Friends and Peers
Christa Banchs
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
Being a best friend Friendship isn’t easy. It takes time. You have to develop the friendship, nurture it and take care of it just like you do any relationship. There’s an old song about friendship, it goes “Make new friends…
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August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
A one-sided friendship will leave you feeling used and unloved. In order for a friendship to last there must be give and take from both sides. Friendship is defined as a person attached to another by feelings of affection or…
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August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
Best friends are those who are there for you even when you do not realize you need them. While wanting to have someone there for you when you most need them, it is important to remember that this kind of…
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Olivia Bredbenner
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
Your friend is sitting in the corner of the room,she is not he usual self,you are late for class,but you linger a moment longer,you have decided to run over and see her,she has tears in her eyes,you listen to her…
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Ganelle Davis
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
An offensive comment or remark may have offended your friend. The friend, making the comment may not even be aware the comment was offensive to the friend. In any event, a friend should want to apologize and reconcile the friendship….
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Michael Havens
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
The first thing that happens in a normal day is that a blaring noise awakens you from your slumber. You then stumble into the kitchen for your morning cup of coffee and perhaps breakfast (if you have the time) before…
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Olivia Bredbenner
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
Picture this, it is the end of your school day,you are surrounded by other friends of your age,that are in a united group,sharing all the interesting stories of the day. Maybe,laughing about the funny thing that happened to a mutual…
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Amber Richards
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
LISTENING EARS, AN OPEN MIND, AND A GREAT BIG HEART! These are just a few things you may posses is you are a good friend. More importantly, you may posses these qualities if you are a GREAT friend. In this…
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Jim White - 320045
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
Finding time for friends can be a challenge. With jobs, bills, school, kids, cooking, cleaning and any other activity that takes up a decent chunk of our time, friends are often put aside for another time. Problem is, this time…
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Nick Bulka
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
Of course it is obvious that someone likes you if they make an effort to hang out with you and say nice things to you. This is borderline common sense. However, humans may not always have the best motives in…
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Aysha Sidiq
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
The relation between best friends is almost like the one between family members born as siblings. Having such a strong bond definitely calls of reliability in almost all situations. Below are 10 quick tips to remind you what friendship may…
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Amreen Bi
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
You may not have meant it, but your friend is offended by something you said or did. So what do you do now? There are plenty of things that you can do to recover your friendship and patch things up….
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Christine G.
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
Everyone has the same amount of time. You can’t make it, find it, or hoard it. How you spend it depends on your priorities. When you bemoan the fact that you don’t have time for your friends, what you are really bemoaning is the fact that you…
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Ren Diman
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
For the sake of time and space and the fact that many of the articles have touched on the main issues concerning platonic friends, I will just say to those who have platonic friends and either are themselves married or…
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J Dawkins
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
Good friendship counts! Being a good friend is not just about having a good time with others, it’s also about how willing you are to put your friends first or point out when they’re doing something you don’t agree with….
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Brandon Ness
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
So you’re here to learn how to be someone’s best friend. Truth is, I’m probably the world’s worst friend. In fact, I only have one friend, and we’re both jerks. Hold on, there; don’t click away from this article just…
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Effie Moore Salem
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
If you rush to your friends aid when they need help then you are indeed a good friend; if you hear gossip about your friends that is untrue you speak up in their defense you are a good friend. You…
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August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
If you have a sneaking suspicion that somebody likes you, here are some ways you can confirm it: -They seem to hang around you more often than usual. They might catch up with you between classes, even if their next…
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Elizabeth M Young
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
True friendships are entitled to as much unconditional love as family relationships are. There is a guarantee that there will be irritations, offenses and times when the survival of the friendship may be threatened. A true friendship develops over time…
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Can Tran
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
As a person that values friendship above a lot of things, I have found that there many ways for a teen to tell if s/he is a good friend or not. A good friend will disagree with you when the…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
Have you ever heard the expression “fair weather friends” ? What this actually means is friends who are there when things are going well. These are the party animals, or the people who want to reap the benefit of your…
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Wayne Leon Learmond
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
In this day and age it is very hard – indeed rare – to come across genuine friends. In all walks of life there are people who are crying out for a friend, someone who will take the time to…
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Sara W.
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
We all want to have good, quality friendships. We look for people whom we can trust and with whom we can share our deepest secrets. We all want that special someone that we can call our “BFF”. But have you…
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Patrick Sills
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
When you stop to think about it, a question of whether or not those of opposite genders can be “just friends” is rather silly. Of course, men and women can be just friends! With perhaps the exception of male cave…
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Shelly Blomker
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
A real friend is someone that will listen to you. Someone that you can trust with all your secrets. A kind of friend that will always be there to help you out with the hard times you may go through….
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Heidi Poakeart
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
To Us ~It was a chilling mid December morning. My heart beat intensely at 4:00, as I could not sleep and knew the sound of my alarm would be going off in fifteen minutes. I was quite apprehensive about what…
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Kris Koments
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
Being a real friend is sometimes a thankless job, hinging on ethics and at other times swings from a hopelessly thin string of trust, faith and hope. Not only is it tough being a real friend, it’s almost near impossible…
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Paul Lines
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
What are the challenges of maintaining friendships as an introvert? Actually, for those of us who can be described as introverts the challenges starts in making friends in the first place. If one is naturally a shy person, the automatic…
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Christopher Kendalls
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
It’s cool to be friends with attractive girls, for a few different reasons. For one you inevitably get to a place in life where you stop trying to be with the most attractive girl in your path and attempt to…
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Michael .A. Hurst
August 27, 2014
Friends and Peers
Being a ‘good’ friend depends on your morals, values and idea of friends and friendships. If you think about the type of friends you have and how much they respect you and other people and find that they are ‘good’…
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