Charles Ray
November 16, 2014
Once a child reaches the legal age of majority, when he or she is then personally responsible for contracts and the like, he or she must then place priority on his or her own personal future, over that of any…
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November 16, 2014
The ideal scenario of bringing your significant other to a family gathering and having them leap to their feet in standing ovation at his or her wit is not always the case. In fact, your parents may feel as though…
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Dr. Deborah Bauers
November 16, 2014
I am a baby boomer. I am part of a demographic of middle-aged adults who are concerned with how to best meet the responsibility of caring for elderly mothers and fathers. Like many of my contemporaries I have always believed…
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Sophia Devine
November 16, 2014
Truthfully, I’m afraid for my future. In fact, I’m afraid for my peers as well. Being an adult was not supposed to be this hard, right? Apparently I was wrong. I was not informed that at the age of twenty…
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Susan Klatz Beal
November 16, 2014
We live in a society in which there is an ever increasing aging population. People are living much longer then they did centuries or even decades ago. There have been great advances in modern medicine and in science that make…
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Shelly Velasco
November 16, 2014
James and Sam had always been the been the best in everything in high school. James was star quarter back for 2 years. Sam had won the Auto Tech competition 3 years in a row. but they had a secret…
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Christine G.
November 16, 2014
A son announces that he is not going to take over the family laundry business, but pursue a career in film making instead. His father throws him out of the house, and changes his will. His mother continues to keep…
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Andrea D. Hutchinson
November 16, 2014
Some of us come upon this responsibility very early in life, while others may not encounter it until later on. The responsibility of a child to the parent is a complex subject. Honestly, regardless of how well we may feel…
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Cameron Scott
November 16, 2014
Honour thy father and thy mother, says the commandment. They are the foundation of our lives. There will be a time when they will grow old and their strength will wither, but what they have planted within us will never…
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November 16, 2014
In order to deal with a controlling father (or mother for that matter) you must first determine why they are like that. The two main reasons for a controlling parent stem from either Anger or Fear. ANGER being the focus…
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Abraham Ansah
November 16, 2014
To me, one of nature’s greatest gifts to mankind is choice. Our ability to have options and to think through issues separates us from the other species of nature’s creation. However, the gift of choice is laced with responsibility and…
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November 16, 2014
Lack of appreciation can ruin any relationship, but when a mother has this attitude, it can have the power to destroy lives. How can we protect ourselves and those we love from becoming injured or crippled by this woman? So…
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Bridgett Kelly
November 16, 2014
Stay at home moms do not get the recognition they deserve. People seem to believe that a stay at home mom’s job is a day filled with fun and games and no actual “work” involved. Apparently they have never tried…
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Jose Louwes
November 16, 2014
“When I grow up I’ll never be like you”, haven’t you exclaimed that just once during your puberty when your mother made the same remarks again concerning your clothes or your friends, or when she again didn’t understand that you…
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Teresa Austringer
November 16, 2014
Every day people live lives of selfless sacrifice and quiet heroism that we never hear about. They are the children of aging parents, the husband whose wife is suffering from early Alzheimer’s, and the frail, aging wife who is caring…
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Leah Curtis
November 16, 2014
Since the day my daughter was born (well maybe not quite that soon), I have drilled the need-to-take-responsibility for your actions mantra into her head. My parents insisted that their kids live by that particular credo. It worked for them…
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Renee Garrison
November 16, 2014
Surviving as an adult in the world today can be tough under the best of circumstances. As people enter the golden years, they sometimes find that coping with life and survival takes a little more effort than they have left…
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Linda C. Turman
November 15, 2014
YES, of course! Think about this topic. Lets say one has a baby and it isn’t talked too that much, it will only learn as it grows-but it’s a possibility that child will be slow in learning. They are what…
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Leah Curtis
November 15, 2014
We do not live in a perfect world. A child grows up depending on his or her parents to make decisions on behalf of the family. When one’s parents start aging and the tables are turned, someone needs to step…
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Mia Diamond
November 15, 2014
Absolutely not, I am a stay at home mother of four children, six year old son, three year old daughter, 16 month old son, and 3 month old daughter, and let me tell you it is not easy by a…
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Jose Louwes
November 15, 2014
No parent can be held responsible for the behavior of their children when they are adults. Of course up till a certain age most people will say that the parents are to blame for anything that goes wrong concerning the…
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Stephanie Clyde
November 15, 2014
Whether or not the parents are divorced, it is never acceptable to vent to the child about the other parent. Children should have a right to form an opinion of each parent without the assistance of the other parent speaking…
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Debbie Robus
November 15, 2014
“When will it be MY turn?” This is a question countless children ask as they care for their parents, and this is the question my mother pondered when she was about the age that I am today. When did the…
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Daisy Rosario
November 15, 2014
Parents, divorced or married should never succumb to the idea of “sharing, consulting, nor venting” to their children about their spouse’s (or ex-spouse’s) shortcomings, faults, “did or did-nots”. Children are extremely vulnerable to the view they have about their parents….
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Nikki Stoneroad
November 15, 2014
Unfortunately, sometimes it takes a tragedy to finally forgive the woman that gave life to you. I’m just glad I’m old enough to understand it. My mom and I had two very separate personalities. She was passive in life and…
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Jonathan Clayton
November 15, 2014
A son or daughter’s responsibility truthfully never ends, when it comes to they’re parents! For myself, there is no question of my own responsibility towards my own parents! But I was born in the fifties, and that was a different…
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Amanda Cozyn
November 15, 2014
I was born in 1968. I have one brother the eldest by 12yrs, and two sisters both also older than me. one is 48 and the other 44 this year. We grew up in South Africa (we now living in…
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Penny B
November 15, 2014
Venting to your children about the other parent is a definite, unacceptable violation in parenting. This causes children to choose sides in an adult disagreement. Why put such a burden and expectation on a child? Children only want to love…
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Laura Leigh Fields
November 15, 2014
Daddy’s baby: When will my dad treat me like a grown-up? The bond between a father and his child is truly special. From as early as conception, many fathers choose to be a part of their child’s life. The excitement…
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Holly Trout
November 15, 2014
As we are all children we seem to look up to our parents even if they seem to be doing all the wrong things. As children we try to do whatever we can to be like our parents. just because…
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