Sandra Lowen
June 15, 2015
TIPS FOR DEALING WITH MESSY GUESTS Good grief! They’re coming again? But they’re so messy! I grew up in the ‘leave-a-plus’ world. My parents hammered into my flat little head that if I visited someone the space I occupied should…
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Rosemarie Quintal
June 15, 2015
Proper clothing, proper greetings, proper gesturing and proper behavior for children will help Muslim guests truly feel welcome in your home or help you attend a mixed party in your own neighborhood. Dressing in modest clothing would be the best…
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Patricia Watson - 275866
June 14, 2015
Tough love becomes appropriate, when family members actions are endangering the health and well-being of other members in the family. Knowing when tough love is needed is the easy part. Actually putting that tough love into action is a very…
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Jennifer Corrow
June 14, 2015
If you live in America, you and millions like you, have come to love it when Friday night rolls around. Even children love Fridays! They get it….Friday means “fun” which in our household it means family movie night. Common phrases…
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Laurie Childree
June 14, 2015
With all the advances in technologies life was supposed to be easier. It seems however that all these things have led us to fill up every hour of our day. There is work, after school activities and all the things…
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maddie rose
June 8, 2015
The Struggles of Mothers and Fathers: Mothers and fathers even at when their best to try to raise their children in the most correct, possible manner, is not always easy. They both agree, in the sense the both want their…
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Alena Orrison
June 7, 2015
Growing up, I was a difficult child to say the least. I was rebellious and always wanted to do my own thing. I had a job at a local fast food restaurant, I was going to school and hanging out…
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maddie rose
June 7, 2015
Look twice before your child is grown up Do we understand how fast our children grow up? One moment they are small, fragile babies, with beautiful wrinkled foreheads and then one day they turn eighteen years old and drive away…
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Arthur Gibson
June 7, 2015
As men we have to stand up and take responsibility for our actions. Most of us are pretty good at doing this in our careers. We focus on doing those things that will help us get ahead in our chosen…
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Michelle Foreman
June 7, 2015
My husband loves to garden, it is his own personal stress reliever. He enjoys it way more than I ever will, I won’t deny that. I have been helping him clear out the property on the back of our house,…
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Kerry Widman
June 7, 2015
I am the mom who actually cooks the food. “From Scratch” as my children and their friends would refer to it. I don’t know about everything being “from scratch”, but it sure is home cooked one way or the other….
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Rita Chandler
June 6, 2015
Planning a successful family reunion: 1) takes more than one person to organize, 2) takes time and money, 3) takes organizational and creativity skills, 4) takes calmness even in the face of disaster, 5) takes courage and the ability of…
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Rena Churchman
June 6, 2015
Planning a family reunion can be fun or even a nightmare. With my family it is over 300 plus family members. That is a nightmare for any single person planning the reunion on their own. So what we do is…
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Bethany Harvey
June 6, 2015
When you get older, in your 20s and 30s, life is supposed to be all you wanted and planned . You are on your own. You have a job. A place to live. A house or an apartment. A family…
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Vicki Tan
June 6, 2015
You are in a relationship. You proudly introduce your boyfriend or girlfriend to your family. After the first meeting or after some meetings, your family tells you that they dislike your boyfriend or girlfriend. You are upset because you expected…
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Jeff Bevelheimer
June 6, 2015
You and your husband have been married for a year or so now. You’re financially responsible and for the most part debt free. You are both working and ready to start planning a family. Family planning is one of the…
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Laurie Childree
June 6, 2015
The importance of putting family first sometimes gets lost with the busy schedules that are encountered today. The world is over run with people trying to get ahead and in doing so forgetting about the little things that really do…
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Freyda Tartak
June 6, 2015
So many of us feel conflicted between the need to provide for our families and our ability to truly make the most out of our time with them. The rigors and demands of everyday life frequently sap so much of…
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Leslie Trotter
June 6, 2015
This all depends on the relationship parents have with their children. If children know that their parents were always there for them, loving them unconditionally and taking care of them, they may not have a problem helping their parents financially….
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Kat Apf
June 6, 2015
As much as we’d like to cushion all the disappointments in our children’s lives, the sad truth is, we can’t. And the facts are, we wouldn’t want to. What we can do is support our children when they have a…
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Leslie Trotter
June 6, 2015
Being there for grandchildren that live far away Grandparents’ joy is their grandchildren, from the first day they are born until the day they become adults and start raising their own children. It is not exciting for a grandparents to…
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Susan Allen
June 6, 2015
How often have you heard a mother or father say, Once they are 18 and out of the house, then I won’t have to worry about them anymore. And how often, in today’s society, have you heard a parent of…
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M. J. Joachim
June 6, 2015
You sit there at your computer, recognizing the need to be available for your family, but knowing you have a few things to get done for your freelance writing career too. Sometimes you wonder if it’s worth it to write…
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Kelly Sandefur
June 6, 2015
A little over a year ago, I made one of the hardest decisions I could ever make. I was in a bad relationship, and my options were to keep dealing with this bad relationship, or move in with my parents…
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Russell Rhyne
June 6, 2015
Paying our children to do chores has been rubbed on both sides of the coin when it comes to morals and final decisions concerning this matter. It has always been said that we should teach our children the morals of…
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Wendy Brock
June 6, 2015
To think of our children growing up in an unhappy world is startling, but realistic. Every parent wants their child to be happy, so how do you achieve it? There is no overnight miracle drug, but with a little time…
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Karon Brandt
June 6, 2015
Are climate changes due to extended family breakdowns? By definition, the extended family includes parents, children and other close relatives that live in close proximity. (American Heritage Dictionary) Climate is the meteorological conditions like temperature, precipitation and wind that characteristically…
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Kareen Rose
June 6, 2015
People are put into families in various ways. The most common is by birth thus making them blood relations. Another way a person becomes family is adoption. Though not technically a blood relation this person is considered family and entitled…
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Patricia Dexheimer
June 6, 2015
As human beings, the higher the technology we achieve, the less humane we become. Originally designed to inspire families with love and laughter, over the past few years television has become a violent trash dispenser rather than a venue for…
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Scott Cameron
June 6, 2015
Oh for goodness sake. You might as well ask if blowing your nose contributes to climate change. Or walking to work rather than driving. Both activities cause the exhalation of carbon dioxide, that evil gas that will cause the downfall…
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