Melissa D. Ing
November 21, 2013
Dating doesn’t need to break the bank. Couples can find many inexpensive activities and events to attend for little or no cost. With a little planning and creativity you and your partner can have an awesome time with any of…
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Huniya Arif
November 21, 2013
As you head on your journey to find ‘the one’, you will meet many people you like, some of those whom you will date and few with whom you will feel truly connected. How can you tell which one of…
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Alice Xavier
November 21, 2013
College is a fantastic experience in a young person’s life, it’s a time to experiment, meet new people and gain a sense of independence. Dating whilst attending college is a great way to get know new people and potentially find…
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Akua Hinds
November 21, 2013
Dating an older woman might feel a little intimidating for you if you are a younger man, but good relationships can happen between older women and younger men. There are some things you need to know about older women who…
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Ted Sherman
November 21, 2013
College years are for learning, but not just from books and lectures. You’ll also experience practical education in relationships. Away from the constraints of home and parents, you’ll be on your own in deciding how you’ll conduct your personal life….
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Joan Miller
November 21, 2013
If you receive an invitation, you should try not to feel obligated to attend the celebration or occasion. Even if you do not want to attend the occasion, you can still politely decline the invitation so that you do not…
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Joan Miller
November 21, 2013
If you want a date today, right now, you have to act on your desires. You have to make the calls and find the connections. However, it is always important to think before you take that leap, so here are…
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Heidi Hammond
November 21, 2013
SkatingIce skating or roller skating won’t break the bank. It’s a workout and a date. Some cities even have outdoor rinks. Plus, you get to hold your date’s hand should you or they happen to be the clumsy type. If…
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Sarah Mckenzie - 668121
November 21, 2013
If you think fun dates need to be expensive, think again! Despite today’s economy with its pressure on couples to reduce their debt and increase their saving, dating does not have to be eliminated. Here are ten ideas to have…
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Arden Davidson
November 21, 2013
Falling in love is one of the most amazing – and intimidating – experiences in life. The fear of falling in love, while somewhat different for everybody, most generally comes from two primary sources: 1) fear of getting hurt, and…
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Todd Daigneault
November 21, 2013
For starters, don’t write in all capitals on your profile, whether it is just one paragraph, a few sentences…or even just a few words. It can seem like you are screaming at prospective partners, who are visiting your dating profile….
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Joan Miller
November 21, 2013
The first date is undoubtedly difficult. Perhaps the most difficult part about it is that if you actually like the other person, you may want to try hard to get that second date. Getting a second date is not, however,…
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Gillian Taber
November 21, 2013
Dating can be the most expensive part of a new relationship. Both partners want to impress, and no-one wants to seem cheap. However, especially in today’s economy, money is in short supply. So, is it possible to still date and…
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November 21, 2013
Being in love is such a wonderful experience that all individuals strive to find and keep. Some people go through extremes just to find that one person they can spend the rest of their life with. Relatives and friends sometimes…
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Sheryl Faber
November 21, 2013
You are on a date and things are not progressing well. You have nothing in common with your companion and time is dragging by very slowly. Your date keeps looking at his watch and seems distracted. You may or may…
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Todd Daigneault
November 21, 2013
Being rivals for someone’s affection can be very hard. It can be two or more friends vying for the affection of that person…it can be two or more strangers. Whatever the case, it can be very taxing to win that…
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Merryl Lentz
November 21, 2013
Whether you’re in a budding romance or a long-term relationship, self-sabotage can easily derail it into a chaotic train-wreck. And just because the relationship continues after such a mishap, it doesn’t mean that it’s not crippled. Take a look at…
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Dr. G. A. Anderson
November 21, 2013
Most girls, young women, and older ladies still appreciate a chivalrous, gentlemanly, courteous escort when they’re taken out on a date. Depending on your upbringing, you may have seen this modeled for you in the way your father treated your…
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Sara Lugardo
November 21, 2013
Navigating through the dating scene can be difficult for both men and women. With many Americans dealing with financial struggles, dating has changed from the days of the past of going out on multiple dates throughout each week. Nowadays people…
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Duncan Kelly
November 21, 2013
Do You Know What Real Love Is?. Love is not a feeling. It’s not a mood. It’s not liking someone, or respect. When we talk about real love, as it should manifest itself in marriage, it is an unshakeable bulwark….
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Willow Chavez
November 20, 2013
Being a female in the military, as most females in the military will understand, the topic of promiscuity follows us wherever we go. You like to go out with friends? You spent a night out on the town? You must…
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Todd Daigneault
November 20, 2013
A date today can be done if one is prepared to endure rejection, and very hurtful rejection at times, if the presentation is too hasty and piecemeal. But if you are not in a frenzy to do it, and have…
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Catherine Loeffler
November 20, 2013
No one wants to be deemed a slut, a Jezebel, or worse, one of those less quaint and far more pointed names given to those considered promiscuous and therefore eschewed, or at least whispered about, even in this so called…
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Erin Fischer - 679197
November 20, 2013
Romance is one of those peculiar things that everyone seems to be obsessed with, but that can never truly be understood. The great philosophers have pondered the ideas of love and romance for millennia, still without any clear cut answers….
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R.A. Scott
November 20, 2013
Everyone is searching for it; but love is such an elusive thing. You can’t see it, feel it, smell it or even taste it. Yet it seems to be something most people, if not all, seem to need in their…
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Ann Major
November 20, 2013
In general, what females see as attractive in men can be the same qualities that men cherish in women. Women appreciate a man who is approachable, friendly, warm and has a winsome smile. Openess in a man is a draw to any…
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Michael Allen McCormick
November 20, 2013
Sexuality and the act of sex itself used to be more compartmentalized into old traditional roles of gender. In the past, men were those who pursued, while women more often were the persuees. In this generation, more and more often those…
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Joan Miller
November 20, 2013
Knowing when to kiss your date can either result in a really good date or a really bad one. If you kiss your date at the wrong time, chances are that he or she will have a bad impression of…
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Allen Quintos
November 20, 2013
Creative Ideas for a Fun Date Admit it, there are times when going out with the same person for quite some time already can be tiring and boring. But the best solution is not to replace your date with another…
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Joan Miller
November 20, 2013
If you are a single, looking-for-a-girl male and you find a female who appears heartbroken and needs comforting, do not allow yourself to become her rebound guy. A rebound guy is basically someone who is the best candidate for a…
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