Father in Divorce
In the U.S. a battle rages over an outdated maxim: that in almost all cases a child is best left in the sole care of his mother and the father need no other influence than to be a visitor. There…
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In the U.S. a battle rages over an outdated maxim: that in almost all cases a child is best left in the sole care of his mother and the father need no other influence than to be a visitor. There…
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With colder weather approaching and longer evenings inside with the kids, families may be trying to find ways to connect better with their children. Establishing a family game night should be something you consider. I can hear you now, my…
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Family time can often be hard to come by. Often times it seems that everyone is rushing off to work, school, sports, extra-curricular, church events, etc. Finding time for the whole family to be together can be challenging but well…
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Looking at this title, it brought to mind the time with my mother. I was not on very close relationship with her being brought up by my maternal grandmother and my mother working in Holland for ten years. My parents…
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The dilemma of balancing taking care of an elderly loved one or friend with the care of your own children and family is so huge that it even has a name the “Sandwich Generation.” Countless adults find themselves wedged between these…
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Loneliness is a rather common phenomenon among senior parents. This situation is mainly caused by their children that stay far away from them because of either career pursuit or the need to continue their learning, or some other commitments that…
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The time has come for the family to make a decision in regard to caring for the parents. With many families separated by miles, disagreement and finances, this may be a difficult transition. An issue that many 40-something adult children…
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Believe it or not, I have re-written this one three times. First I started to have some fun and to write a parody (Listen, I am so busy living my life that I cannot be bothered with a bunch of…
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“Protecting Aging Parents” How then do we protect our aging parents while allowing them to maintain their independence? Or is it more suiting to ask, “How do we protect aging parents while allowing them to maintain their independence without them…
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If you take a good long look at several family situations like this, you see two things: 1. The majority of the care and decision making falls to one person 2. That person is usually (but not always) a female….
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After we grow and leave the nest, it is meant that we move on and create our new unions. When we build new nests we make commitments to our own families . As we move on in our lives ,…
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In this age of paid care for family members, both senior day care and child day care are very well attended. Some people wonder whether the two should be combined.There are definite pros and cons to the idea, but the…
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There is only one reason why I would keep my parents out of a nursing home and that is because it is my choice to take care of them. We all have this choice to make and our lives are…
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Most among us owe a debt we can never repay completely, to our parents for their tireless efforts on behalf of their children. We should care for our parents as they cared for us – when we were vulnerable and…
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Mom or Dad has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease and you’ve made the decision to care for your parent with Alzheimer’s. You have a difficult road ahead of you but it can be done. Do you have children? Do you…
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Whether it’s for medical or financial reasons, when a parent moves in with you, it’s always a challenge in the beginning. But if you have a close and ongoing relationship with them up until now, it should be easy. If…
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Over two million elderly Americans are the victims of some form of abuse. These statistics do not tell the entire story; it is estimated that for every case that is reported as many as five cases are not reported. Elder…
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As of the early 90’s, the fastest growing age group in the U.S. was said to be the 75-plus category. Fast forward a decade, and there is no doubt that number has significantly increased. With the advancements of medical technology,…
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Caring for an elderly abusive parent is the toughest thing I ever did in my life, but when it was all said and done I was glad that I did not put her in a nursing home. When I was…
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Caring for an Elderly Parent is one of the things families need to make sacrifices for. My wife works at a Nursing Home, and sometimes our Parents need to be brought there. I believe it is preferable to allow our…
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Aloha, for the last time It was 8:18 am, July 16, 2008-that dreaded phone call from the hospital. The phone rang and it fell behind the couch. I told my daughter, “Probably it is the hospital about daddy.” After my…
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Moving an elderly parent into your house, is not by any manner or means to be taken lightly. There is of course the obvious practical upheaval caused by any new person moving in. It may mean moving the contents of…
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When making a decision to move a parent into the home the first thought that comes to mind may be, “He/She took care of me so, I will do the same.”, while on the other hand some may think, “How…
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Money mismanagement is one financial warning sign your elderly parents need help. As parents age, they may lose the ability to work with numbers, forget to pay bills, be unable to write checks, or not have the money to pay…
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Determining the best way to care for elderly parents who are ill, depends on several factors. The primary factors are the type of illness, the location of the parent, and the location of the rest of the family members. It…
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People become another missing statistic for all kinds of reasons. Children and teenagers run away from home for every reason imaginable. Adults leave home because they can’t handle it anymore. Older adults go for a walk and due to dementia…
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Nursing home care is not only expensive, it is inadequate. It may be necessary to consider having your parent live with you, but make the consider carefully: Yes or no, should you move your mother or your father in your…
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The boomerang kid scenario is playing out across the country in higher numbers than ever before. There are several factors behind this rise. The shaky economy is leaving more adults without jobs. Increased foreclosure rates are leading to in an…
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If you seek out a definition of this phrase then the only possible answer to its sentiment is “yes”. The phrase is used to describe the fact that family relationships, or blood ties, are stronger than any other. Put visually,…
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Taking on the responsibility of being a full time caregiver to someone who has Alzheimer disease means giving up much of yourself, your time, and your freedom. Mostly your time. Some might liken the experience to having a small child…
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