Friends and Peers
Sindanny Pizzini
June 30, 2015
Friends and Peers
Being a good friend is a quality that few posses and are often unaware of that fact. Friendships are vital to our health and every day life. They provide us with a sense of purpose which is unmatched to the…
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Melissa Aytche
June 30, 2015
Friends and Peers
What makes a good friend? What separates you from everyone else in the world of friendship? This is a hard question to answer only because being a friend takes time and work. Just like a relationship needs nurturing so too…
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Victoria Tiegert
June 30, 2015
Friends and Peers
Men and women may be able to be “just friends”, but it is a pond of very thin ice to skate upon, especially when one or both are in separate romantic relationships. There is almost always bound to be an…
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Heather Ferrigan
June 30, 2015
Friends and Peers
Many teens have experienced the loss of pets or elderly family members, but the death of a friend is an especially shocking and difficult experience. Young adults are beginning to rely less on their parents and naturally look at their…
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Teresa Armstrong
June 30, 2015
Friends and Peers
It is early in the afternoon one sunny but depressing day. My husband and I were having financial issues. We were unable to pay our bills or even buy our own food. I had lost my job sometime back and…
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aa aaronson
June 29, 2015
Friends and Peers
It’s hard to find someone to trust. Sometimes we do not come from the best upbringing. Perhaps we have alcoholic fathers or mothers. Perhaps we do not have enough money to make things easier. Mom and Dad, if there is…
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Jane Myers
June 29, 2015
Friends and Peers
WHAT TRUST AND HONESTY MEANS TO ME Trust and honesty go hand-in-hand, fundamentally. Their recognition and appointment seem so often to be contingent upon circumstance and pomp – social status, education, and upon a person’s or family’s monetary worth. Those…
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Laurie Childree
June 29, 2015
Friends and Peers
Trust is truly the strongest foundation on which a friendship can be built because when trust is not present we have nothing. It is only through the ability to trust that we are able to form friendships with others. Our…
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Cary Kimmons
June 29, 2015
Friends and Peers
There can be a different answer for that depending on the respondent’s point of view. The person’s point of view can determine how they react to certain situations, how they interact with people, and their interpretation of relationships. Let’s look…
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Bernadette Jasmin
June 29, 2015
Friends and Peers
Have you ever been in a relationship where you feel that you are always “walking on eggshells”? Well most likely you are involved in a caustic relationship. Before you get involved with a caustic person there are indicators that are…
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Paul Bovis
June 29, 2015
Friends and Peers
In a time where a relationship’s have become subject to all sorts of media attention, be it in films, stars in the papers being hounded by the paparazzi, to a school child crush. The hypothesis is subject to many interpretations….
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Tina Sin
June 29, 2015
Friends and Peers
There are circumstances and instances that arise during a friendship that can change a strong bond you have formed, but when is it time to say good-bye to a childhood friend? When you realize that you have grown apart? When…
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Sandra Laraine Coleman
June 29, 2015
Friends and Peers
It was Thursday, 09/07/06 about 11:00 p.m., I received a phone call from my daughter … she was screaming and crying … “Mommy, they killed my daddy” … the first five times she said it I couldn’t understand what she…
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Amanda Klafke
June 29, 2015
Friends and Peers
It’s easy to love but it’s so hard to be in love! It’s even harder when the one you love is the person closest to you. Do you really think that you can fall in love with your best friend…
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Margaret Paul Ph.D.
June 29, 2015
Friends and Peers
There is one choice you can make that will heal many of your relationship problems. This is the choice of kindness to both yourself and to others. This may sound simple, yet for many people, there is one choice far…
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Cedric Bussie
June 28, 2015
Friends and Peers
5 surefire ways to know when its time to cut a friendship short. 1. Breach of Trust Friendship can be a funny thing sometimes because no matter how close you are to somebody you never know exactly what they are…
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Marie Herron
June 27, 2015
Friends and Peers
Falling in love with a best friend might seem as though it would be the most natural thing in the world to most. It may seem like a natural progression of feelings toward the person who knows you better than…
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Les Zsoldos
June 27, 2015
Friends and Peers
A friend should have many qualities. It’s not easy to limit these to ten. Anyway, here’s my list: honesty, sympathy, admiration, encouragement, enthusiasm, trust, loyalty, humour, gratitude and curiosity. 1) Honesty is a very important quality. A good friend should…
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Geoffrey Schmitt
June 27, 2015
Friends and Peers
There is nothing that can ruin a friendship faster than money. In the Bible it says in Proverbs 22:7 The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. No matter how good your friendship and no…
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Kandis Baumann
June 27, 2015
Friends and Peers
My best friend is my older sister. I suppose in a way I’m cheating at the whole friendship thing, since there’s not really a way to escape being around each other, and we pretty much have to get along. But…
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Ian Bolden
June 27, 2015
Friends and Peers
Depression is one of the most common disorders that effect our lives. Even if somebody is lucky enough to have never experienced this ailment, they certainly know people who have. If you have friends who are depressed it is sometimes…
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Leslie Trotter
June 27, 2015
Friends and Peers
There are certain things we can only trust to our friends to help us with not even family member or therapist can suffice. Our friends are our confidants and we can trust a good friend with just about anything, so…
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Megan Hendrix
June 27, 2015
Friends and Peers
Knowing when it is time to end a friendship can be one of the most difficult decisions to make and acting it out can be even more stressful. There is so much to consider when making these decisions and it…
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Elaine M. Doxie
June 27, 2015
Friends and Peers
We all have problems sometimes, and some of these problems are overwhelming enough that we can’t work them out on our own. There are times that these problems may even be big enough that we need counseling. Sometimes that counseling…
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Geoffrey Schmitt
June 27, 2015
Friends and Peers
Each of us needs to have boundaries in all of our relationships that allow us to free, safe, healthy, and whole individuals. There boundaries will vary somewhat from person to person and from relationship to relationship due to various variables….
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Geoffrey Schmitt
June 27, 2015
Friends and Peers
Everyone is lovable. However, we don’t always act in loving ways. Thus some people might find us difficult to love. The first thing to accomplish in acting like a more lovable person is to be able to love yourself. By…
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Lynn Fowler
June 27, 2015
Friends and Peers
TEN QUALITIES EVERY FRIEND SHOULD HAVE 1. A genuine affection for you. This should go without saying, but it’s amazing how many people set out to make “friends” not because of a genuine relationship but for networking or because they…
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Angela S. Young
June 27, 2015
Friends and Peers
Friendships are precious things and should be kept and maintained if at all possible. I still write a friend from fourth grade even though we’ve lived apart since fifth grade. The hallmark of a great friendship is being able to…
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June 27, 2015
Friends and Peers
Here are the top ten qualities that make a good friend and why these qualities are so important. They are in no particular order because to me, they are all important. 1.Honesty-A true friend will not be afraid to tell…
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Bella Blue
June 27, 2015
Friends and Peers
I’m sitting here pondering on this topic put in front of me, and it’s the perfect topic right now as I am going though this inner turmoil about a friendship gone bad. So, this gives me the ability to brainstorm,…
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