Happy Family
There are a few simple tips for improving family life and all they take is a bit of effort. Listen. First and foremost, listen to what your family is saying and even as importantly what they are not saying. There’s…
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There are a few simple tips for improving family life and all they take is a bit of effort. Listen. First and foremost, listen to what your family is saying and even as importantly what they are not saying. There’s…
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The old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” was just that, a saying. But the thought behind it, of doing the same thing everyday would benefit you holds true. The same thought process applies to family life….
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Technology is amazing. It has brought a lot of wonderful tools for society to use however technology is also responsible for the deterioration of family life. A breakdown in communication, miscommunication, distance between family members and family members completely ignoring…
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When the recession hit, hundreds upon hundreds of families suffered because of it. As hard as this was for many families, many made it their goal to get back on their feet and get their lives back one way or another….
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The family unit has come under sustained attack in the past couple of decades. With divorce rates running high, United States 4.95 % per thousand people, United Kingdom 3.08% per thousand, sons and daughters moving away to look for work…
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Siblings have an unbreakable bond that can carry over well into their adult years, and it can grow even stronger as their lives change. Many siblings are close because they go through so much together, and they stick through the…
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The potential for children to be pushed into adulthood before they are ready can happen whether they come from a large or a small family. Whether a child is pushed into adulthood sooner than a child should be taking on…
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Blood is thicker than water. A saying you might commonly hear. What does that mean to most people? That their family means more to them than the average person. Having close family ties is not just handy for holiday gatherings,…
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Mental illness is no stranger to our family and we are no stranger to it. From its mildest forms, such as short, but chronic, episodes of depression, to very severe that have ended in suicide, we have seen it and…
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Technology can be a double-edged sword. The use of technology has been a welcomed boon for business, making short work of communication around the world. However, too much technology can encourage just the opposite when it comes to family life. The use of technology has…
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It is essential for an individual to grow up in a stable home environment. Living in one benefits them spiritually, emotionally, socially and mentally. It is the foundation of society. Most of us can recall what our living surroundings were…
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If there’s one common element that’s capable of slowly but inextricably driving families apart, it’s routines that don’t line up. Simple absence from one another’s lives – even if you live under the same roof! – can be the death…
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Sometimes families tend to take one another for granted. Being caught up in daily activities and demands of busy lives, it is easy to neglect some of the most important and potentially enduring relationships one is apt to have –…
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Ahh, the holidays! Times of family togetherness and joy – not to mention special occasions where you don’t have to go to work, best of all – holidays encapsulate some of the best days of the year. They’re a chance…
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The modern way of life isn’t always a healthy way of life. More and more families are taking the easy route, and in the process, hardly getting any exercise at all. Nearly 50% of all children are obese and getting illnesses at…
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If you are a parent you may occasionally stop and ponder why you and other family members rarely communicate well, apart from to relay simple messages about domestic issues. The fact is that in the fast paced world of today…
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A house can never be a home if the family does not spend quality time together. Here are some tips you can do to be able to spend bonding moments with your family. Manage Your Time Every person has a…
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~ Is More Better? ~ How many households around the globe today, most especially in light of our ever-increasing modern technology, find that they are in a battle between the real world and the virtual world? Most of us are…
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You’re glad your parents didn’t downsize as they’d talked of doing when you and your siblings left home. You’re going to need to perch again in their empty nest. You guess they’ve been lonely, just the two of them, since…
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“Welcome to the Hotel Mamapapa…” (apologies to the Eagles).These words could be the boomerang kids’ anthem. For whatever socio-economic reasons, over the past 15 years, 69% of male and 50% of female children aged between 20 and 30, are going…
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In today’s face-paced world, finding the time for family often seems to get put on the “back burner” by most people who find themselves overwhelmed by other obligations such as work and/or school. For many, it’s not that you don’t…
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Parents can be so much more than mothers and fathers. In a tough economy, they can be your roommates, landlords, and (obviously) parents rolled into one. When you consider moving back in with your parents, the dynamic shifts. You have…
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The US Census reports that 18 million boomerang kids are now living with their folks. This is a 42% increase since 1970. Of course we realize the main reason for this trend is tough financial times for all. Young adults…
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Many parents desire to teach their children the value of earning money for doing honest work , and while it is a very noble goal, paying children to do chores around their own household does not really teach children what parents intend them to…
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People are very judgmental when they see a family member in an abusive situation. It’s easy to apportion blame, and even easier to upset the balance of their relationship by interfering. What outsiders often do not realize is that their…
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Very much like doing the dishes every day, all family members can help with the laundry. Dirty laundry accumulates every day with every person making their clothes dirty, bath towels soiled, hand towels and throw rugs a mess. Kids who…
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Adult children have a habit of returning to the nest. In these uncertain times, this happens with alarming frequency. We have two twenty-something children. Both have moved out and returned home again. Our son is currently on his fourth attempt…
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In every medical report and parenting magazine, you are told about the importance of children participating in sports, but how much is too much? All parents want their children to succeed in this winner-take-all society. However, parents these days more…
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If you are looking to get into shape, then a family fitness routine can be great fun, and rewarding too. Video games, television and the high pace of modern life all contribute to increased child obesity and reduce the amount…
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Everyone is cranky now and then. Life has its ups and downs which can affect mood and how family members react to each other. However, if someone in your family is consistently cranky you may feel like action is needed…
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