Gwendolyn Golden
June 25, 2015
There are simple ways of showing your daughter that you love her. Ways that are not expensive, yet, priceless. Spending time Spending time with each other creates a bond that will never be broken. When she realizes that you have…
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Joyce M. George-Knight
June 25, 2015
Babies and young children love unconditionally. What, therefore, makes us grow-up and put conditions on who and how we will love? Somewhere along the way we learn to distrust and become fearful. Aren’t family members people to whom we should…
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C. Ann Cunningham
June 25, 2015
Creating a new family tradition can be exciting and frightening at the same time. You want to have something special and meaningful to your family, and yet you don’t necessarily want to leave everything you have become used to behind…
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Bobbylee Galindo
June 25, 2015
Imagine having a father that you have not seen since you were five years old. My father walked out on my mother when she was eight months pregnant with my brother. I saw him a few times growing up. Every-time…
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Donna Thacker
June 25, 2015
Family reunions can be all about re-tightening family ties, or they can end up being a disastrous event that makes you wish you had stayed home. There are many common reasons why families don’t get along at reunions. Some are…
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Gwendolyn Golden
June 25, 2015
I am the mother of two fantastic boys who I have given my heart life and soul to. I have created a strong loving bond from the womb and I have always been there for them. Times have nor always…
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Juliana Wey
June 25, 2015
How Do You Build A Bond With A Sister You Don’t Really Know? A friend (more of a associate that a friend) came round for a drink because she was quite fed up, I know what it is like to…
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Robert Dixon
June 25, 2015
Southern families rely strongly upon a sense of place. It is the connection to a people, a time, and setting that brings a modicum of character to the individual. Yet southerners realize that individuality can come only if the person…
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June 25, 2015
If your family is typical, members are spread all over the country and abroad. The current economy is really not conducive to additional expenses of travel and accommodations. Travel is costly, and hours spent in the airport terminal can be…
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Ganelle Davis
June 25, 2015
The teens are enthralled in listening to their iPods and yes, they seem to be oblivious to anyone or anything that is going on in the outside world. Many husbands after a hard day’s work would rather slumber, watch a…
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Carla Shaffer
June 25, 2015
“Mom you’re not going to believe it! Dakota Little is pregnant!”, my twelve year old daughter Lilly announced as she bounded in the back door . I was shocked to say the least! Dakota and Lilly had been in preschool…
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H Barton
June 25, 2015
Wow, where do I start? I remember being 6 years old, and my father bringing me my first bike, and showing me how to ride it around the block. I remember the little wal mart truck he got for my…
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Jennifer Macon-Steele
June 25, 2015
The holidays are a busy travel time for families. If you are loading up the mini-van to take the kids to see Grandma, you are not alone. Many families all over are doing exactly the same thing. Traveling with kids…
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Joyce M. George-Knight
June 25, 2015
Keeping a family together can be quite the task, but it can be done. Let’s see, there’s Adam’s baseball practices and games, Emma’s piano practices and lessons and Mom and Dad are each involved in a couple organizations, plus they…
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Vonda J. Sines
June 25, 2015
Before they have children, most parents assume their family will be serene. This mental picture, which usually also involves a lovely holiday scene, is firmly planted until the first child arrives. Picture this familiar scenario. You’ve filled the dishwasher and…
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Catherine Zhang
June 25, 2015
As a child, I am always a child in the eyes of my parents, no matter how old I am. For myself, my parents are always my parents, no matter how old I am. Parents’ words are what I should…
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Kelly Ismail
June 25, 2015
What are some the simple ways you can show your daughter that you love her? First of all, hugs and kisses are one of the simpliest ways to let your daughter know you love her. A warm, tight embrace can…
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Freyda Tartak
June 25, 2015
One of the best ways to connect as a family is to disconnect from your everyday life and head out to a theme park. There are many options, all over the country that could suite this purpose. One attraction that…
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Kat Apf
June 25, 2015
Gossip is difficult with friends but it’s ten time worse with siblings. A brother or sister who feels the need to gossip within the family is beyond difficult to deal with. It’s not a pleasant experience no matter who is…
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Sandra Krajewski
June 25, 2015
He was far from perfect. My Daddy, though a man who showed little emotion, was as fierce as a lion, and gentle as a lamb, when it came to protecting his family. Daddy was a small-framed, short man (only five foot…
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Tracey Atkins
June 25, 2015
Dealing with depression is very hard, and in order for a family to help a depressed family member, he or she must admit to themselves, and then the family that they’re depressed. Often times family and friends, and even co…
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Sammy Stein
June 25, 2015
Rarely do we all sit down and have a family meal together because we are all doing so many different things but when we can we make an effort to get together and have a meal. A family meal is…
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Ganelle Davis
June 25, 2015
The very first key to communicating is listening. I mean really listening to the complaints and even the nagging. I bet you are saying to yourself, who wants to hear all of that? The very first time you listen and…
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Denise Gerig
June 25, 2015
Teaching children to resolve conflict using good communication skills and negotiations toward mutually positive outcomes is a fundamental responsibility of parenting. Acknowledging that conflict resolution is a skill to be learned and practiced allows both open discussion and formal education…
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Bhavya Dabas
June 25, 2015
Puberty is a rather tricky time in the growth and development of a girl. She’s becoming a woman, she thinks she’s a grown woman, but her parents know that she’s not quite there yet. She wants more freedom to make…
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Hany Ferdinando
June 25, 2015
Playing Together is Great Investment for Your Children Being parents for our kids is a privilege. How did I get this conclusion? It started when I realized the relationship between parents and children. I am a father of two kids,…
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Cynthia Grant
June 25, 2015
Family and traditions have gone hand in hand with each other forever. All families have their own and some traditions are shared with people all over the world. As we grow older and have our own families and blend with…
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June 25, 2015
Depression is an awful state in any people’s life. Depression could cause lack of enjoyment in any activities and loss of appetite in life. This situation does not only affect that individual but also might affect others (such as, family,…
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Edward Moses
June 25, 2015
THE LIGHTHOUSE-A FATHER’S ROLE “You represent that Lighthouse to me, because no matter how stormythe seas of life became you were always that pillar, that beacon of light,to guide me through the trying times. No matter how rough or dark…
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Laurie Childree
June 25, 2015
No matter how small or how large your family is you want to have fun with them. The problem is that there are some things that cost a bit more than others. This means that you might not be able…
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