Theresa Chaze
May 3, 2015
WHAT IS A FAMILY? What is a family? Is it a man, a woman and their children? Or is it something more than just blood ties of the traditional concept? Do adopted children qualify? Do stepparents? The current administration is…
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Shirley Lacy
May 3, 2015
Christian families come in all types. Some with traditions that include church going, verse memorizing, and multiple prayer sessions during the day while others may not attend church regularly, they may not memorize Bible verses, and they may not take…
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Amelia Randall - 546119
May 2, 2015
Family time can in some cases be rare. In all cases though it is special and treasured. It is a shame that we are all so motivated to work and have a career. Only to find out that we have…
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Joan Collins
May 2, 2015
Nothing is more important that family. That is why family time should be a tradition in every home. Before you know it, the children will be grown and out the door. Use your time now to create lasting memories and…
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Jared Garrett
May 2, 2015
While my kids are not yet teens, I can remember when I was dragged on ‘educational vacationals’ and they are not my fondest recollections. So what are the best family vacations for teens? Here I would like to suggest some…
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Leslie Trotter
May 2, 2015
How to write an invitation where guests need to pay for lodging Your son is graduating college and you have a ton of invitations to send out. Everyone in your family wants to be at the event, but there is…
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Bob Trowbridge
May 2, 2015
The concept of a Christian family covers a wide variety of traditions and of religiosity, from very conservative to very liberal. But looking at a middle-of-the road Christian family can demonstrate a number of commonalities. First, the underlying values of…
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Laurie Childree
May 2, 2015
Family time is precious. With the hectic state of the world today and two income families common it is getting harder to come by. Spending time with the ones closest to you has turned into a game that is rather…
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Joyce M. George-Knight
May 2, 2015
You’ve walked into a “disaster area” and didn’t now where to begin to clean up the mess. This is exactly how children feel when they are told to “clean your room.” They truly don’t have a clue as to how…
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Danielle Jervis
May 2, 2015
It clearly says in the bible “honour your mother and father”, and nowadays most teens just don’t. This is all due to a lack of discipline in teenagers lives, not just now but when they were younger too, if they…
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Krystie Bohmer
May 2, 2015
Living on a tight budget does not mean your family should sacrifice having good times. There are numerous types of fun activities that can bring smiles to the faces of your family members. Your choice of activity may be affected…
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L.B. Woodgate
May 2, 2015
There are plenty of ideas for creating a family time but how do you get the most out of that time whether it comes naturally or is self-generated? ELIMINATE THE DISTRACTIONS Turn off the electronic devises. Create or take advantage…
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Sam Smart
May 2, 2015
Family time is indeed important. Spending quality time with your family is a wonderful way to keep stress away, and it often leads to happier lives. But unfortunately, jobs, after-school activities, and meetings tend to eat away quality time a family looks forward to for relaxation. Nevertheless,…
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Carol Gioia
May 2, 2015
Family size could potentially be a major factor in how proactively the family dynamic plays out on behalf of individual members. In larger families, due to the sheer numbers to be considered, there might be potential for a more casual…
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Sharmal Kelambi
May 2, 2015
Family is the most wonderful element of civilization. But in today’s world, the bonds between family members are somewhat weakened. Children no longer listen to their parents and the parents have less time to spend with their children. This has…
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Holly Balcomb
May 2, 2015
The first and most important key to getting the most out of your family time is “relax”.All too often, our society prompts us to time, organize and arrange the moments of our days and when we incorporate these…
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Christina Pilkington
April 23, 2015
While there isn’t a single vacation destination that appeals to all teenagers, there is a rule that all parents of teenagers need to follow when deciding where to go on vacation: let your teenager have almost as much say in…
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Marie Lines
April 23, 2015
So you want to know how The Brady Bunch compare with my large family? well read on and you can decide for your self! Author’s note: I must point out that for the sake of my family and any embarrassment…
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Tammy L Mahan
April 23, 2015
Regardless of where you live in the world there are several great family vacation spots that both you and your teen(s) will have a blast visiting. If you truly want to have a fantastic and memorable vacation then your teens…
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Carol Wohlfeil
April 23, 2015
Secrets For Organizing Your Family Life can get pretty hectic when you’re working two jobs and going to college. But when you add three teenagers and a seven-year-old into the mix, that’s when things really get crazy. Organization is a…
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Alvira Litvyak
April 23, 2015
One of the most profound Russian writers, Leo Tolstoy, said: “All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”. Having a happy family is something everybody hopes for when deciding on marriage or living…
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April 23, 2015
The Brady Bunch was a popular TV show while I was growing up, needless to say it’s only that, a TV show. Never in my life have I encountered a family with similar actions, attitudes and outcomes. They were two…
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Karen Krautwurst
April 23, 2015
It’s strange, and quite sad, how easily we take our mothers for granted as we get older. The small things, which we appreciated as small children, become seemingly cumbersome and unnecessary to us as teenagers. Where once we would have…
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Denise Frederick
April 23, 2015
Just like any other recipe, the “Happy Family Life” recipe will be different for everyone. Some may look alike and some may sound alike, but in the long run, they can be completely different. You truly need to start by…
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Rodney Barnes
April 23, 2015
That word, traditions, it should be based on the pattern set by the early Christians who followed in Christ’s footsteps. It is not enough for children of the parents to be a Baptist just because Mom and her Mom was…
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Penny Clark Babson
April 23, 2015
The happy house wife is something that every man dreams about having and every woman is afraid to be. With a world filled with PTO meetings, sports games at school. after school events, shopping and work how can a woman…
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April 23, 2015
In phantom defense of my newly “out of the closet” Atheism, I felt offended and mistakenly jumped to conclusions and to spread the word that non -religious families do indeed have values and traditions. Having said that, I offer Value…
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Emily White - 139137
April 23, 2015
Like all helpful recipes, we need to start out with a list of top-notch ingredients and the recipe for a happy family life is no different. Sure, you’ve got the obvious ingredients like love and communication, but the most important…
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Meredith Ramey
April 23, 2015
The Christian faith is one of the most downed religion here lately. Seems if you ask any atheist they will tell you they grew up in a Christian home and to tell the truth what has God done for them?…
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Joseph Lemah
April 23, 2015
I don’t know about comparing my family to the “Brady Bunch”. Maybe a mixture of several sitcom families. If you blend in Al Bundy’s family, “Eight is Enough” and the “Brady Bunch”, well then you have it. We have the…
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