Friends and Peers
Lillian Perea
August 5, 2015
Friends and Peers
A friend is someone that understands you in any way. Someone that won’t neglect you when you most need them. They are the symbol of peace and trust. That is why for many people it is very complicated to have…
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Amelia Listiani
August 5, 2015
Friends and Peers
I’ve done a bit of a research on this topic for references on one post in my blog, and the conclusion is: it depends. More often than not, if both parties are still single, one of them ends up falling…
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Arna Cook
August 5, 2015
Friends and Peers
Friends Help Us To Find Ourselves Verbal communication is one of the most common forms of communication that humans use on a daily basis to get their messages across to other people. These discussions are easily facilitated by a telephone…
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August 5, 2015
Friends and Peers
This is a pretty typical topic that not only teenagers go through and I willtell it from the point of view of a girl.Everybody would come to a phase where they wonder if somebody likes them.But how can we tell…
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Robin M. Schmidt
August 5, 2015
Friends and Peers
Distant memories of friendship bracelets & shared ying-yang necklaces, slumber parties, sharing secrets & passing notes in school, many of us would agree; friends were a lot easier to distinguish when we were younger. If you were donned the title…
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Fida Abbott
August 5, 2015
Friends and Peers
Yes, it is OK. Let me explain little bit about this theme according my experiences that I write them below. What does the best friends mean for me? If I consider them as my best friends, they should be the…
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Julie Mauldin
August 5, 2015
Friends and Peers
I have always said that true friends keep each other out of trouble. That being said, there are bound to be some situations where the bonds of friendship, and patience will be tested. When you’re in your adolescent years, it…
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Roberta Colby
August 5, 2015
Friends and Peers
I have personal experience with losing a friend. This past summer June 14, 2008, I lost my very first best friend. She was only fourteen and died of a Brain aneurysm. I miss her very much, but people helped me…
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Ginger L. Fernandez
August 5, 2015
Friends and Peers
My World I do not know what you heard, but take it from me… growing up in the sixties was still a real kick… that was one of our more colorful expressions meaning / fun. My family a staunch pillar…
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Can Tran
August 5, 2015
Friends and Peers
Knowing when and how to end a friendship takes a combination of feeling and thinking. You are going to feel a plethora of emotions when contemplating on ending a friendship. It depends on how much you valued the friendship in…
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R. F. Collins III
August 5, 2015
Friends and Peers
Assuming the friendship is the ideal, a true friendship, running and hiding would be the equivalent of abandonment. Like the kinds of friends that we all want, a true friend will face the problems. Is it not out of this…
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August 5, 2015
Friends and Peers
I’ve learned a lot about friendship through preparing for my wedding (I’m just short of two weeks from my wedding day). I mean – being a friend is different from being in an intimate relationship, or being part of a…
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Elaine Sihera
August 5, 2015
Friends and Peers
The most important quality in a relationship is reciprocity, or give and take – working in tandem together. It focuses on the positive elements of the union, reduces potential conflict and is also the surest way of mending relationships. Evatt…
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Barbara Close
August 5, 2015
Friends and Peers
When asked what it means to be a friend, I am immediately drawn to think of my best friend, whom of my 25 years on this earth, I have been friends with for 19. I find it hard to even…
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Juanita Swyney
August 5, 2015
Friends and Peers
You hear in all the time, that people control the lives of others. What happens if you are victim to the same plight? Often times, people complain about bosses, not only bossing them, but also controlling their lives. When people…
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Kary Gomez
August 5, 2015
Friends and Peers
Give Me Many Friends I would choose to have a large group of friends over a small group any day. I have known some people who only want one or two close friends. But what happens if you have a…
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Chris Kling
August 5, 2015
Friends and Peers
A wild man I once knew told me, “A friend is someone who’ll help you. A good friend is someone who’ll help you move. A REAL good friend is someone who’ll help you move a body.” Another guy I knew…
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Todd Daigneault
August 5, 2015
Friends and Peers
I say small…Smaller groups of friends usually are more intimate, more close, more loyal to each other. With large groups, come too many egos, conflicting emotions and logical bases. Plus, with the larger groups, come more chances of backstabbing, and…
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Kathy Deutsch
August 5, 2015
Friends and Peers
The “when and how” of ending a friendship is one thing. The “why” is another. I have been torturing myself over ending a burnt-out friendship for over a year. But I finally am ending it. Why? Why put aside a…
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Amelia Listiani
August 5, 2015
Friends and Peers
I have six close friends who’ve been friends with me for around 11-15 years. Now one of them is in her early thirties, whereas the rest of us are in our late twenties. We’re now separated worldwide. I’m in Finland,…
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August 5, 2015
Friends and Peers
A toxic friend can be defined as someone, who after leaving their presence, drains, exhausts or leaves you gasping for air. Knowing when and how to end this type of friendship can be a sometimes difficult and heartbreaking experience. After…
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Laurie Childree
August 5, 2015
Friends and Peers
Communication is required in every aspect of our lives and friendship is no exception but the rule. Two way communications help to ensure everyone is understood and that needs are met. Business ventures require that communication be two ways to…
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Author Name Withheld 231 - 269324
August 4, 2015
Friends and Peers
I strongly advocate large groups of friends. In essence, it brings more of us together. In a world of “deceit” and trust issues, it is refreshing to see a large group of friends enjoying each other’s company. There are far…
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Ann Nelson-Russell
August 4, 2015
Friends and Peers
Analyzing Stand by Me Films have the potential to allow me to escape from my current emotional or mental state of being. They can transcend me from my living room to a very familiar place or to another dimension. A…
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Blythe Alpern
August 4, 2015
Friends and Peers
Recently I tried to end a toxic friendship. When I say tried, I’m mean the toxic friend involved didn’t exactly get the hint. I tried explaining it on the phone, in an email and then in person. None of these…
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Joseph Kirch
August 4, 2015
Friends and Peers
Only in America. Humor is considered something of a commodity here. One might try to watch Seinfeld without the canned humor and a container of ice cream on a lonely night and get a much different, more more dramatic effect….
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Holle Abee
August 4, 2015
Friends and Peers
Humans appear to be genetically wired to want to “fit in.” Why? Because man is essentially a “pack animal,” much like wolves, dogs, and gorillas. Instead of packs, however, ancient man referred to his collective group as “tribes.” Like the lower…
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C. Elliot
August 4, 2015
Friends and Peers
We’ve all been in that situation. A friend starts to sing along with the radio. In a pathetic display of tone-deafness, she is off pitch and out of key. You encourage yourself with thoughts like, ‘Maybe she hit one or…
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Nuc Mum
August 4, 2015
Friends and Peers
So this is an age-old topic that has been discussed and handled countless times. Surely nearly everyone goes through the drama and the sort of things that put friendships in jeopardy between a guy and a girl. The issue I…
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Can Tran
August 4, 2015
Friends and Peers
As we grow older and wiser, we come to realize that maybe our family members are not necessarily the smartest or the wisest. This world is constantly changing. It can change to a point that our family members are not…
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