Friends and Peers
David Aaron White
June 25, 2015
Friends and Peers
Trust is truly the foundation of friendship because a friendship simply cannot exist without trust. If you cannot trust someone, not only do you not know what he or she is going to do next, but you can’t be sure…
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Stephanie Clarke
June 25, 2015
Friends and Peers
One of my best friends is male but he is gay. I have found it very difficult to maintain real platonic friendships with straight males because either they have developed stronger feelings for me or I have developed stronger feelings…
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Melody Hatke
June 25, 2015
Friends and Peers
Misery loves company, yes I have seen this many times from some of my co-workers. First I must say, that I try to have a positive outlook on life and people. I go to work to forget my problems for…
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Cody Hodge
June 25, 2015
Friends and Peers
Life can be hard enough, and then you have to deal with the drama that can come with life’s situations. Believe it or not, all drama is not bad drama, even if the word drama implies something that shouldn’t have…
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June 25, 2015
Friends and Peers
In theory, the concept of ‘just friends’ does exist, though, in practice there are too many obsticles to make it that simple. Conscious or subconscious, at some point during the ‘just friends’ relationship, one or both people involved have thought,…
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Doreen Rosevold
June 25, 2015
Friends and Peers
You know that you have found a true and honest friend when one day you find yourself asking her, “If something happens to me, will you please clean out my underwear drawer?” You know then that you have a friend…
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Erik Van Tongerloo
June 25, 2015
Friends and Peers
Friends are valuable in our life. Everyone wants “a real friend” for many reasons. Nobody wants to feel lonely and a friend can help you through this process. You need a friend if you are in trouble, to make fun…
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Melissa Snow
June 25, 2015
Friends and Peers
Finding true and honest friends is not an easy task. It takes time to develop a relationship and sometimes after you’ve spent a great deal of time you find that it wasn’t what you were looking for after all. I…
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Julie A. Wein
June 25, 2015
Friends and Peers
Friendships are like ice cream; sometimes they bring you joy, and sometimes they just give you a headache. These headaches, if frequent enough, can result in the breakup of a friendship. Like any other kind of relationship, friendships are complicated…
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June 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
Some women find that being friends with men is better than being friends with women. In this silly world women are always in competition with each other. They are always wondering who has a better man, wear did she get…
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Adelene C
June 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
It is not uncommon to hear people claim that they trust their friends more than their family. There is nothing wrong with that; we all need somone to talk to, and as long as that person is dependable, it does…
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Nina Drozd
June 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
What is friendship? When I asked myself that question today, my mind immediately travelled to the world of yesterday’s dream, where among the usual unrealistic but fantastic events of not so usual life, I remembered my best friend and the…
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Elizabeth A. Marion
June 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
Something I look for in a friend is someone who can have a discussion about politics and express their opinion without getting hostile. It’s that I want to spend all my time with them debating. I just want to know…
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Erik Rush
June 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
When the time came for our oldest to start kindergarten, I found myself in a state of major stress and trepidation. As a child, I was subjected to the vile sham of an educational system in New York. Few Americans…
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Ann E. Smith
June 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
Friendships are truly precious, yet they sometimes do not stand the test of time. Friendships almost always start as fun and exciting, but there are many things that can stress a friendship. Like any relationship, they require a great deal…
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Traci Jo Shaffer
June 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
How to maintain a friendship? Friendships are acquired from the time you start going to school and throughout, Elementary, Middle, High, and maybe even College. What happens after that? Pretty much they meet someone, get married and move away.You make…
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David Aaron White
June 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
What makes someone a good person? It’s tough to say because there are many types of people in the world, and no two people are exactly alike. There is not one set of characteristics that all “good” people have, and…
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Silva Payne
June 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
With over 2 million American citizens incarcerated, chances are that you know someone who is either in jail or prison. From the outside, it can be easy to dismiss the incarcerated as losers who probably deserve everything they get, if…
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Nichole Davis Bodenmiller
June 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
There is no quality as valuable in a friendship as listening. Not the appearance of listening while you’re mentally planning out what you want to do next or making up the to do list’ for tomorrow. I am talking about…
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Ann E. Smith
June 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
Friendship is something that most people experience throughout their lives, and with various people. You make friends in childhood. You have friends in high school. Then there is the college crew, as well as your grownup friends. Some of your…
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Tonya Moses
June 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
Opposite sex not allowed is a phrase that every women in the world should be saying at least once a month. Women become girlfriends, wives, mothers, associates, partners and etc. But what happens to them as people? That question is…
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June 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
For fives year I had a best friend. For five years we fought on and off, but we always made amends in the end. We had the necklaces, one half each, we played the same sports. We wrote in a…
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Gina Gott
June 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
Friends are the family you choose for yourself . Recognizing a fair weather friend can be a very hurtful experience, but in the end just know you are better off without them . Although hard to spot at first, a…
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Lawrence George
June 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
Low self-esteem kills relationships. It can happen so easily: one partner falls into a cycle of low self-esteem without noticing it. The other is left increasingly confused and the bonds of the relationship loosen. Low self-esteem can eat its way through…
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Barbara Kasey Smith
June 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
If asked the difference between love and friendship, I would have to reply, “Love is a seal bonded between spouses, their children, relatives, Mother and Dad, siblings and other family members.” Love comes from the soul and the heart of…
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Laura Leigh Fields
June 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
Trust is a big issue for some people. It is something special that must be earned. It isn’t always easy to come by and it is only given to those who are worthy. For many, it is easier to trust…
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Apple Trenton
June 24, 2015
Friends and Peers
How to be a great party host? Your party will be the talk of the town if you follow these simple guidelines. 1) Food. There can’t be a party without food. Are you going to have an open buffet or…
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Kat Ballew
June 23, 2015
Friends and Peers
Families are the most important thing in a person’s life, but friendship is also important. Some even consider friends as part of the family, and sometimes there are certain things we can discus with our friends that we cannot talk…
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Cody Hodge
June 23, 2015
Friends and Peers
When you are friends with someone, there are things that you can do, and there are things that you cannot do. If you can stick to the boundaries, and live up to the code of being a friend, you will…
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Lindsay Fahey
June 23, 2015
Friends and Peers
How to handle a backstabbing friend A friend is someone who is there for you no matter what, someone who looks out for you, and someone who would never betray you. Unfortunately, it happens. Friends betray friends. The reason why…
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