Anna Woodbury
June 8, 2014
Throughout your teenage dating years no doubt you’ll be out on numerous dates ; some good, some bad and some very very ugly (date not the person!). Its every teens prerogative to make some dating disasters otherwise how will you…
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Aisling Ashbery
June 8, 2014
If all women wanted the same thing in a relationship, figuring it out would be a much easier process. But there isn’t one list of rules that’s going to make all women swoon. Some of us like a man who…
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Natasha Reetun
June 7, 2014
There are different tipping points for every relationship so if you find that you identify with a few of the crisis signs, it does not mean that it’s the end. The existence of total intimacy is the distinction between a relationship…
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June 7, 2014
There are many telltale signs of someone that has been possessed by that “boy crazy” spirit. Alas, I exhibit many of these signs, and have for the majority of my life. I’ll travel back to high school, at the peak…
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Julie Spaur
June 7, 2014
Relationships come and go, some last, some don’t. Some start out full speed ahead and suddenly hit a wall head on. Some start hesitantly and barely at all, and end up lasting a lifetime. How do you know if your…
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June 7, 2014
Before stating the entirely entirely different set of ‘symptoms’ that men and women show when a relationship is in trouble, it is necessary to enumerate a few causes that create problems between partners. Few common reasons that might give rise…
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Adelani Aderemi
June 7, 2014
There must be very few men in this wide world (if there are any,) who are not sad when the woman they have labored so hard to satisfy says, “I know you do not love me, I am the only…
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Cindy Abbate
June 7, 2014
Mourning is a normal part of the human experience. When a relationship ends it takes time to emotionally recover and move forward. Everybody is different and there is no set period of time to wait until beginning a new romantic…
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June 7, 2014
We all know that girls are crazy, but how do we know if we’re girl-crazy? It’s really pretty simple. Here is a fun top-ten to help you tell if your girl-radar is working overtime. 1. You have more girl friends…
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Carol Gioia
June 7, 2014
Infatuation can be a prelude to true love, but how can one be sure? Sometimes infatuation is just that; a brief interlude of affection and passion for another that could potentially dissipate over time. Perhaps the biggest reason for not…
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Brian Short
June 7, 2014
How to assess your dating style as a teen? Funny. I am 34. Yes I was a teen. All I can say is that I have spent many a lonely night wishing I had just kept in close contact with…
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Edgar Arold
June 7, 2014
Many men begin their dating in college, which isn’t a bad idea. Getting high school out of the way and beginning your college studies is a good point for a young man to begin dating. However, many mistakes are made…
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Darcey Lee
June 7, 2014
Signs women give when flirting can be from one extreme to another! Just when you think you have it all figured out, a woman can leave you completely unsure. Second-guessing in the end if she was really flirting at all?…
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Marife Chastain
June 7, 2014
It finally happened. Your sparking personality has attracted the man of your dreams. He is handsome, debonair, and you have become the envy of your friends. His friends love you, your friends love him and your dates have been nothing…
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June 7, 2014
Living with family, with a friend or with your partner may be an ideal situation for some people. Some others prefer living on their own. Some others are forced to live on their own. Whatever the case, what is important…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
June 7, 2014
The idea of obsession for another human being is unhealthy, though every day people believe themselves to be madly, passionately in love with the object of their obsession. Just because you feel that you want to be with someone all…
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Leslie Trotter
June 7, 2014
Why a man should pay on the first date First impressions are very important when you’re trying to introduce your personality and charm to someone. A first date shouldn’t always have to be paid for by a man, but only…
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R. Justin Smith
June 7, 2014
The reason it might sometimes appear that the ‘nice guys’ never seem to get the girl is because they do not advertise their relationships to the world. Unlike the opposition who are constantly surrounded by the most desirous (at least…
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Que Scott
June 7, 2014
In the age of Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter it is possible to drastically enlarge your social circle and meet dozens, hundreds, or maybe even thousands of people that you would never usually have the chance to meet. But if you…
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Brandon Scott
June 7, 2014
Being “girl crazy” is a difficult thing to go through. When the thoughts of a young man constantly revolve around where to be seen by the most girls, and what to do to attract the attention of the girls, that…
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June 7, 2014
Being single is not always a choice. Even when it is, it is not a choice you can easily live with. If you don’t succeed in getting used to the situation, you might end up thinking that you are going to…
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Cheryl L. Likins
June 7, 2014
Summer means ice cream cones, cotton candy and roller coasters. It can also mean romance, but how do you keep summer love alive in the fall? It’s not always easy. Many teens travel during the summer months with family and…
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Olivia Bredbenner
June 7, 2014
Do you find yourself staring at girls all the time? Is it hard to focus when there are girls in the room, does this distraction occupy most of your day? Well, then you might be “girl crazy”. Well, I am…
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Olivia Bredbenner
June 7, 2014
You have reached a milestone as a teenager now, and about to have your first date.This is an event that is both exciting and anxiety producing.What do I do? What will we talk about? How do I look? First you…
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June 7, 2014
Many people seem to think that being in a relationship is necessary in order to be happy. Those people basically suffer at the thought of being single, even for a short period of time. They prefer getting involved with people…
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Lacy Enderson
June 7, 2014
Boy crazy meant there was always a boy on my mind; always. And it didn’t matter who. I fell for any boy who showed me interest. I found a good quality in every boy who came my way. Boy crazy…
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Karin Becton
June 7, 2014
Your palms start to sweat. Your pulse races-you feel like someone is beating a drum inside your chest. The room seems to grow warmer, as if someone just turned on the heat. Your stomach is churning and you are growing…
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Amelia Randall - 546119
June 7, 2014
Getting married is a big deal. It is something that reflects and changes the rest of your life and it should not be entered into lightly. For a lot of young couples it is great. If you have finished college…
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Shelly Barclay
June 6, 2014
People in love have a happy go lucky quality about them that makes the rest of us wish we had what they have. When we do have what they have, we wish it would last forever and that we will…
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June 6, 2014
Being single can be a blessing in disguise, as it can allow you to spend some quality time with yourself, do the things you always wanted and decide what path you want to take from now on. However, there are…
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