Brittany Greek
April 12, 2015
Growing your hair out sounds easy, But when it begins taking longer than expected or doesnt seem to be growing anymore, step back and look at the big picture. Breakage and split ends are the #1 reason why people cant…
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Kristen Moore
April 11, 2015
Every woman desires a beautiful head of hair. In fact, nice hair is essential to every look. Beautiful hair may come in various different shapes and sizes, but it always shares one common factor – it is healthy. There are…
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Maffew James
April 11, 2015
Hipster hair styles are currently one of the most fashionable and trendy new looks. They are an edgy and sleek blend of modern technique and 1950s flair, and are fairly easy to maintain and style. It is this ease of…
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Eva Perry
April 11, 2015
Healthy, hair growth depends on the essential benefits that vitamins can bring. When the body’s system is depleted of essential vitamins, the strength and growth of your hair may suffer, resulting in unwanted hair loss. Some of the best vitamins that…
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Michelle Hicks
April 11, 2015
There are many different factors leading to thinning hair or hair loss. The most common reasons are due to heredity, stress and poor nutrition. Whatever may be the cause of your thinning hair or hair loss, there are vitamins that…
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Jess Shanahan
April 11, 2015
The emo culture not only comes with distinctive music but also with an individual style. The hair style is always an important part of getting any look correct. A basic emo style would be dark, fairly short at the back,…
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Alexander J Browning
April 11, 2015
What is Emo? Wikipedia defines Emo as “a style of rock music which describes several independent variations of music with common stylistic roots.” But Emo has come to be so much more than music. It means “emotive” or “to display…
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Kathy Soltani
April 11, 2015
Want a hairstyle that is dramatic, theatrical and different? Do you want to convey a message through your appearance? If you want a hairstyle that can be more than a “look,” why not try an Emo hairstyle? These cutting edge…
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Amy Millis
April 11, 2015
Emo hair expresses your character and what you felt like at the time you changed hair-styles. It is far from the “normal” look. Emo hair often expresses the “all over the place” emo attitude; being adventurous, creative, daring, bold and…
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Marlin Bressi
April 11, 2015
At one time or another most of us have been on the receiving end of a hair salon disaster. Sometimes these mishaps are easy to fix, while other times they are not. When a hairstylist butchers your hair, here is…
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claire coshan
April 11, 2015
The ponytail is no longer the domain of the little girl or the cheerleader, style has reclaimed the ponytail as its own and brought it back into fashion again. It is no longer a quit fix for when we can not be…
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Joy Cressler
April 11, 2015
My school pictures show a girl with crystal blue eyes and hair in full distress. She has silky dishwater blond hair kinked tight with super-strength Lilt perms interspersed with whiskery stubble jutting from her scalp like new vegetation after a…
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Kristina Adams
April 11, 2015
So you want a new hairstyle, but don’t know what will suit you? Well it goes like this…there are several basic face shapes and these include: round, oval, heart (wider forehead than chin), square, triangle (wider jaw than forehead) and…
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Maffew James
April 11, 2015
Texturisation adds depth and style to a haircut. It is through the use of texturisation that hair can be given a choppy layered look, a shaggy appearance, or pointed tips. It is also used to add volume, lift, and the…
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Marlin Bressi
April 11, 2015
When it comes to coloring hair, mixing the color properly is a very important step. Improper mixing can result in a variety of unpleasant consequences, such as unsatisfactory grey coverage, premature fading of color, and a final result that may…
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Alicia Black
April 11, 2015
You wake up one morning and look in the mirror with complete horror. You’re hair is falling out and for no good reason. You panic wondering, why all a sudden? What brought this on? You are not alone. Many other…
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Darian Peters
April 11, 2015
Common baldness, where the hair on the head thins gradually over time, is caused by a condition known as androgenic alopecia. A more familiar term for it is male pattern baldness. It effects adult males, although rarer forms of alopecia…
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S. Farmer
April 11, 2015
Male Pattern Baldness, or Common Baldness (also known as Androgenetic Alopecia) is caused by the hormone DHT – dihydrotestosterone. The life of a hair goes through three phases: anagen, catagen, and telogen. The anagen, or growth stage can last up…
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Jane Allyson
April 11, 2015
It is a common fallacy that Androgenetic alopecia otherwise known as common baldness or male pattern baldness is a genetically linked condition that is passed down through the maternal side of the family. However, new evidence has showed that this…
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Darian Peters
April 11, 2015
There are a number of possible approaches to hair restoration. At the moment there are only two FDA approved drug treatments. One of these drugs is Finasteride, which has been shown to maintain or increase hair count in 83% of…
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Dr Pandula Siribaddana
April 11, 2015
Hair loss is a burning issue and its prevention is a hot topic in many of the medical forums dedicated to men. In many instances, loosing hair towards late 50s and 60s seems to be acceptable as natural and many…
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Darian Peters
April 11, 2015
Dihydrotesterone (DHT) is a hormone of the androgenic class of compounds implicated in the development of masculine characteristics and their maintenance. It is a particularly potent substance, indeed three times as potent as testosterone. It contributes to the deepening of…
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Bridget Webber
April 11, 2015
If you have thin hair, perhaps due to actual hair loss, or just because your hair is very fine, there are ways to make your hair look thicker. Realistically, it isn’t really possible to make each strand of hair appear…
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Kevin Bradley
April 11, 2015
There are many cute and easy hairstyles suitable for school. Normally it is parents that choose the hairstyle and therefore most parents opt for styles easy to maintain. This usually means simple haircuts that require no products and minimal accessories…
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Darian Peters
April 11, 2015
There are a variety of treatments for hair loss. At the moment there are only two FDA approved drug treatments. One of these is Finasteride, which has been shown to maintain or increase hair count in 83% of cases. 80%…
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Vicky Ann Smith
April 11, 2015
Receding hair lines, bald patches worry the majority of us at some point in our lives; hair is part of our vanity whether we grow it long, cut it short or shave it off, it is a symbol of our…
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Pauline Abreu
April 11, 2015
Men not only want to feel cool in the summer, but they want to look great at the same time. One way to look good and keep the heat at bay is to have a haircut that is in keeping…
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claire coshan
April 11, 2015
People think that having long hair is brilliant, you get to choose from a whole array of styles when you want to put it up for a special occasion such as the prom. But it can be a nightmare having…
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April 11, 2015
“The grass is always greener on the other side” is a saying that applies to just about everything. Why would curly hair be any different? While I’m sure I’ll covet thick, curly hair when I get older, right now I…
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Maryam Idris
April 11, 2015
After a long tiring day, you slump down onto the couch and look at the remote, so close yet so far. You reach for it, and then just sigh and lay back, recalling the day’s hectic events. Your boss had…
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