Lilly Morgan
November 18, 2013
Finally, the moment you’ve been anticipating since you met him. The first kiss! Chills ran throughout your body, your heart felt as though it would beat right out of your chest. It was perfect. It took your breath away. Oh,…
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Akua Hinds
November 18, 2013
People who are in their twenties have many exciting and life-changing years to look forward to. Many people in their twenties are attending college and trying to figure out which career paths to take. Falling in love with the right…
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Kris Koments
November 18, 2013
The term “Dutch” when referencing a common way of sharing expenses is thought to have originated in the Netherlands and was a form of Dutch etiquette. Dutch dating was originally called the Dutch Treat according to the Morris Dictionary of…
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November 18, 2013
What is true love? To me, true love is an everlasting love; it is the kind of love that a person has for another that is unchanging, It is the kind of love that is expressed through the marriage vow….
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Joan Inong
November 18, 2013
‘Going Dutch’ is a phrase that describes an often socially accepted concept. Being courteous or simply sharing are values that people still appreciate today, and that is exemplified by ‘going Dutch.’ If you’ve got a date or you want just…
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Rebecca Adele Scarlett
November 18, 2013
Beer: Not Just For Guys Anymore! It used to be that the only thing women had to do with beer was looking attractive in the commercials. But not anymore! Women all over the world are taking to drinking beer, especially…
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Marlin Bressi
November 18, 2013
While men are generally not regarded as the more emotional of the two genders, they are still quite capable of becoming annoyed. Even if the man in your life seldom seems to lose his composure, chances are, he is likely…
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Keri Withington
November 18, 2013
If you want to have an incredibly romantic evening at home, then you need to create a romantic atmosphere. This can be easier, and cheaper, than you think. First of all, pay attention to the things that are free. Make…
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Steve Hansell
November 18, 2013
The Beer Institute ( has been reporting a steady decline in the volume of beer sold in the US over the past dozen or so years. It gets reported in the news as “Americans turning to a healthier lifestyle….” and…
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Todd Daigneault
November 18, 2013
Decades after the 1960’s and seventies that saw an end to organized, institutional racism, we are still left with the vestiges of racism, mostly just from ordinary people, and that does still affect the concept of “interracial dating.” In some…
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Felix Cruz
November 18, 2013
Rekindling an old flame can be a tough decision. In fact, a large majority of people have considered rekindling that spark with one of their most beloved exes. Whatever the reason, rekindling that old flame can be a pretty tough…
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Akua Hinds
November 18, 2013
Long distance relationships are ideal for people who have a lot of patience, money to travel, and faith in the person who they are involved with. People who don’t have patience, money, and high amounts of faith would do better…
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Renee Garrison
November 18, 2013
The social world of high school may have been the first rite of passage for most students entering their teen years and discovering the attraction of the opposite sex, but for many young people, going off to college offers them…
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Sara Lugardo
November 18, 2013
The advances in phone and computer technology have changed communication in huge ways. The days of talking on the phone for hours and hours have been done away and replaced with texting. People are drawn to the convenience of communicating…
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Gene Patterson
November 18, 2013
Want to meet the most women in the least time? If so speed dating may be the thing for you. Hopefully, the idea goes, if you meet a lot of women in a short time your chances are much better…
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Tammy Cramblett
November 18, 2013
The dating pool, or is it more like a puddle these days? Anyway, dating can be almost overwhelming for someone who has been in long term relationship that recently ended. For people that were in five, ten, twenty year (or…
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Christine Lorraine
November 18, 2013
Finding an eligible male companion isn’t always easy when you consider how many married men are on the prowl. They lurk in bars, popular hangouts and in the workplace, waiting for the opportunity to pounce on unsuspecting, unattached women. But…
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Cristina Aguilar Friar
November 18, 2013
In my work as a lightworker and spiritual counselor I get many clients who don’t see the “signs” that their boyfriend is really a loser. They are so desparate to be loved that they are blinded by some very critical…
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B. W.
November 18, 2013
Asking someone out on a date is no easy process. The old-fashion process typically included a whole serious of psychological steps before actually popping the metaphorical question, including psyching yourself up in the mirror, putting on your lucky shirt, pacing…
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Brenda Nelson
November 18, 2013
When speed dating you will want to learn as much about the other person (or people) as you can in the shortest amount of time. You also want to share some information regarding yourself to determine if the other person and yourself are compatible. This…
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November 18, 2013
How many times have you been in a relationship that does not seem to be going anywhere? Are you searching for a way to end it while staying on good terms? Many times the problem lies in how the individual…
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Susan Walker - 654064
November 18, 2013
Who doesn’t love that feeling you get when you first meet someone and fall in love! Everything he does is perfect, cute, or charming in a slightly quirky way. Yet, as time passes, little things start showing up that hint…
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Brenda Nelson
November 18, 2013
In speed dating you want to learn as much about a person as you can in the shortest amount of time. You also want to share some information on yourself to determine if the other person and yourself are compatible….
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Marlin Bressi
November 18, 2013
Alfred Kinsey, a pioneer in the study of human sexual behavior, made headlines in the early 1950s when he published a study claiming that roughly fifty percent of married men cheat on their wives. Today, tools such as the Internet,…
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Tyriese Holloway
November 18, 2013
It’s amazing how after years of a marriage enduring years through pain, excitement, and sorrow, how one can totally forget the beauty of their respective mate and lose their happiness in their marriage. Have you ever felt that way about…
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November 18, 2013
A relationship is what it means to be human. As creatures of limited mortality, our purpose is to procreate and to ensure healthy futures for our offspring so they may go on to do the same thing.Yes, that’s our purpose…
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Marlin Bressi
November 17, 2013
If you are a woman who fears that she may be dating a loser, take heart. The good news is that, sooner or later, a loser always reveals his true colors. The bad news, unfortunately, is that losers are often capable of…
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Todd Daigneault
November 17, 2013
It’s not a huge deal. Looks are just transitory anyways. Somebody who dates an individual better looking than themselves is not necessarily motivated by the person’s good and better looks. That may all be coincidental. The man or woman may…
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Todd Daigneault
November 17, 2013
Any type of a distance is going to be disadvantageous to a relationship. Besides being apart from each other for prolonged periods of time, there is the chance that one or the other partner is going to end up finding…
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Amanda Moonfire L.
November 17, 2013
In the teenage years, puppy love was turbulent and hard to comprehend, and perhaps the only form of love one would experience at that young age. During those times, teenagers were prone to obsessing over their object of infatuation. Most…
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