
Vitamins for Beautiful Skin

Diet, genetics and the environment all influence the appearance of your skin. There are many beauty products on the market that promise to promote beautiful, healthy skin. People have turned to topical products, regular exercise and a balanced diet to…
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Reasons for Breast Swelling

The breasts undergo cycles of growth and development in response to circulating hormones. Tissues within the breast are designed to facilitate milk production and lactation during and after pregnancy, and help support and shape the structure of the breast. Breast…
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Herbs to Increase Bust Size

No clinical trials have evaluated the safety or efficacy of herbal products for increasing breast size. Mayo Clinic’s Dr. Sandhya Pruthi warns that these products may cause unanticipated side effects, including drug interactions and an increased risk of breast cancer….
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Infant Eye Diseases

Vision plays a big role in an infant’s perception of the world. While eye diseases are relatively rare in infants, they do exist, and if left untreated can lead to permanent eye damage or even blindness. Eye exams are an…
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Mullein Tea

Overview Mullein tea is a medicinal beverage made from the common mullein plant, a member of the figwort family. Mullein is an invasive weed in the United States, where it easily overtakes native shrubs and wildflowers and is difficult to…
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Remedies for Gas Pain

Gas pain can stem from eating too quickly, eating particular foods, emotional stress, certain medications or digestive problems. According to the Mayo Clinic, anything that causes gas may trigger gas pain, which builds up when a person isn’t able to…
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Reasons for Bloody Noses

The lining of the nose contains many tiny blood vessels that lie close to the surface and damage easily. Consequently, many injuries, drugs and diseases can cause a bloody nose, also called epistaxis. Dr. D.J. Pallin, in “Annals of Emergency…
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Ear Infection Remedies

According to the National Library of Medicine, an ear infection is inflammation of the middle ear, which is located just behind the ear drum. Ear infections are the most common reason children are taken to a pediatrician, according to….
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About Marked Thrombocytopenia

Overview Blood consists of different types of cells with different functions. When activated, the blood cells known as thrombocytes, or platelets, stop internal bleeding by clumping together to plug leaks in blood vessels. Platelets are continuously produced, as they live…
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