Ally Hart
July 22, 2015
“Sugar, Spice and everything nice”. That is what little girls are made of. As a mother, having my daughter is a life long gift in itself. This beautiful creation who is a part of you, who looks up to you…
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Dolores Moore
July 22, 2015
Family reunions are rather like a Victorian Christmas, an idealized, sparkly, perfect celebration of peace and goodwill to all. The preparations, the picture postcard images and the loving intentions can never surmount the one problematical element in this reunion scenario…
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Matt Bird
July 22, 2015
Does the notion of ‘family game night’ seem hopelessly outdated? I’m sure it does to most families. The majority of family members are bent on spending time independent from one another these days, thus eliminating many chances to bond with…
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Victoria Tiegert
July 22, 2015
Summer time is when many families plan their vacations traditionally and there is plenty of fun just waiting to be had. The weather is warm, the children are done with school for another long break, and you are all ready…
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sylvia guinan salis
July 22, 2015
WHAT DO CHILDREN REALLY NEED? Children need parents who respect their individuality, understand their learning needs, and maintain firm boundaries when necessary. Above all, children need parents who can uphold a positive atmosphere in the home, whilst fostering emotional intelligence…
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Codi Rouvinen - 507428
July 22, 2015
When I found out I was pregnant I was so stressed out about everything, what kind of mother I’ll be, what will my baby be like and who he would be as an adult. During labor we realized he wasn’t…
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Renee Harris - 537723
July 22, 2015
Every morning, my three-year-old wakes up and if he sees the sun he’ll say, “It’s a Summer day!” and for the last few months I’ve agreed. Now, if he sees the wind he states that it’s a Fall day, but…
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Garry Spotts
July 22, 2015
As a parent, rearing children brings a unique set of joys and special set of challenges. We enjoy our children and like most parents we want them to grow up and become successful. Determining what the word, “Success” will mean…
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Vonda J. Sines
July 22, 2015
If yours is like most American families, you feel lucky to have even one night a week when nobody has any sports events, music lessons or appointments scheduled. Although you have the best intentions as far as making sure your…
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Lisenga Sutter
July 22, 2015
Is Blood Thicker Than Water? It would be nice to think that this statement is true in any aspect, to know that your blood would be there for you in a way that no other would, however, I have proven…
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Vera Collins
July 22, 2015
Fall is in the air, can you smell it? My favorite time of year is the fall. Fresh new air, great smells, and wonderful sunshine. Nothing beats the fall. There are so many things to do with your kids in…
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Terra L. Fletcher
July 22, 2015
The majority of women in industrialized nations work outside of the home. In most cases this is a necessity. Some women do not have a husband to help defer living expenses. As the cost of living increases and good jobs…
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Donna Thacker
July 22, 2015
Family reunions used to be a lot more commonplace than they are now. Many family reunions were held on a yearly basis, and were quite large, well organized events. Some have fell to the way side for the very reason…
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Kelly Ismail
July 22, 2015
Children come into our lives as precious gifts. We want to raise to them to be all that they can be and to accomplish many things in their lives. In order to be able to guide them and lead them…
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Donna Thacker
July 22, 2015
The one thing that seems to be seriously lacking in families these days is quality time. That doesn’t mean just the time everyone is at the dinner table, or in the car being driven to various destinations. Serious quality time…
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Jinianne Gorg
July 22, 2015
A mother-daughter relationship seems to start out rather easily. When I became a mother, I nurtured that relationship, seeking to form a bond with my daughter that would not disappear over the years. This worked great during her early years….
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Joan Inong
July 22, 2015
Bonding with your father can be done in a variety of ways, and it only takes a small amount of effort. Even if you think that you and your father are just not compatible, you should try bonding anyway. It…
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Betty Carew
July 22, 2015
Preparing children for a working life is as necessary as taking care of them as they grow although it should be done within reason. It is very important that they are taught the value of money and the responsibilities that…
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Tim Daughtry
July 22, 2015
A Much Longer Time Dad, how long do we live? Since Paul was a teacher of philosophy at the local community college he was impressed by his son’s question. But he had to hesitate before answering. His training to teach…
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Corban Burns
July 22, 2015
“Obey your mother and your father.” To many youths, these words sound like something out of the Dark Ages. The command to ‘honor your parents’ (which includes willing submission and obedience) comes from God, and he attaches the following incentive…
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Author Name Withheld 61
July 22, 2015
Adam and Eve started the world’s first family. Many pastors preach we are all linked together. We’re all one big family. When a child is baptized, you hear things like this being said. This concept of family and friends takes…
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Victoria Tiegert
July 22, 2015
Remember how exciting it was to hear the announcement of a snow day (e.g. a day day off from school) when you were a child? What happened to that thrill once the school years ended? There is no reason that…
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Carole Somerville
July 22, 2015
How you might bring peace, happiness and harmony into your home through feng shui? This article focuses on your overall home and relationships and discusses how Feng Shui might affect family harmony. Changes in the Home and Changes in Relationships…
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Tami Gorby
July 22, 2015
Oh I feel children are different in many ways so this will affect the way they show their love to their parents. Such as some are shy when others are more bold and outgoing. A shy child might show their…
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Durga Krishnan
July 22, 2015
Bonding with your Sister Activities when you are both broke “Idiot! I need the bathroom right now!” That’s how I usually start my day. By pounding on my sister’s room door and yelling at her to get out. Then we…
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Justin Germino
July 22, 2015
A father’s influence on his children lasts an entire lifetime, and I write this article knowing full well the impacts and influence my own Father had on me and thinking what influence I will have on my own children. A…
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Dale Sadler
July 22, 2015
All the horror stories you’ve heard are true. The names have not been changed to protect the innocent, because there are none. Your child is in middle school, the time in every person’s life when the hormones rage, the drama…
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Linda Ann Nickerson
July 22, 2015
The Family Reunion Guest List What is a family reunion, if certain family members are excluded? Every family is different, of course. Any family, particularly a larger clan, may have its own curious characters. Perhaps a relative’s conduct may be…
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A. M. Schultz
July 22, 2015
When you look up family in the dictionary you will find descriptions such as household, clan, fellowship, and group. Similarly, when you look up value in the dictionary you will find words such as worth, importance, intrinsic, desirable, quality, and…
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A. Y. Ford
July 22, 2015
Families don’t have to spend a lot of money to find entertainment. TV and magazine advertisements would like to make us think we have to obtain the latest video games, mp3 players, and expensive vacations to have happy content children….
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