Paul Lines
September 28, 2013
Abuse is, or should be, one of the most hated words and acts in a relationship between two people. In its most hateful form, abuse is deemed to relate to any physical act that causes harm or damage to another….
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Das Govind
September 28, 2013
There are many reasons why potential dates may be put off by talking about past relationships . The past is the past and sometimes it is best to look to the future and not look back into the past. Past…
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Sun Meilan
September 28, 2013
Whether you’ve only just met, or have been together for some time, meeting your boyfriend’s parents for the first time can be an extremely stressful experience. Of course, there are no set ways that you should behave; that depends very…
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Toni Doswell
September 28, 2013
In the truest sense, online dating is more closely related to getting to know someone. It does not have the trappings of true dating unless the couple lives within commuting distance. Online dating is better than nothing, so that…
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Akua Hinds
September 28, 2013
Your age is a significant part of who you are and it affects your relationships too. While it is fine to interact with people of all ages as a platonic friend, you should carefully consider age differences between you and…
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Cynthia Wall
September 28, 2013
WWM, 74, seeking single woman 40-70 for companionship, long walks on the beach, travel, romantic dinners, and possible long term relationship. And you? A widowed woman, 69, oh so lonely – you just sneak in under his age deadline. His…
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Matt Bird
September 28, 2013
As any guy who’s ever tried to size up a girl can attest, picking up on whether she likes you or not isn’t always easy. Women have a language all their own that hints at their feelings towards you, from…
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Cyndi Li
September 28, 2013
Lovesick. It’s probably one of the few words in our vast language that everyone instantly relates to upon hearing or seeing it. Whose life hasn’t been impacted by love-sickness at some time? So how do you heal from those all…
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Merryl Lentz
September 28, 2013
Online relationships can feel like you’re living out a fantasy. Since you don’t meet the other person, the relationship is frozen in time at the giddy, euphoric, romantic phase. Going online and seeing communication from the other person consumes you with…
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Ann E. Smith
September 28, 2013
Dating websites can be tricky business. And like many other things related to the internet, some websites are safer and more private than others. If you’re interested in looking for possible dating situations on such websites, you may want to…
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Magda DH
September 28, 2013
The age of consent refers to the “minimum age at which a person is considered to be legally competent for consenting to sexual acts”. This is not usually a term used in legal documents, but as a concept has far…
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T. Scott Randolph
September 28, 2013
There is an advertisement on television that claims 1 out of 5 relationships currently got their start on-line (the ad was for a dating site). Anyone that does any kind of work on the web has no choice but to notice the countless ads…
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Das Govind
September 28, 2013
The Internet has become a major part of life. It is not uncommon for people to meet on-line and have on-line relationships without even meeting their partner. These relationships can be quite intimate and produce the same emotions and feelings…
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Holly Carlamere - 694681
September 28, 2013
Online relationships have their own battles, and they are different from offline relationships. With the different battles, like not being able to physically touch the other person, how does anyone know when to call it quits? It’s not always easy…
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Donna Hicks
September 28, 2013
The Internet has become a new social venue, even for the elderly. No longer do single or widowed older men and women have to look for a date or future spouse at the local grocery, bingo hall, church service or blind date. The…
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September 28, 2013
Most of us once in a while has tried the whole, ‘online dating’ malarkey. Some of us lucky enough to have had a marriage that has lasted for the rest of our lives, but for the vast majority, just perverts…
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Sara Strutz
September 28, 2013
There are many ways that you can tell when you need to end your online relationship. Sure, relationships are hard to get in person, unless you’re one of those popular kids growing up in school. The rest of us non-popular…
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Esther Andrews
September 28, 2013
Online dating holds great promise, yet usually fails to live up to that promise. To its credit, online dating helps you find people interested in dating or seeking a long-term relationship often a challenge when you find your prospects dwindling….
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Leslie Trotter
September 28, 2013
Considering relocating for love Be wise, when choosing the right paths for your life. With on-line dating many meet people who live in other states, towns or countries and relocating will become an issue for those who believe that they’re…
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Sandra Piddock
September 28, 2013
Online dating seems to be the big thing these days. The internet has made the world a smaller place, and it’s easy to hook up with anyone, anywhere in the world. While online dating has its advantages, there are also…
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Jolene Ellimac
September 28, 2013
He’s one of THEM, I realized, as he walked through the door. He had told me he didn’t play many of those games anymore, but he definitely looked the part. His mannerisms were in line with those of a gamer,…
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September 28, 2013
Myspace…where do I start with the website I love to hate…and hate to love. I have seen it break up what was perceived to be “happy relationships”, as well as be the tool to bring people together who normally would…
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Akua Hinds
September 28, 2013
Dating websites are wonderful tools for people who are busy, shy, or need a lot of help finding someone suitable with whom to start a loving relationship. Dating websites operate 24 hours per day every day and in pretty much…
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Riley McEvoy
September 28, 2013
Dating can be terribly nerve-wracking. Making an effort to look nice and picking the perfect first date activity and/or restaurant are great first steps, but ultimately your behaviour and your words will matter most. At the end of the night,…
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G E Barr
September 28, 2013
THE CLOSET PERSPECTIVE What if it’s a booger? A booger in a basement with a bad attitude. A booger in a basement with a bad attitude pretending to be a hot and romantic Italian? Or pretending to be a good…
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Elizabeth Miller - 676650
September 28, 2013
Babies can be blessings. There is nothing better than holding your own miniature carbon copy of yourself. So tiny, precious, and cute. Many couples look at these things only when deciding to have a baby. Some couples expect no sleep,…
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B. W.
September 28, 2013
It is summertime again, for many people the best time of the year! The sun is out, people are swimming and going to the beach, and there is no school. Summer is also the perfect time to go on dates….
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Mona Lisa Safai
September 28, 2013
In our contemporary society, technology is so deeply embedded in how we communicate from cell phones, headsets, computers, CDs, fax machines, scanners, etc. Even how we pay for our groceries has changed from using the cashier to self-check out that…
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Ronald Kealey
September 28, 2013
It’s difficult to fall asleep when your boyfriend was all you were thinking about that day. It’s even harder to stop thinking about him when you’re awake. It seems like a never ending cycle. You wake up and the first…
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Zack Mandell
September 28, 2013
Sometimes, choosing just the right movie can make all the difference between landing a second date and ending the evening on a bad note. The perfect date movie means different things to different couples, but generally, the film should have…
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