How to Prevent Split Ends
The hair shafts can be easily damaged through a lot of every day activities that you aren’t even aware of. If you can learn to prevent split ends, you can have healthy hair. Here are a few tips on how…
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The hair shafts can be easily damaged through a lot of every day activities that you aren’t even aware of. If you can learn to prevent split ends, you can have healthy hair. Here are a few tips on how…
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Many people would like long, strong healthy hair. There are so many products on the market that cater to hair care and so many ads in magazines and commercials promising to provide moisture, stop breakage and promote strong healthy hair…
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There is a common misconception that African American women cannot grow long hair. The truth is “kinky-textured” hair can grow very long it just requires a little more care than other hair types. Not only are there less cuticle…
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You may have dry hair as a result of too much washing, blow drying, straightening, using hot rollers or poor quality color treatments. To restore your hair’s health and lustre, try some home remedies. They are cheaper than what you…
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When it comes to thin hair many women are fighting what seems to be an endless battle in order to get thicker hair, however little did they know that its the small things that count not the expensive treatments. Here…
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Preparing your own shampoos is at a greater advantage than store bought and is much easier than you think. Imagine all the chemicals that you put into your hair when you shampoo with store bought shampoos like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate…
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Beautiful hair is an indication of good health and vitality. In today’s world, we encounter a number of enemies in the form of elements that affect the health and appearance of hair. Dead ends occur with chemical processing, shampoos, heated…
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A few months ago, I celebrated my tenth year as a hairstylist. As a reflected on my decade in the beauty industry, I sat down and calculated how many haircuts I had performed in that time. I estimated that throughout…
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Hair can suffer serious damage from heat acting on it. Heat damage can come from the sun, from using a dryer or other hair styling methods. Knowing how to protect hair from heat damage is essential to keeping it beautiful…
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The most important thing to realize about hair extensions is that they are a commitment. The cost, the time it takes to apply them and the maintenance required should all be things that are considered before you decide to get…
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In order to get long hair to grow faster, you should always keep in mind that it takes a lot of time to grow, but if you take the time to take care of your hair the right way, you…
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Beauty is often about creating an illusion. We choose the clothes we wear or the makeup we wear in order to make us look thinner, younger, taller, or different than we really are. Hair presents a great opportunity to create…
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The BEST Straighteners Are NO Straighteners Growing up, my hair was always fluffy with bits going this way and that. As I entered adolescence, hairspray became my first line of defense and eventually my mother considered me responsible enough to…
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I have wavy/frizzy hair. So i know why you are asking this. It is just so difficult to straighten hair, especially when it’s thick ! But you are in luck. After straightening my hair so many times I found something…
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The hair on our head is there to protect us. It helps to shield us from the sun, and to keep us warm by stopping heat from escaping from our bodies too quickly. Why then, are some of us so emotionally…
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Your hair is just like the rest of your body. You need vitamins and nutrients to help stay healthy so does your hair. You need sunshine to keep your spirits high, your hair needs it to shine. You need water…
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Homemade hair products are gaining popularity, primarily because of their effectiveness, convenience, and low cost. Why spend a fortune on drugstore products, when there are natural alternatives that will deliver great results? Caring for your hair at home doesn’t need…
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The first thing to think about when you think of caring for your child’s hair is caring for their scalp. It is extremely important to make sure that your child’s scalp has protection from the sun, since your scalp does…
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Once, and hopefully it’s just once, everyone gets the “haircut from hell!” The stylist cutting your hair may have been new, or they were having a really bad day. There could have been a lack of communication between you and…
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As I get older, I have become more and more cynical about the marketing that surrounds shampoos and conditioners – I find the best way to keep my hair in good condition is to use any old shampoo and a…
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A common misconception about oily hair is that it is caused by an oily scalp. The exact opposite is usually true. A dry scalp causes the oil glands in the scalp to produce more oil, and once on the scalp,…
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‘If your hair is dry and damaged, this is like an oasis in the desert. Parched hair drinks up the moisture and reveals everyday shine. Miracle Moist may not change your life, but it’s a good start!’ I just love…
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My daughters enjoy the best of two cultures in having a white mother and a black father. However, this combination did not come without its troubles. The most notable trouble surprisingly turned out to be their bi-racial hair. Hours have…
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Glorious locks – this is one of the beauty gauge we like having. Our hair does speaks volume, literally speaking. It reflects the good genes a person has and how one takes proper care on it. Healthy hair also translates…
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Trying to achieve healthy, great-looking hair may seem complicated, confusing, and frustrating. but it doesn’t need to be. With a little effort, and a bit of trial-and-error, you can have the hair you’ve always wanted. Here are some tips on the best…
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“But if you cut your hair, it’ll grow faster,” said my client to her resistant daughter. “Isn’t that right?” she asked me. She raised her eyebrows to indicate that I should play along. We both knew it was a lie….
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Uh oh. Either you stuck your head in a bowl of rice or those are some strange white flakes falling off your head. Two things pop into your mind: dandruff and lice. Neither is a prime candidate that one would “love” to have, so…
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Hair can be a very touchy subject for Black women. From early on we have been taught to go to the extreme to take good care of our hair. At four, my mom applied a relaxer to my long, overwhelming…
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Hair straightening, coloring, commercial shampoos and conditioners, excessive blow drying and a poor diet are all factors that can damage your hair. To restore your hair lustre and strength you might want to try these home remedies before rushing to…
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Many haircare products claim that they can repair split ends, but ask any reputable hairstylist and they will tell you that the only way to get rid of split ends is to cut them off. Regular haircuts help prevent hair…
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