Michelle Wilkinson
May 21, 2015
When young adults move back in with the family, it can be tough on everyone. Parents have to get used to the fact their grown-up child is living with them again, as do siblings, while the young adult concerned can…
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Edgar Arold
May 21, 2015
A working mother may have one of the hardest jobs on the planet. She is expected to work at a job, and do all the things that mothers are good at in the home. The family is supposed to be…
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Shannon Boone
May 21, 2015
Families, especially large ones may find that they do not have very many pictures together as a family. With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, sometimes it can be difficult to find the time to get everyone together to…
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Lynette Crawford
May 21, 2015
Your friends or family have just accepted your always open invitation for a visit. Now what? What will you do to keep them entertained while they visit with you? Don’t panic! Chances are there are some great places to visit…
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Danielle Kaufmann
May 21, 2015
Nothing is as important as family, but these days it seems that it is hard to make time for them. Gone are the days of Leave it to Beaver. Dad doesn’t always walk in door at five fifteen and if…
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Sharmal Kelambi
May 21, 2015
Families are all about helping one another. The parents help the children once they are small. The children in turn help their parents when the parents get old and feeble. The rich relatives help the poor ones. These are all…
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Oluwasegun P. Gbolagun
May 21, 2015
A deliberate effort by every member of the family is required to create a happy and functional family. Individualism is the prevalent mentality in the world today but a vibrant and happy family life is indispensable for a great society. Ten tips that…
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Victoria Tiegert
May 21, 2015
One of the things that military families have to deal with, unlike most of their civilian counterparts, are frequent moves. When the military says that it’s time to pack up and go, there is no option. It’s time and that’s…
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Prosper Angel
May 21, 2015
It is common for some people to be negative all the time, and the sad thing is that is person could be a family member who sees nothing good and will find a reason to complain about each and everything….
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Melinda Glover
May 21, 2015
Are you a working woman with a family, children included, at home? Women who both work and raise children are often the same women who are the most stretched and stressed, and often these conditions also entail a fair amount…
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Michelle Wilkinson
May 21, 2015
If you are unable to afford a family vacation, you are not alone. Many people are looking for ways to save money, and so are cutting back on their usual luxuries. If you’re feeling depressed that you can’t afford a…
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Jennifer Volkers
May 21, 2015
For most people, family life is an abundance of love, laughter, chaos, hard work, guilt, anxiety, problem solving and more. Self employment may be an answer to increasing the love and laughter and decreasing some of the negative attributes, however…
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Edgar Arold
May 21, 2015
A woman that works outside the home also feels responsible for putting her family first. She feels that sense of burden as her calling in life and if she is not careful, she can jeopardize her career. There are several…
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Jacque E
May 21, 2015
Home really is like the cheers slogan. It’s where everyone knows your name and greets you with a smile. In a day and age where so many people are suffering and young families have found themselves without shelter, it is…
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Oluwasegun P. Gbolagun
May 21, 2015
Being a mother and at the same time keeping a job or running a business can be a cumbersome combination but can be enjoyed if planned appropriately. It is even much more important for you to start your busy day…
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Melinda Glover
May 21, 2015
Fitness is important for all members of a family, and one effective way in ensuring that your entire family is getting enough exercise, and keeping fit, is to practice a fitness regimen together, as a family activity. There are many…
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Cassie Kristof
May 21, 2015
Many elements of our world reflect a growing unhappiness. Yes, there is terrorism, war, crime and violence. What is important is to try to balance out the ugliness and unhappiness by celebrating what is beautiful and wonderful about our world….
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Elaine M. Doxie
May 21, 2015
Contrary to popular belief, any mother is a working mother. However, there are many who go to work outside the home, and come home to work inside the home, essentially having to hold down two jobs. In those cases, the…
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Patricia Watson - 275866
May 21, 2015
When your children grow up you expect them to leave the comfort of your home. In some cases this is not a possibility. The adult child may be finishing his or her education and can’t afford to live away from…
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Jennifer Eblin
May 21, 2015
Caring for a sick family member at home is not an easy job. I respect anyone who takes that responsibility into their own hands. The hours are long, there is no pay, and there are very little rewards. For those…
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Carol Gioia
May 21, 2015
A boy being raised by a single mother might display identical mischievous behavior as a peer from a dual parent family, yet his behavior is apt to be criticized, while the behavior of his peer from the “nuclear” family could most…
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Stephanie Espiritu
May 21, 2015
There are certain things in our lives that we can live without. A large house filled with items that have been collected over the years, a fancy car that can take us wherever our heart desires and a bank account…
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Tess Koning
May 21, 2015
As humans, we have the unique ability to make choices in almost all aspects of our lives, and while this may sound like a good thing, it can also be one of the hardest things we have to do! Some…
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Jessica Johns
May 21, 2015
You’ve found a man that you love, and who you feel loves you in the same manner. How wonderful! You may have even introduced him to your children, and they seem to get along. But how do you know what…
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Ellen Dolock
May 20, 2015
I took care of an elderly step-dad for two years at home before he died. It was the most difficult thing I ever had to do and also the most rewarding. For the last six months he was bed-ridden and…
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Nicole Harley
May 20, 2015
I hail from a rather enormous extended family of Irish/Italian Catholic’s, between the food and spirits at family gatherings its a wonder we have even survived the generations, but none the less, we stand proud and numerous. Given the lineage,…
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Joanna Farley
May 20, 2015
For some fathers, this may never be true. For others, the opportunity to become not just a good father, but a friend to your children, comes with time and the will to reach out to your children. My father was…
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Jennifer Aimes
May 20, 2015
My first thought on this was…It is NEVER too late to be a good father! But, as I began to write, I realized that that was a double edged sword! Because people can and do change! On the other hand,…
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Michelle Baldwin
May 20, 2015
Thank God blood is not thicker than water or I would be drowning in the pool of my parents blood.I have found that staying loyal to a dysfunctional family is very near to climbing a hill of beans. You may…
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Maggie Ney
May 20, 2015
Is blood thicker than water, good question! One would have to search their heart and mind to find out what they really think. Sound interesting? Let’s try it shall we? I will begin to wander down my life path. Looking…
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