Lynn Metz - 89829
April 14, 2015
For many, this really should be one of the greatest examples of stating the obvious, or put another way, why is this idea even being called into question as a debate issue? Of course, with the new social agendas confronting…
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Amanda Parish
April 14, 2015
As a species, humans have always been suspicious and fearful of difference and variation. It is how we balance the probability of having a safe experience or having a harmful experience. This in-born trait was, and continues to be, necessary…
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Joseph Whalen
April 14, 2015
Being a heterosexual male raised in a very traditional household I think most people expect me to take the traditional path on this question and espouse the virtues of a marriage of a man and a woman. However, being a…
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Ron N.
April 14, 2015
Is That All! Society dictates for many how we live or identify ourselves; I fell into this category of acceptable social identity. I can remember back to the fifth grade, I wanted to kiss my best friend more than any…
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Mr. Discourse
April 14, 2015
There are 2 points to my disagreement. First, protection of freedom is an absolute or it is hollow. Second, homosexuals are either equal or they are not. A point of clarification. Marriage, as far as the government is concerned, is…
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Camille Lovett
April 14, 2015
To demonstrate that Gay/Lesbian citizens of the USA are entitled to all rights, privileges, protections, immunities, and liberties accorded to every citizen, we need look no further than our own Constitution. This is the Preamble: We the people of the…
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Hank Stallings
April 14, 2015
You know what? I was going to read some of the existing entries under this subject, but I think I should go with what I think first. Being gay as a choice…grrrrrr! It makes the hair stand out on the…
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April 14, 2015
Being a gay teen, I can personally say that it is never easy. Being gay at any age is never easy. You will always face criticism and discrimination and harassment. Whether it be at school, walking down the street, or…
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Ron N.
April 14, 2015
Mistaken Identity Today I accept myself as being gay; my wife being in agreement qualifies me as being predominantly accepted. There is a greater need for myself to be content with which I am, and then my loved ones play…
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Mrs. R.
April 14, 2015
The Bible says “Adam and Eve”, not Adam and Steve. That’s the most common defense I’ve heard in the ever controversial subject of gay marriage. The Bible also mentions something about adultery, something like Thou Shalt Not…, I’m sure you’ve…
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April 14, 2015
Why is it anyone’s right to judge and choose who someone can fall in love with? If someone who is so petty as to care so much about how another person chooses to live their life, they are: Insecure with…
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Elizabeth Williams - 360981
April 14, 2015
America is going through a revolution that will not only affect its occupants but can ultimately lead to the annihilation of mankind. Looking up to God with panic plastered on its face (like a dog that has bit the hands…
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Stephanie Brown - 378996
April 14, 2015
I am continually saddened by the fact that although this country has long been known as “the land of opportunity”, that opportunity continues to only be afforded to certain individuals. Whether or not the current administration would have you believe…
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Nicki Marks
April 14, 2015
Imagine your perfect wedding day. You look amazing, the guests are buzzing with excitement, and everything is going according to plan. You walk down the aisle glowing with pride. Then, just as you reach the end, you realize the person…
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B.D. Bolin
April 13, 2015
As a gay man, the struggle to acheive acceptance in a society currently polluted by bigots hiding behind the shield of “religion” is something I live with every day. Every day, someone judges me based on my sexual orientation. Every…
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