Friends and Peers
Megan Duncan
April 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
It’s movie night with the trimmings of beer, pizza, hot wings, a little more beer, and then a little more beer. The romantic comedy you rented is just getting funnier by the moment, and you look over at your buddy…
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Joan Inong
April 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
Everybody is different, so it should be no surprise that not everybody will get along. Partners, in particular, will have to balance their romantic relationships as well as their friendships. Sometimes, a partner may not get along with his or…
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Joan Inong
April 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
Friendships, like all other relationships, can be good or bad. A toxic friendship is not just a simple bad one, because it is destructive to both friends involved. However, not all toxic relationships are inherently that way. With enough dedication…
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Andrea-Lee Peters
April 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
What is relationship? A relationship can be with anyone, a parent, a sibling, a friend or a lover. All these relationships can be good, bad or questionable. A good relationship with anyone makes you feel happy. Happy to spend time…
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Ann E. Smith
April 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
It’s a question that has been debated for centuries: what makes people happy? According to a recent article on, “The happiest people surround themselves with family and friends, don’t care about keeping up with the Joneses next door, lose…
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Paul Schingle
April 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
Being that we are a nation that prides itself on the individuality of its citizenry, I find this an odd question. Don’t get me wrong. I know how important it can be to try and fit it-when you’re a teenager….
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Jenna Pope
April 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
* Becoming a Mom * When a woman begins having children, she goes through a transitional period where she feels alienated from her friends. Suddenly, her life revolves around being a mother, and – for awhile – everything else takes…
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Darcey Lee
April 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
When you do not like your partner’s friends, what can you do? The discomfort that comes along with not liking your partner’s friends can be overwhelming. Although your relationship may be a good one, as soon as the phone rings…
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Erica Michaelson
April 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
Are you experiencing an act of betrayal? If this violation of trust has occurred in your life, here are some thoughts about betrayal, how it can effect people, and what we can learn about betrayal that can make us better….
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Krissi Lyn Mazon
April 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
I’m not what society would consider an “open- minded” individual. This lack of label is do to the fact that I expect a certain code of behavior, which my mom often referred to as I grew up as “Common Decency”….
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Tanu Bhandari
April 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
In this long journey of life, we come across several people, right from childhood, school and college classmates, colleagues at workplace, or even neighbors, some turn out to be good friends, while others just acquaintances. In today’s fast paced lifestyle…
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Fayyaz Khan
April 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
If you feel that people do not like you as much as you want them to like you, then do not worry. Here are six steps to get people to like you. 1. START LIKING PEOPLE: It is impossible for…
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Robert Bruton
April 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
As a teen you are bombarded with advice from adults. Lot’s of which may sound preaching or nagging. But all given the largest majority of the time with love, although at the time may not seem like it. Parents often…
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Rose Conrad
April 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
Can you imagine a life without friends? Wouldn’t it be empty and lonely? In many cases, friendships last longer than a lot of marriages and live-in relationships, so looking at it that way, I think it is clear that friendships…
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Shelly Barclay
April 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
The friends in our lives are, in many ways, a second family. Good friends are there for you when you need them, can tell when you’re not in a great mood and know when to try to cheer you up…
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Angela Graffam
April 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
Some of the biggest joys in life are derived from our relationships. Whether the relationships are with friends, family, co-workers, or romantic partners, people benefit from cooperative, social interaction. Human beings are social by nature, out of necessity as well…
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Michelle Yim
April 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
Friendship is like glass; it can be pretty, but so fragile. Friendship can be between two people, or many, but either way, people have emotions, and emotions can lead to break ups. One of the simplest things that break up…
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Toni Doswell
April 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
A person is given only a few good true friends in life. Theseare golden treasures, more valuable than money. Because theyare treasures, they must be treated with great respect andcare. The only way to maintain a friendship is to see…
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Melinda Glover
April 22, 2015
Friends and Peers
Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. It’s a chant we have all heard, and probably even said, at one point or another in our lives, without even considering the impact of the statement….
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Sam E. Jones
April 22, 2015
Friends and Peers
It might seem that being a good friend is easy; all you have to do is hang around your friends and talk to them when they’re there. How hard can that be? It’s not that being a good friend has…
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Jose Astorga
April 22, 2015
Friends and Peers
A sharp tongue slices deeper than the sharpest knife. What happens when we argue and forget to communicate, as I call it, empathically? What causes us to grieve for ourselves deeper than we could ever grieve for anyone else, except…
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Blessed Sia
April 22, 2015
Friends and Peers
Friendship is not something that you can impose nor insist, that is why we don’t choose the person we become friends with. Maybe, we choose the people we meet or spend time with but the process of friendship is not…
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Tami Gorby - 565642
April 22, 2015
Friends and Peers
Losing someone that you had considered to not only be a friend to you but your best friend is a tough situation to get over, but as time goes by you will get over it and maybe even learn from…
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Leslie Trotter
April 22, 2015
Friends and Peers
There is nothing you wouldn’t do for a dear friend, and to learn that your friend just had surgery and will be laying up in a hospital bed for some time has made you realize one thing, and that is…
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Simeon Henry
April 22, 2015
Friends and Peers
For a teenager, it may be difficult to tell when you’re being controlled by peer pressure, and in most cases the realization comes to surface after the damage has been done. Once you hit a certain age, it becomes a…
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Tami Gorby - 565642
April 22, 2015
Friends and Peers
There’s no doubt in my mind that men and women can be just friends and not only just friends but best friends as well. You know how you think of your brother? I mean you love him, trust him, and…
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David Greenwell
April 22, 2015
Friends and Peers
Friends come and friends go, but the one thing you’ll always want them to remember is that you were a good friend as well as a good listener. That you were someone with an open ear, someone they themselves could…
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Ceinna Childers
April 21, 2015
Friends and Peers
Imagine this: A perfect stranger walks up behind you, taps you on the shoulder and introduces themselves. They tell you their name, age, address, marital status, occupation, hobbies and introduce you to their spouse and children all in one fell…
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Leslie Trotter
April 21, 2015
Friends and Peers
Your two best friends who happens to be married has announced at your dinner party that they are getting a divorce and now you feel as though your world has been shattered just as if they both are two of…
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Grace Angel
April 21, 2015
Friends and Peers
There are many ways to cheer up a friend when they are having a difficult day, or a string of bad days. Most friends go through difficult situations on a regular basis. It can be easier to get through a…
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