Jennifer Vose
May 29, 2015
As a new mother, I have realized that the complexity of parenting causes your entire life to become simplified. Your hairstyle must be simplified, for a lack of time and the presence of busy drool-covered fingers. Your daily routine must…
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Melanie Hubacz
May 29, 2015
Being adopted, I consider myself an expert on the blood versus water debate. I was adopted as an infant, and raised an only child. Growing up, when I would mention my adoption to friends, they would say “Don’t you want…
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Tunde Adelakun
May 29, 2015
Gone are those days when man was expected make a living all by himself and provide for his family.Taking a look at our society today, it is not an uncommon sight to see married men idling away, even in Africa….
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Leslie Gaines
May 29, 2015
“How did you turn out the way you did?” That seems to be the next unanswerable question. How does anyone turn out the way they do. How much of a person’s behavior is genetic? How much is culture? I have…
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Cat McD
May 29, 2015
Have you heard yourself say, “I have to do everything around here!” or “nobody ever helps me with anything” and my favorite “My husband comes home from work and just sits and watches television while I work my fingers to…
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Christine G.
May 29, 2015
WE ARE HERE TO LEARN ABOUT GOD’S GRACE The idea of Mother’s Day started in 1907, when women banded together to write clergymen, businessmen and politiciansto solicit support for the idea of a day of recognition for mothers. Seven years…
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Bernice Angoh
May 29, 2015
There have been many times I’ve wanted to divorce my family but I couldn’t. The truth is I love every one of them. But sometimes they aggravate me with their attitudes and their actions. When we are young, we are…
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Trudy Graham
May 29, 2015
Defining a word is easy one only needs a good dictionary; defining a family is another thing entirely. Defining my own family is a step removed from even this because I am on the inside, where the view is probably…
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Leah Malone
May 29, 2015
I wish to dedicate this to one of my most dearest companions. My brother, one who was always there for me, one who has always supported me, and cared about me. It is written in a letter formate, so please…
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May 29, 2015
There is one thing that defines the relationships between the sexes. Men are expected to be providers while women are provided for. We may get politically correct about this but doing so will not change the facts. Men are expected…
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Leslie Trotter
May 29, 2015
Why parents shouldn’t fight in front of kids It is devastating for any child to have to live with parents who constantly fight each other whether it’s physically or verbally. It teaches a child that violence and disrespecting another person…
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Allison Faulkner
May 29, 2015
I am absolutely certain that women’s liberation of the 1960’s has nearly ruined the American family of today. Women are still expected to be the mother/teacher of children, not to mention carry their young for 9 months. This in itself…
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Anne Taylor
May 28, 2015
Only a non-parent would have to ponder this one. The answer is an emphatic “YES”. The trouble is your age and place in the family will determine the depth of your devotion. Truthful, there are members of my family that…
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Victor Usifo
May 28, 2015
Learning to take responsibility for your own behavior Who is to blame for your condition in life today? Most people find it easy to lay the blame on others. But the true answer to the above question is that “You”…
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Joan Inong
May 28, 2015
You may live in a big city full of entertainment and excitement. Or, you may live in a rural town that offers very little in terms of bright lights and night parties. When you have out of town guests, you…
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Kamryn Adams
May 28, 2015
These days, running a family is a full-time job. Kids have educational, athletic, and social activities that require moms and dads to be not only organized but well rested. The good news is that in the 21st century there are…
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May 28, 2015
You may be at a point in your life when having children is in the near-future. This is a completely personal decision, and one that must be made between you and your partner. There must be many things weighed when…
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Leslie Trotter
May 28, 2015
Keeping your out of town guest entertained Your favorite cousin, her husband and children or in town for the week. You couldn’t hardly wait to see them and you’ve offered out your home instead of them getting a hotel, which…
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Joan Inong
May 28, 2015
Parents have a few obligations to their children: they must feed and clothe them, provide shelter for them and love them, and they must be able to allow them to grow into responsible and mature adults. However, some parents expect…
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Leslie Trotter
May 28, 2015
Living with a partner who works from home If you’re a stay home wife who is used to her husband getting up early in the morning and works out of the home from nine to five, it’s going to take…
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Loralie Lynn
May 28, 2015
Entertaining children with a movie night is a great way to bond as a family and have some fun together. Spending quality time with our children isn’t always easy due to the responsibilities of home and work life. A movie…
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May 28, 2015
Many times the reason we find it difficult to find help these days is that we fail to communicate the standards we expect. We may not be taking the time to demonstrate the “how” of a particular job, for instance….
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Maria C Collins
May 28, 2015
Working mothers cannot win. Regularly, a politician, newspaper report, or research study says that stay at home mothers raise children better. This carries the unspoken criticism that working mothers neglect their children. Trouble is that modern life dictates that two…
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Ganelle Davis
May 28, 2015
I had chosen to call the role reversal between my grandmother and myself, “The Caregivers Circle.” Many times, I wished I had not been placed in this role reversal of taking care of my grandmother, bathing her and getting her…
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Barbara Kasey Smith
May 24, 2015
How to handle conflicts with parents will forever have differences of opinions. I’m from the old school, and as a youngster of long ago, I learned quickly “never” lash back at a parent without first analyzing the overall situation, listen…
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Ellen Fondren
May 24, 2015
Back in the fifties there was a terrible disease that was known as Polio. When a cousin of mine was attacked by this disease I learned the lesson of what it meant to be both a friend and have a…
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May 24, 2015
We are sons and fathers. We are daughters and mothers. The supreme key to solve our conflicts with our children it’s hidden in the ways we handled the conflicts we had with our parents. If we failed to have a…
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Steven Pike
May 24, 2015
By offering the following suggestions, I’m not trying to tell anyone how to bring up their kids nor am I trying to point out what you are doing wrong (if anything). Parenting is not easy and keeping the little ones…
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Penny Howington
May 24, 2015
Fathers are the example that all the other men in a daughter’s life will have to measure up to. From her father, a daughter learns the value of dependability, honesty and self esteem. If a father respects his daughter and…
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Ila Ann
May 24, 2015
My situation is a bit different from most I would say. I was born ten years after the youngest girl. There were four of us; the oldest being my brother, than a sister, another sister and oops….I came along. I…
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