JW Evans
January 20, 2014
Children love to be rewarded, and are eager to please. Because we were late financial bloomers, we did not begin rewarding our boys for chores until they were about ten years old. They quickly adapted to a job board, which…
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Todd Pheifer
January 20, 2014
Cooking is an art form but it is also a regular part of normal life. In some regards, cooking has become a lesser part of modern society as individuals and families get more of their meals from fast food and…
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Ruth Anne Mack
January 20, 2014
The smart evaluator will make note of all the features he feels is important, when choosing a nursing home, and then go and investigate in person. The quality of the rooms, treatment of the staff, quality of the food, all…
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Joyce Good Henderson
January 20, 2014
Recognizing that you can no longer live alone may involve months of agonizing over the decision of where you should live. In a traditional nursing home setting, most patients share a room with one other person, have very little of their own…
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Melissa D. Ing
January 20, 2014
Adult day care facilities provide emotional, psychological, social and physical supports to senior citizens and their care givers. Without adult day care, many care givers feel overwhelmed by the day to day pressures of caring for an elderly or infirm…
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Barbara Kasey Smith
January 20, 2014
Do kids these days learn more from their parents or the TV? *Is television the main teaching tool in our society: In our society, the majority of young children are being educated by what they see on television and in…
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Mona Gallagher
January 20, 2014
It seems like only yesterday our parents told us to eat our vegetables or we wouldn’t grow up to be strong and healthy. We eventually ate them, but many of us held out as long as we could. Today the…
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Ted Sherman
January 20, 2014
To use the word benefits as it applies to hospice care is a bit of a stretch. The decision to confine a loved one to a hospice facility leads to a heartbreaking and stressful time for everyone involved. It is…
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Amanda Barke
January 20, 2014
Empty nest blues may not be a medical diagnosis, but it is a very real psychological condition that can be debilitating at times. Both mothers and fathers can feel the effects of their final child leaving home. However, mothers tend…
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Debbie Robus
January 20, 2014
Using the Internet and new technology to find the best resources for eldercare has truly revolutionized a daunting challenge and made it far more manageable. The best way to illustrate this is to compare and contrast the care of my…
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Tony Chuks Modungwo
January 20, 2014
Marriage has an enormous potential for happiness or unhappiness; for love or for misunderstanding and conflict depending on the couple. When a family live together in harmony and mutual respect, it results in one of the happiest states of life…
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Shana Baxter
January 20, 2014
August 12, 2000, a day I will never forget. A day I was told I had just a few short months left in this world. Walking out of the hospital that day fear was in my mind, sadness in my…
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Joyce Good Henderson
January 20, 2014
Hospice is specialized nursing care for persons with life-limiting illnesses, and their families, recognizing the unique stress and needs of the end-of-life period. The goal of hospice is to provide palliative care, rather than recuperative care, in situations where recovery…
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Joyce Good Henderson
January 20, 2014
Falls are a significant problem and cause of injury among elderly persons. Women fall more frequently than men, and two-thirds of those who experience a fall will have a second one within 6 months. Many falls involve environmental hazards in…
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Joyce Good Henderson
January 20, 2014
Tips for eating healthy can improve quality, as well as quantity of life, shorten recovery time after surgery or illness, and save money. As many as 85% of elderly people have one or more nutrition-related chronic illnesses. These persons have…
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Rebecca Thomas - 565481
January 20, 2014
Healthy eating habits for older adults should start much earlier prior to you reaching that designated age. This should go hand-in-hand with exercising moderately, drinking plenty of water and be patient. The most common changes that you will face and…
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Philo Gabriel
January 20, 2014
Medicaid is a government program to help poor people pay for medical care. It is funded jointly by the federal and state governments, and administered largely by the states. Thus one can speak only in general terms about Medicaid and…
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Kate Johns
January 20, 2014
With the economy in a continual state of decline, people are doing everything they have to to keep their current jobs. People are out of work, and looking for a job to keep a roof over their heads. When you…
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Shelly Barclay
January 20, 2014
Becoming a parent is, unfortunately, something that is a simple act. All you need is a few minutes and anyone over and below a certain age can become a parent. However, being a deserving parent is another matter altogether. There…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
January 20, 2014
There is a well known humorous saying that says that “Guests are a bit like fish. They go off after the first day.” This is true, and although we love to see people arrive for their holiday, the thought of…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
January 20, 2014
Drunken guests can be very difficult to deal with but the perfect host will be able to recognize signs of trouble and do everything possible to avert the situation becoming out of control or difficult for others. There are any number of…
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Gerard Coulombe
January 20, 2014
How to get rid of unwanted guests is not always easy as some might think or what some of your friends might suggest you do about unwanted guests. If the unwanted person in your home is there because you let…
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Amanda Banning
January 20, 2014
Is blood thicker than water? Yes, but that does not mean that it should be, it just is. It is a sense of entitlement that we feel towards our blood relatives when they have struck gold or millions in the…
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Ronna Doescher
January 20, 2014
Death is never easy. Knowing your are going to die from a disease you have is harder. Knowing that death is going to come soon is the hardest. You have to deal with your own emotions and those of your…
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Effie Moore Salem
January 20, 2014
At first thought when dealing messy guests, the response is ask them to help clean up; the second thought is by far more mature and reality driven. You don’t actually outright ask them to help, you being to pick up…
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Effie Moore Salem
January 20, 2014
Be kind but be persistent in your effort to calm down rowdy guests. Your first though may be to throw them out but curb that hasty thought. Deal with them kindly now that they are in your home and in…
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Effie Moore Salem
January 20, 2014
When guest overstay their welcome by more than a few days, you must politely ask them to leave. How you do this depends on how important a guest they are. First of all when you invite guests to your home…
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Wayne Leon Learmond
January 20, 2014
You can pick your friends, but you cannot pick your family. This well-known saying has been going round for years, and it is so true. To say that blood is thicker than water is to not look at the ‘bigger…
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Patience Tatu
January 20, 2014
Family versus friends. Nothing makes us rack our brains as making a choice between the two parties. I must admit that not all blood relations run smoothly without any wrangles. This however does not brush away the fact that there are times…
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Joan Kuper
January 19, 2014
Interpreting the phrase literally, of course all would say blood is thicker than water. We know from our chemistry lessons that water has lower viscosity than blood. However, this phrase is also an old German proverb meaning most people feel…
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