Hannah Curtis
January 19, 2015
There are thousands of alternative activities for families who watch too much television. This article focuses on a few timeless classic activities which are relatively low in cost. I grew up in a home with no television, consequently the following…
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Amelia Randall - 546119
January 19, 2015
When it comes to receiving guests in your home, it is all about making the comfortable. No matter who the person is, if you know that they really hate something, do not offer it them or show them and likewise…
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Jen Cooper
January 19, 2015
Millions of families on this planet include at least one non-human member. Whether it is a dog, cat, fish, turtle, rabbit or python, a new pet can very quickly become a much-loved member of the family in its own right….
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Leslie Trotter
January 19, 2015
How to decide if you should have children Our natural instinct to have children is not the only reason to decide to have children. A man or woman should be emotionally, physically and financially able to bring children into the…
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Das Govind
January 19, 2015
Should parents expect their married children to help them financially? I think that parents should not expect their married children to help them financially as this creates conflict in the family. Many adult children have a mortgage, car payments and…
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Christine G.
January 19, 2015
“I feel weird with my friends,” my fifteen-year-old daughter complained one day. “They all have something major going on at home. My parents are married to each other. None of us are gay or on drugs. We don’t fight about…
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James Burns
January 19, 2015
Personal Responsibility – The Key to Stopping a Bully It is very important to hold students accountable for bullying behavior. Have you ever been pulled over for speeding? If you have, you’ll probably remember the anxiety you felt when you…
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Randi J Task
January 19, 2015
If you have only one child, the question obviously does not apply. Neither does the question apply if you are dividing your assets before you die, or as part of a will, into equal or unequal portions by prior agreement…
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Mallory Dawn
January 19, 2015
I have spent 6 years struggling with this …is it beneficial for me to work? I knew in my heart the moment Jarrod and I were married that my place was to be at home. On many levels, I’ve know…
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Kimberly Huggins-Staudt
January 19, 2015
The question has been asked, “Is blood thicker than water?” In the context of some familial relationships, my answer would have to be “no.” My mother and biological father divorced early in my childhood. For the longest time, some of…
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Krystal Waldron
January 19, 2015
A myriad of people envy the larger families and their fun filled holiday traditions. Grandma tickling the ivories while the rest of the family sing off-key Christmas carols, Grandpa dressing up as Santa for the littlies and the youngest grandchild…
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Christine G.
January 19, 2015
Dear Dr. Ursa, My husband is a pig. That’s the only way I can describe it. He never cleans up after himself, and he never puts anything back. We’ve been married for less than two years, and I don’t want…
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Peggy Lindgren
January 19, 2015
Receiving guests in your home can be an exciting and satisfying experience. There are many ways to be a host/hostess without creating a great deal of stress. When you are prepared and organized, you can enjoy the time together and…
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Carol Gioia
January 19, 2015
Businesses routinely practice setting identifiable goals as a means of achieving high levels of productivity and financial success. Families could adopt the same technique to ensure their individual members are all enabled to maximize their potential and garner satisfying careers…
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Kim Miller - 582309
January 19, 2015
Some traditions last a short time in families, but there are some that seem to last forever. It is very special to create a family tradition that is passed on from generation to generation. Every family can begin some long…
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Carol Gioia
January 19, 2015
The image of a large multi-generational family group gathered around the Christmas tree sharing holiday traditions does not align with reality for many people, who may have only a couple of family members, or might live far away from their…
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Can Tran
January 19, 2015
In the past, it would be rather difficult to keep track of adult children who live distances away from you. Back in the day, the main ways of keeping track of each other would be via a phone call or…
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Kim Miller - 582309
January 19, 2015
Traditions are the things that people do every year. They are things that make holidays special and memorable. It is a lot of fun to create new traditions for a small family or continue with old traditions. There are a…
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Cindy Abbate
January 19, 2015
Human beings, even when closely related, are unique individuals. Our independent nature is the source of our greatest strength and our greatest weakness. The distinctive personalities of each family member can help establish a warm, supportive environment or one filled…
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Debra J
January 19, 2015
No other social group replaces your family. Associates, friends, and mentors all have their valuable place in your life. Yet, if you are not bonded to the people you come home to every night, you will still feel uneasy or…
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Caroline St Clare
January 19, 2015
Bribery, blackmail, threats and tantrums are frequently used as a last resort in homes around the world for coercing slovenly family members to pick up after themselves. While such methods may work in the short term, they’re not particularly conducive…
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Todd Daigneault
January 19, 2015
As a parent, it starts by not picking up after them in their bedroom, the living room, kitchen, garage…where ever they can congregate and therefore make messes in your house. Constantly picking up after them only teaches them to be…
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Bri H
January 10, 2015
A duck, a horse and a snake walk into a store What is the most important thing in your life? Is it your new computer? Your new car? Have you ever stopped to think what your life would be without…
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Dorothy C Rayner
January 10, 2015
when children are to be told they are loved and never hear the words spoken verbally. This is a hard life for children. someone else tells us, your parents loves you. But never hearing those words from their mouths. Make…
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Heidi Hauptly
January 10, 2015
Growing up with divorced parents it was always difficult to feel loved by one or both parents. How can you feel loved by your parents when all they do is fight? When you are constantly thinking that everything that is…
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Quinton Carpenter
January 2, 2015
Should parents pay children to do chores? This is a question that will pass every parents mind and is something that all parents should consider. In todays society our new generation children have the belief that they should be paid…
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Author Name Withheld 228
January 2, 2015
Staying over for a week is good. Visiting for a few days- even better. A one day visit…priceless. A long term house guest? Not so glamorous, but before becoming absolutely resolute in not keeping long term house guests, get to…
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A. Y. Ford
January 1, 2015
Mom and Dad are just getting home from work on an average weeknight. The kids are getting in from school. Time for homework, preparing dinner, eating dinner, cleaning up the kitchen, various household chores, and getting ready for the next…
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January 1, 2015
A lot of times I have been criticized for not being commercial with my writings. I have been told that they are just too religious and saddening. I know that tears have come to the eyes of those who comment…
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January 1, 2015
Bringing in and spending time with elderly parents is one of the highest forms of manifesting love to them. There is no greater feeling for an elderly parent than knowing and feeling that his/her children love and care for them….
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