Fawn Parker
November 20, 2013
Women all have different tastes in Men regarding body type, personality, interests and even professions. However there do seem to be some universal truths that most Women can agree make for an attractive male mate. Like anything else in life…
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Katherine D
November 20, 2013
Lets face it sometimes we really are tired, but most couples out there have admitted to being tired, of being tired. When your sex life just isn’t keeping you awake anymore, you don’t have to close your eyes and dream…
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November 20, 2013
First love, first date, first kiss, first serious romantic attachment to another person. It’s a haze of bliss, mushy doe eyes, and friends yelling at you to “get a room”. But all too soon, it’s over; and learning how to…
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Sandra Piddock
November 20, 2013
Sex is the most fun two people can have together without laughing, and it’s absolutely free – and that’s the reason why many people do not enjoy fulfilling sex all the time. If something is free and natural, you don’t…
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Casey Hethers
November 20, 2013
Casual encounters are a common occurrence when dating in the modern world. It is easy to rush into relationships without truly establishing a foundation for the romance to grow from. The emotional connection in a relationship, whether on a romantic…
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Christyl Rivers
November 20, 2013
Casual sex does happen more frequently now than ever before, but that is simply because there are more people now than ever before. Other factors that have changed include twenty first century attitudes. It is not necessarily the number of encounters per…
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November 20, 2013
So the question is can a man’s car make him sexy? Well the answer to that is a definite and without a doubt yessss! Besides a man’s bedroom, living room, bathroom, and shoes, a man’s car is a heavy determination…
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Billy Mwangi
November 20, 2013
Have you ever wondered why men are attracted to you sometimes? I mean, is that really possible; attracting men? Of course it is. Remember that time when you visited the office being attractive, attracting men and you had this horrible…
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Jerry Kirkendoll
November 20, 2013
Your partner is lying next to you in bed sleeping, reading or watching television. As you lay in bed next to them you wonder where the spark went. Why are they not paying the sexual attention to you that you…
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Sarah Williams
November 20, 2013
Today’s world is very different from what is written in the history books. Moral “codes” that once stood rigid and firm have been replaced with different rules that allow for a more casual approach to life in general, and this…
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Akua Hinds
November 20, 2013
Have you ever heard the saying that opposites attract? Whoever made up that statement was a little short-sighted. Yes, it is possible for two people who have little in common to be attracted to each other’s differences, but in order…
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Richard Serra
November 20, 2013
One important thing is to understand how much more sensitive women are. While a woman might shed tears, a man might wonder what the heck is she crying about. He just doesn’t get it. He doesn’t have the built in…
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Susan Bourgeois
November 20, 2013
Dating and courting are two words that have had different meanings throughout each generation. In today’s world a couple can go out on one date and not pursue a relationship. In another case a couple can go out on one…
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Herb Bailey
November 20, 2013
Why does it matter? As long as two people love each other who cares what race they are. Granted we have come a long way, yet we still have ways to go. The reason that there isn’t more interracial dating…
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Ekari Mbvundula
November 20, 2013
Whether you’re male or female, you want to make the best impression on a date. You want your date’s eyes on you the whole time, and you want them to feel privileged to be seen with you. To achieve this…
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J.R. Lewis
November 20, 2013
You deserve a little passion. A whirlwind summer romance that tickles you in all the right places and leaves a mark in memories to come. .. the time has come to plan an escape from the everyday menotony. Why not make your summertime a…
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Zipporiah Brockman
November 20, 2013
There have been so many written article, political discussion, even television show topics based on sexual promiscuity in the adolescent community. There is a huge misunderstanding in how we deal with these types of issues. People think by glorifying these…
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November 20, 2013
A lifestyle is a way that a person lives his or her daily life. In the realm of human dynamics and psychology there are a multitude of lifestyles that one may live. It is the activity or frame of mind…
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Alexandra Romanov
November 20, 2013
After getting my 5 millionth piece of spam promising to improve my sex life with the help of medication, I decided to write a little guide explaining why many people have sex lives that need improving and how to improve…
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Matthew Miller - 683839
November 20, 2013
What is a kiss? Is it an expression of shared emotion? Is it a celebration of the affection, that can often seem lacking in a frequently hostile world? A kiss does not just involve two sets of lips, but also…
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November 20, 2013
Men sometimes find themselves in need of a few pointers on how to please a woman. It isn’t that he i failing in the bedroom. He may simply need a little assistance in finding what turns you on. 6 things…
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Lynette Alice
November 20, 2013
Learning how to properly clean your sex toys is one of the most important things you can learn about them. Bacteria and various diseases can remain in the pores and/or on the surface of your sex toys if you do…
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moose Balboa
November 20, 2013
All over the world, people are falling in love. Love has recently taken on a new meaning. Given that the rate is rapidly approaching 50% in the United States, there are still ways to find love without getting married. However,…
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Alexa J.K.
November 20, 2013
No man or woman is a perfect lover. The one reason we fail in bed, is the lack of communication between each other. Lack of communication, becomes a silence in the bedroom more because we don’t want to be told…
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Elaine Sihera
November 20, 2013
Revealing your sexual past entirely depends on the two people involved. For many people who are insecure, and desiring exclusiveness, they cannot cope with their partner’s past involvement with anyone else. They often get jealous, they are apt to judge…
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Peta Williams
November 20, 2013
First and foremost congratulations on taking out the trash. You were strong enough to accomplish the first and most important step of parting from your cheating partner. Now you are confronted with the challenge of moving on. Begin with deleting…
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Ilyse Polland
November 20, 2013
First and foremost the operative word is “ending”. Usually a relationship starts ending long before two people break up. Human nature causes people to be comfortable in their present situation, however painful it may be. Often they are clouded with thinking it…
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Marisa Wright
November 20, 2013
Ten things to make your guy smile – a hard subject to cover on a family site! The main thing to remember is that for women, intimacy and romance leads to sex, whereas for men it’s usually the other way…
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Silver Phoneix
November 20, 2013
What exactly is taboo when it comes to sex? Who are the people to say that something is taboo? There is a whole other side or world of sex out there that many people do not explore because it is…
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Ever Famous
November 20, 2013
Sexy is much like beauty: In the eye of the beholder. I don’t think anyone can put a stamp on what exactly sexy is, much less what qualifies as sexy. These days sexy can be applied to a wide variety…
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