Friends and Peers
Can Tran
July 12, 2015
Friends and Peers
Being friends first or just jumping into a relationship? That is a tricky question. The answer to this question is trickier though. To be honest, being friends first or immediately jumping into a relationship just happens. All I can say…
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Erin Ashley
July 12, 2015
Friends and Peers
People have friends and people have lovers. That’s the way it was for years; there was no gray area in the middle. However relationships have come a long way over time, creating an entirely new category entitled “Friends With Benefits”….
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Wyeth De Leon
July 12, 2015
Friends and Peers
What is the reason or the significance of friendship to us people? Do we really need friends for a company, to have fun with, and to crack jokes with? Or do we really need friends for us to be taken…
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Jane Vee
July 12, 2015
Friends and Peers
You may have lost a few friends and made new friends when you got married. Now you have been blessed with the most exciting roles in your life. You are parents. After you have your baby you may find your…
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Anna Hofman
July 12, 2015
Friends and Peers
Everyone, yes EVERYONE, goes through this in school, work, college, and even families where one sibling is excluded by the others. You can actually get into a group by starting conversation with one individual in a class or even just…
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Julie Crowley
July 11, 2015
Friends and Peers
Yes, girls can certainly be best friends with a boy without having any sexual undertones to the relationship. My current best friends are mostly boys and although there have been attractions with 1 or 2 in the past, there are…
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Rachel Wood - 471886
July 11, 2015
Friends and Peers
We will meet hundreds of people during our lifetimes but only a handful of them will become true friends. A true friend is somebody who we can trust completely, who loves us despite all our flaws and is always there…
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Wayne Ramsey
July 11, 2015
Friends and Peers
Society has changed considerably over the last several decades. With major advances in technology families have become more distant than ever and communication has suffered because of it. As more families spend time in front of the television instead of…
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Donald Hancock
July 11, 2015
Friends and Peers
LOVE YOURSELF, “WARTS AND ALL”. THEN OTHERS CAN LOVE YOU, ALSO, “WARTS AND ALL”. Mercury was considered the fastest runner of the ancient gods. But Mercury could not have caught the heels of our own Humphrey Wiggins at Ardsly High…
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July 11, 2015
Friends and Peers
If you are a vocalist who sings off key, an actor who mumbles through your monologue or a painter who makes puddles with your paintbrush, someone at some point is bound to tell you that you have no talent. As…
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Author Name Withheld 61
July 11, 2015
Friends and Peers
Many relationships in today’s society need mending. There are many reasons that good relationships go bad. One maybe selfishness, the other partner, may have had health issuesfor many years, and this has been a factor in infidelity. These problems don’t…
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Richie Caldicott
July 11, 2015
Friends and Peers
Friends are great; they provide you with companionship and reasoning while you if you are a good friend reciprocate likewise. A “best friend” on the other hand, implies a friend of special bonding; somebody who is accepted as being as…
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Trenna Sue Hiler
July 11, 2015
Friends and Peers
No one enjoys rejection. As much as we try to swallow our emotions it still hurts to have someone say “You don’t belong here.” Normally exclusion for a group when it is dealing with adults is even verbally acknowledged. Organized…
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Can Tran
July 11, 2015
Friends and Peers
The one major thing that can break up a friendship would be a breach of trust. The breach of trust can be defined as many different things. Just about anything you do to hurt your friend for your own selfish…
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Crystal Tieszen
July 11, 2015
Friends and Peers
By:Crystal Tieszen The Girlfriend vs. The Female Friend. It is the age old question “Are they really just friends?” It is one of the oldest romantic movie themes in history, dating back before When Harry Met Sally until today in…
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Tracey Perger
July 11, 2015
Friends and Peers
I think it is important to surround yourself with a large group of friends that have the same interests and goals that you have. They can help you along life’s path in many ways. As you surround yourself with many…
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Kristine Cuer
July 11, 2015
Friends and Peers
Everyday we get to meet a lot of people. But it doesn’t mean that these people that we get to meet everyday could be considered as our friends. Admit it. We don’t like all these people and neither are they…
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Veronica Bergschneider
July 11, 2015
Friends and Peers
Philosophically speaking, love comes in several varieties. According to the ancient Greeks, and as found in the New Testament of the Bible, three types of love are key in how the world works. First, there exists the love Greek philosophers…
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July 11, 2015
Friends and Peers
A bunch of us at some point in our lives grew up in Parkway Village, the earliest time being 1964 when the subdivision was being built and was not yet city incorporated. There were three houses on the block, one…
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Linda Ann Nickerson
July 11, 2015
Friends and Peers
What makes a true friend? How can real friendship be recognized and measured? Here are ten traits of genuine friendship. You may wish to see how you measure up, before you begin rating your closest friends. Ask yourself these questions…
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Veronica Bergschneider
July 11, 2015
Friends and Peers
Becoming friends with a member of the opposite sex can be quite rewarding for both parties. Engaging in such a friendship enlightens each member about how the opposite sex thinks and acts. This enlightenment helps the receiver understand the opposite…
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Manuel Martinez
July 11, 2015
Friends and Peers
I think there comes a time in your social development where you take a look at yourself and take stock of the person you’ve become. Are you the person you thought you would be at this point in your life?…
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Trenna Sue Hiler
July 11, 2015
Friends and Peers
Opinions are every where and everyone has them. Opinions are the reason we are passionate about causes. Opinions motivate us to vote, join clubs, engage in causes. Opinions are the very reason we choose our friends. Strong differences of opinions…
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J.J. Gonzales
July 11, 2015
Friends and Peers
What it means to be a friend is simple. A friend is the first person you think about when times get tough. Someone who will sit back and listen to every word you say without judgment, only advise. A Friend…
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July 11, 2015
Friends and Peers
I have a best friend who used to have a bad breath. I love being with her, hanging out with her at shopping malls, libraries, go to eatery places and the likes. But there is just 1 major problem about…
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Jessica Colcord
July 11, 2015
Friends and Peers
Listen,and think before you communicate. Usually when someone is angry about something it’s because something in life has gone wrong.Being angry is an emotion that someone feels when they are upset about something.Have a understanding on why your friend is…
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College Mom
July 7, 2015
Friends and Peers
We build our friendships upon trust, how we can relate to another person and upon caring that’s in us all the time. But, when a really close friend takes advantage of their friendship with you to the point of borrowing…
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Robert Rupard
July 7, 2015
Friends and Peers
At the End of the Day No matter what path we choose in life, in the end, we are all accountable to something, or someone. We might think that one element of Utopia would be the absence of accountability, but…
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Richard Serra
July 7, 2015
Friends and Peers
Sometimes good and toxic coincide in a friend. You just aren’t aware of it until the difference begins to show. Some friends are very shallow, but pretend to be different by showing the side they want you to see, while…
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July 7, 2015
Friends and Peers
It amazes me that you can’t really tell the difference at first. Everyone is on their best behavior during the “honeymoon” phase of a friendship. It isn’t until you have actually known a person awhile that you actually get to…
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