S.C. Kleinhans
August 17, 2015
A handful of senior citizens are extremely wealthy, healthy individuals.They live fulfilling lives. They have not been brutally attacked bya plethora of problems. They are lucky that they’re in their uniquesituation although they’re still nearing the end of their lifelong…
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Sarah J Palmer
August 17, 2015
Aging parents come in three types: Active, Inactive and High Dependency. There are no minimum or maximum age limits for each level of old age and you may not even appreciate the first level until your parent has left that…
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Vicki Phipps
August 17, 2015
The big squeeze of becoming fifty is shocking. We wake up one day to find the kids are grown and on their own, or so it seems. Just when we think we’re finally free to do as we please, we…
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R.L Hanlon
August 17, 2015
As someone who has recently been faced with an elderly family member suffering a stroke, we have had to make many adjustments. Not only do we have to make adjustments in our life, but imagine my mother-in-law, who only two…
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Ken Reetz
August 17, 2015
Old age sneaks up on us, but not without warning. We know we’re getting older and we know we can’t effortlessly do what we once were able to do. Still, it’s a smack in the face when the drivers license…
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Glenda Thompson
August 17, 2015
With lightness and humour! That, I believe is the key to handling both of these fragile and quirky situations in a family. It always amazes me how many people don’t seem to think they’ll get old. Old is for “other…
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August 17, 2015
Aging parents, “never-never land” children and how to handle “The Squeeze” at 50. Let me insert a change on words here. It is not just a squeeze it is a suck all the breath out of your body, mind blowing…
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Jeff Franklin
August 17, 2015
The Crisis confronting caretakers for their elderly parents My wife and I, as well as dozens of friends and neighbors in our community association, continually lament and panic about one (if not the greatest) tribulation in our lives. That is…
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Rhonda Grice
August 17, 2015
How To Care For Aging Parents If you are fortunate enough to have your parents with you a long time then you will probably also be the one to figure out how to take care of them once they can…
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Janet Dunn
August 17, 2015
Several years ago my father passed away suddenly from a heart attack and my mother lived alone for a couple of years. But, as time passed she started becoming very forgetful; so I thought it was best for her not…
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Dolores Moore
August 17, 2015
By the age of 50, you might be forgiven for heaving a sigh of relief and dusting off the holiday brochures. You have worked hard, your children are grown, with homes of their own, your parents are comfortable. Take off…
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Joy Sunday
August 17, 2015
Loving your elderly parents is not enough. It takes much, much more. There are difficulties and benefits when Elderly Parents and Adult Children need to learn how to live together again. What to do – when – you are the…
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Gracie Cleaver
August 17, 2015
“There is a time for everything under the sun” We cannot avoid the inevitable. We are born, we live , we age and we die Somewhere in that process exists the painful task of deciding the future of your loved…
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Carla Baron
August 17, 2015
“Never-Never land, the squeeze at 50, and how to handle the children? I am 50 now and my husband 57 and we have dealt with a couple of issues over the past few years. Reality sets in, sometimes slowly, sometimes…
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Pat Lunsford
August 17, 2015
Nursing home abuse and neglect has risen to unacceptable levels as helpless elderly patients end up in abusive nursing homes and suffer daily at the hands of an over worked, underpaid staff. Are your parents suffering the abuse of an…
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Valane Jackson
August 17, 2015
Retirement – the idea can be either awesomely intimidating or warmly comforting, all depending on what kind of cultural/home environment we are living in and to what extent we are prepared for the day when we need to make a…
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Sarah J Palmer
August 17, 2015
Everybody has heard of child abuse but how many are familiar with the term Elder Abuse’? Elder abuse is as prevalent as child abuse but much less publicized. It occurs in five different forms – physical, emotional, sexual, financial or…
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JQ Adams
August 17, 2015
Senior adults have been targeted as easy victims in a number of different scams for the last two decades now, and it’s only getting worse. Instead of just stealing money from them or ripping them off, con artists are now…
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Maria Smith
August 16, 2015
Remember the good old days, when thirty-five seemed terribly old? Somewhere between then and now, you may have been the recipient of the generational curse: Just wait until you have children, and you will know.Or maybe the generational joke: Hey,…
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Sarah J Palmer
August 16, 2015
Parents are the masters of self-sacrifice. They managed to bring you up, they got by, made do and kept the wolf from the door without your help. After you left the family home and became financially independent they may have…
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Kathleen Rand
August 16, 2015
Why should we care for our parents? Because it is the ‘right’ thing to do. Don’t you love that expression? It’s so black and white, cut and dry – just like life. Hhmmm, not quite. What if your father was…
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Giles Day
August 16, 2015
Statistics show that those of us in our fifties are living in a kind of twilight xone era. Our parents are old, and are children still need us. Sonetimes the pressure is more than we choose to bear, more thn…
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Amy Denney
August 16, 2015
Caring for your elderly parents can be both rewarding and very hard. Throughout a person’s lifetime, there are many stages that parents and children must pass through. If you are lucky enough to get to the stage where you are…
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Mary Calhoun Brown
August 16, 2015
Mornings at our house also used to be the most stressful time of the day. I would go in to wake up each child, only to find he had fallen back to sleep minutes later. Half-dressed and running late, I’d…
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Linda Ann Nickerson
August 16, 2015
BE YOUR OWN BOSS Does self-employment help or hinder family life? Overall, my personal experience with self-employment has been positive. After spending several years immersed in the corporate culture, I left a full-time, buttoned-down career to pursue freelancing. This allowed…
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Belinda Beasley
August 16, 2015
The question of whether or not to allow elderly parents to live with you is one that must be answered within your own family. What might be right for some families could be a disaster for other families. Personally, I…
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Elaine Sihera
August 16, 2015
There’s no rocket science to being a better husband (or wife/partner). Everyone in this world desires to be significant appreciated and respected – that’s all. If you can make your wife feel all of those three elements, you will be…
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Lynette Alice
August 16, 2015
There sure are plenty of functional families spread all over the face of the Earth, however it would seem most are best described as functional in a dysfunctional manner. What is meant by that is there is dysfunction in every…
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Jessica Rangel
August 16, 2015
Parents’ will often wonder about how to inspire their kids, and motivate them to be more resourceful and go for what they want in their lives. To instill positive work ethics in family offspring, it is all about teaching children…
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Krystle Hernandez
August 16, 2015
Close your eyes and imagine that you are a beautiful, successful, young woman. To make things even better, you’ve just learned that you are pregnant with your first child. Of course, your first instinct is to tell your parents the…
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