Friends and Peers
Doreen Martel
June 23, 2015
Friends and Peers
You were just told that your friend is going into the hospital for a mastectomy. Without even thinking you tell her that you will come to her home and stay with her following the surgery. It just comes out of…
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Dolores Moore
June 23, 2015
Friends and Peers
There must be one hundred or more reasons for being unforgiving, but the most important one, when it is acceptable not to forgive, has got to be betrayal. Being betrayed usually encompasses feelings of loss, mistrust, hurt and anger, and…
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Nadia Ghanny
June 23, 2015
Friends and Peers
REVISED MARCH 21ST, 2011: Socialization in human’s beings is an important and intricate aspect of our evolutionary and psychological growth. During our school years we tend to socialize more and have larger circles of peers. However, as we mature into…
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Margaret Paul Ph.D.
June 23, 2015
Friends and Peers
What if there really is ONE major cause of relationship problems, one issue that if you address, would change everything? The good news and the bad news is – there is! The good news is that it makes it easier…
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Charlie Wolfe
June 18, 2015
Friends and Peers
How many of us have had someone that we called a “friend” turn out to be someone we shouldn’t have trusted. How many of us have been misled, lied to, lied about, manipulated and hurt beyond repair? I have called…
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Paul Schingle
June 17, 2015
Friends and Peers
Now this title fits perfectly under the sub-thread it’s a part of-“Friendship Drama and Issues.” We’re talking friendship, right? This isn’t ending a long-term relationship. This isn’t a divorce. This isn’t the end of a love affair. This is a…
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Barry Williams
June 17, 2015
Friends and Peers
You must really be desperate if you need to read an article on how to make friends. Who are you? Are you some sort of hermit with a personality problem? Do people run from you when you approach them? How…
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Jo Ann Wentzel
June 17, 2015
Friends and Peers
One of the healthiest resolutions is to attempt to make new friends in the New Year. To increase friends means to increase social life, enjoyment, and happiness. Making friends comes so easy for some people, but is much more difficult…
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Laura Leigh Fields
June 17, 2015
Friends and Peers
Since the beginning of time, women have competed against each other. It is hard to understand why. Perhaps, we just fill driven to be the best. We want don’t want to be out shined. We want to be number one…
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Cody Hodge
June 17, 2015
Friends and Peers
What is the difference between a good friend, and a toxic friend? Most have had some good friends, and many have had bad friends. So what makes good friends so good, and bad friends so bad? It all comes down…
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Terry Donelson
June 17, 2015
Friends and Peers
CAN MEN AND WOMEN BE FRIENDS? The first thought that comes to my mind when asked this question is: Define friends. For the purpose of this discussion, and for the sake of simplicity, let’s start by defining friendship as a…
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Dolores Moore
June 17, 2015
Friends and Peers
Some people might say that “sorry” is the hardest word. Losing a good friend by not expressing regret for having hurt them is even harder. There is a lot at stake, because a good friend is to be valued and…
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David Aaron White
June 17, 2015
Friends and Peers
We’d all like to think that the people we think are our friends actually care about us. We want to feel as if we’re important enough for at least one person to give up his or her time for us….
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Sammy Stein
June 17, 2015
Friends and Peers
Friendship is the same the world over. Your friends are those who you know will be there when everything crumbles or when you just need a friendly face to talk to but how we define friendship is different the world…
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Ibrahim Olanrewaju
June 17, 2015
Friends and Peers
Peer Pressure is the psychological pressure exerted on an individual by members of the person’s peer group to partake in act, or adopt a certain code of conduct – usually a bad one. It’s very common amongst teenagers and youths…
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Joseph Wardy
June 17, 2015
Friends and Peers
“‘ Are Internet friends real friends” is a question of culture and when a person was born, For people born after the computer revolution, Internet friends are real as this generation has been raised with the idea of gadgets (…
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Marcy Burlock
June 17, 2015
Friends and Peers
The age old question of what makes a friend weighs more on the mind now than at any other time in history. During this difficult economic time when we are spending less and going out less, we tend to rely…
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Miranda Ward
June 17, 2015
Friends and Peers
Everyone needs a friend, a true friend at that but, what exactly is a true friend? You can never really know what true friendship is unless you have it, or get a taste of it. There I was sitting at…
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Latasha Hendrix
June 17, 2015
Friends and Peers
A true Friend is someone who listens to you when you have sad stories to tell about your boyfriend who just cheated on you or something like that. A true friend will of course chastise you and tell you what’s…
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Angela Diggs
June 17, 2015
Friends and Peers
When it comes to surviving hosting house guests it is clearly about having patience and understanding. At times it can become stressful if you have unrealistic expectations for how things will work out. It helps to keep in mind that…
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June 17, 2015
Friends and Peers
I watch in silence as a group of seventh grade girls chat with each other excitedly. Two more girls walk up to the group, their greetings attempting to open the group’s door. The conversation subsides slightly and strained, uncomfortable phrases…
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Laura Leigh Fields
June 17, 2015
Friends and Peers
Someone once shared an interesting view on friendship with me. They said a true friend would be the one to bail you out of trouble, but a best friend will be sitting right there in trouble with you. I thought…
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Rachel Skinner
June 17, 2015
Friends and Peers
Flaky or genuine? I have a mixture of both. Age, community, religion and common interests all determine who we will invite into our personal inner friendship circle. I have friends that know all of my secrets and I have friends…
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Michelle Wilkinson
June 16, 2015
Friends and Peers
Whether you think a friend needs to lose weight or not, it is not your place to tell them. You may want the best for your friend and feel that complete honesty is the best way to go about it,…
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June 16, 2015
Friends and Peers
Living with other people is a challenge, as you both have to adjust to each other’s habits and general lifestyle. Contrary to what is widely believed, living with someone does not require special skills, but an understanding of some basic…
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Laura Fellows
June 16, 2015
Friends and Peers
First off, nothing ever gets solved when you run and hide from it. Communication is THE key to any and every relationship. I have been acquainted with people who seem to shut a person out of their life once that…
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Holly Trout
June 16, 2015
Friends and Peers
We all grow up with certain people in our lives who we consider to be family, not just friends. We’ve come to know almost everything about one another. What they like and don’t like, what makes them laugh and what…
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Eugene Pitout
June 16, 2015
Friends and Peers
I suppose the size of your friendship group depends on your stages of development in life. Are you a politician, are you a journalist or are you some kind of spiritual seeker who wish to find enlightenment through solitude? All…
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Ann E. Smith
June 16, 2015
Friends and Peers
Friends are precious things in life, and they are not to be taken for granted. Some friendships are formed in early childhood and last for many years. Others may form during a certain chapter of your life, such as college,…
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Livy Baker
June 16, 2015
Friends and Peers
I have problems. I mean, everyone has flaws, whether or not they know it, they do. But I’m very aware of my flaws. I feel for everyone who puts up with me and I can’t even begin to explain how…
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