Wayne Leon Learmond
September 30, 2013
The biggest barrier that one can face when looking for a soul mate is that of low self-confidence. Chronic shyness and the ability to ‘trust’ are also barriers that one must be able to overcome. Indeed, if someone has been badly hurt at some…
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Sun Meilan
September 30, 2013
Long distance relationships are rarely ideal, but for one reason or another, they are often necessary if you are to keep the relationship going. One reason they can fail, however, is if you can’t keep your jealousy in check. Fortunately,…
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Frances Smith - 641219
September 30, 2013
Christmas alone, for someone who enjoys their own company, can be an enjoyable experience. For someone who doesn’t enjoy their own company, or who does sometimes, but not always, it can be a harder experience. It is however an wonderful…
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Terry Marsh
September 30, 2013
There are common and longstanding misconceptions that nice guys either always finish last, or never get the girl. Those statements couldn’t be farther from the truth. What may be a more accurate statement is that “the nice guy never gets…
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Das Govind
September 30, 2013
Spending Christmas alone can be rather depressing, however some people have no option but to spend this time alone as they may be divorced, working away from home or have no friends or immediate family to spend the day with….
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Christina Cardenas
September 30, 2013
Dating in this day and age can be difficult and confusing. As a woman, it’s sometimes hard to understand what men really want. Even more difficult is the ability to just relax and trust, not only what a man tells…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
September 30, 2013
Did you ever wonder what messages your body sends to potential lovers? How about your partner? In all intimate relationships, the body has a language which is read and noted. The problem is that people don’t realise the power of…
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Jessica Scofield
September 29, 2013
Men are like a complicated puzzle that’s missing a few pieces. However, men can always be decoded to a certain degree. With this guide any woman can pick up subtle clues from a man’s body language to see if he…
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Christyl Rivers
September 29, 2013
Human beings are mammals. They talk with verbal and written language, but as mammals they also talk with the full body. A closed and disinterested person will have folded arms and legs. This also reveals defensiveness too, so when a…
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Merryl Lentz
September 29, 2013
Sometimes the most powerful communication isn’t heard with our ears, but is seen with our eyes. And your date’s body language may be speaking so loudly that it’s deafening. However, if you’re having trouble deciphering his actions, here’s a translation…
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Terry Marsh
September 29, 2013
Before asking what attracts men to a woman, most women should ask themselves what qualities they want in the men she attracts. Women go through great lengths preparing themselves to be physically attractive, only to complain when men don’t take…
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Wayne Leon Learmond
September 29, 2013
Jealousy is definitely a sign of love. One has to look at it like this. If their partner did not feel any jealousy at all, then one could be forgiven that they are not loved, or indeed, cared about. Within…
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Akua Hinds
September 29, 2013
Older women hold a certain mysterious and sexy appeal for younger men, especially if the older woman in question is physically fit and attractive. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and an older woman who carries herself with…
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September 29, 2013
The fear of intimacy can almost always be traced back to previous heartache in the individual’s past. When you have been hurt by someone it is natural to become a bit more guarded in future relationships. Being hurt several times…
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September 29, 2013
To deal with jealousy in a long distance relationship there are many things that a person is able to do to avoid that jealousy overtaking or controlling the relationship. While there are many ways to work through jealousy it does…
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Mari Mckee
September 29, 2013
Girls used to pick daisies and pick off petals one by one. The first petal pulled indicated “He loves me!” The next petal pulled off the daisy indicated “He loves me not”. The last petal would tell her future with…
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Sarah Dickinson
September 29, 2013
Women are known as the more social sex and so men have a more arduous task on their hands when it comes to discovering whether a woman is attracted to them or they just want a platonic relationship. So how…
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Terry Marsh
September 29, 2013
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. It sounds romantic, and there may even be some merit to it, but the reality is that absence often creates an emotional longing which cannot be filled by fond memories and occasional phone calls….
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Chrystal Francis
September 29, 2013
The closing melodies of “Sleepless in Seattle” fill the room and-sighing-you look down at your sweat pants and the empty pint of Ben & Jerry’s on the floor beside you and realize that you’ve become a walking cliché. Whether you’re recovering…
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Tammy Cramblett
September 29, 2013
There are some genuinely great guys out there. Guys that enjoy spending time with a woman because of her charm and intellect. The type of guys that still open a door for you and treat you like a lady. Then…
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Todd Pheifer
September 29, 2013
Some people are still befuddled by the whole “online dating” concept. To them it is difficult to fathom how someone can date online. After all, isn’t a date where you go out to dinner, make small talk, and then decide…
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Kenny L. Mitchell
September 29, 2013
It has been wisely said, “There is nothing to fear but feat itself.” Fear however, is a natural reaction to a situation where the outcome or determining factors are unknown. Only a fool would walk into a lion’s den empty…
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Terry Marsh
September 29, 2013
What men look for in women is not always easily identifiable and will differ from one man to another. While some men prefer statuesque blondes with interests in healthy lifestyles, others lean more toward studious, dark haired women who are…
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JC Campbell
September 29, 2013
For those single men and women in search of some company, the speed dating circuit has become the first stop, giving them the opportunity to view numerous potential suitors in a very short space of time. The advantage for many…
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Lesley Rigg
September 29, 2013
Speed dating is generally a group of men and women who are asked to spend up to 5 minutes during the evening talking to each other, finishing when a bell or buzzer moves them onto the next person. The men…
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Alexandra Corker
September 29, 2013
Many people out there will just assume that when you are done with one person you are free to move onto the next. Well this is of course true to some extent. Every one has an ‘ex’. Everyone has a…
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Francis Harris
September 29, 2013
Death occurs under many different circumstances, and is mostly unpredictable. Some people die early in the midst of youth surrounded by many family and friends, while others age, degenerate and die long after all their friends and relatives. Being married…
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Jane Allyson
September 29, 2013
Children are used to a certain routine in their life, and when this routine is disrupted in a huge way, such as; changes in where the child will live, their education, the time spent with parents and a change in…
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Das Govind
September 29, 2013
Many people have a hard time dealing with the fact that they are single over the festive season. This can further lead to deep depression as the person grows older. Here are some tips on managing deep depression during the…
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Jane Allyson
September 29, 2013
By following certain do’s and don’ts you will avoid giving someone any false impressions about yourself and it will help you to relax and concentrate on making the evening as pleasant as possible. About an hour before you are due…
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