Joshua Henry - 637172
July 23, 2014
People are microcosms of planets, we orbit each other for a while only to move on in our journeys. This is true of friends, family members, and yes even romantic interests. One of the most important lessons one can learn…
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Ted Sherman
July 23, 2014
Some summer romances should stay exactly that way, ending when the season is over. On a cruise or far-off resort, people meet and find the occasions to be very romantic and dreamlike. However, when they must face the realities of…
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Jemma Puzey
July 23, 2014
You are probably confused, upset, angry or feeling used at this point but there is light at the end of the tunnel, you can’t live your life being unhappy over one girl because it’s not going to get you anywhere….
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Jessica Best - 587284
July 23, 2014
Ending any relationship can be a difficult decision to make, however; sometimes it is necessary for you to grow. Friendships and relationships can become toxic if they are with the wrong person, for example, if a friend is a bad…
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July 23, 2014
Breakups are always painful. So painful in fact, that it often enough it may seem that you will never recover from them. Sometimes, a reunion may seem as an option. In order for things to go right though, certain things…
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Writter D
July 23, 2014
One of the hardest things for a man to accept is being dumped by his girlfriend. No one wants to get dumped whether one knows or not that, “the talk” is about to come up, regardless it still sucks. The…
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Nabia Nauman
July 23, 2014
No matter how many relationships you have been into; ending it, always tears you apart. Relationships end most of the time because people grow apart, their chemistry ends or they might find someone new. Breakups leave people vulnerable and evoke…
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Russell Waldron
July 23, 2014
Summer is the ideal season for a summer fling. The sun shines brightly above offering you a plethora of fun filled opportunities. Romance is in the air and so is the summer fling, the one season stand, the beach-side romp or…
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Krystal Waldron
July 23, 2014
Summer without the experience of love would be somewhat like life without the sun or rainbows, dull, boring and mundane. Yet life with romance, even for just a short time, can have the heart soaring to the heavens with happiness. Life…
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Wayne K. Wilkins
July 23, 2014
The breakup blues can follow you so far into your future as a single person that you seemingly cannot lose sight of them. This issue is furthered by the fact that everyone is showing pity towards you and constantly asking…
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Linda Reyburn
July 23, 2014
Though it’s important to work through a breakup, its aftermath doesn’t have to be discussed with everyone – nor is that healthy. Talking about a breakup is important, but how that communication is accomplished can either help in healing or…
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Karan Kanwar
July 23, 2014
Breaking up is a tough thing to go through. Most people have to face it some time in their lives. With all the negativity of a breakup, what can one do to be happy? Staying positive after a breakup is…
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Lynette Alice
July 23, 2014
Sooner or later everyone reaches a point in one of their relationships when it starts feeling like he just isn’t into you anymore. Sometimes the signs of this are very subtle and at others they reach right out and give…
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Jami Wright
July 23, 2014
If you have seen the 2006 movie The Break Up with Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn than you know that getting over a break up is hard to do. If you had a bad break up getting over it can…
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Anthony Brown
July 23, 2014
A place you once sat. A scent that bears an uncanny resemblance to the smell of her shampoo. The song you both loved. Many things can be painful reminders of a relationship that ended horribly when all seemed to be…
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Todd Daigneault
July 23, 2014
Not only is it acceptable, but it is fairly commonplace… even healthy. After all, you may have spent years with your ex, built a life together and had children. Even if you’ve both happily re-adjusted to new partners, the links…
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Francesco Mazza
July 23, 2014
I am not as experienced as most. I know for sure that I have NOT seen it all. But at 26 (going on 27!), I have been in 4 serious relationships and I am about to embark on my 5th…
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Anna Hofman
July 23, 2014
There always seems to be a catch to obtaining someone you have your eye on (one of life’s little laws, I suppose), and this is certainly one of the tricky hurdles life lays down for us. This is one of…
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Anna Manus
July 23, 2014
Why don’t you try to look at the break-up from a whole new perspective… Whoever he was, whatever he did and regardless of how you split up, try to pull yourself away from that for a few moments. You were…
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Anna Hofman
July 23, 2014
What would work on you will usually work on them. Here are pointers that never fail. First pointer, always look gorgeous (without having to slap on the make-up), drink plenty of water and your skin will glow, eat lots of…
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Wayne K. Wilkins
July 23, 2014
The summertime and every gleaming ray of its once a year beauty brings forth countless unique romantic opportunities that can only happen once in a lifetime. Not all of these romantic opportunities have to be long-term however, and many summertime…
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Sam E. Jones
July 23, 2014
Sometimes it might seem like a good idea for couples to remain friends when they break up, but in reality, it’s almost always better if they do not. This is unless there are kids involved of course, then it’s always…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
July 23, 2014
That summer romance in far off places is a fantasy for many. Away from the constraints of home, in an atmosphere of sand, sea and sun, it’s easy to get carried away, and mistakes happen. If you really are intent…
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Sam E. Jones
July 22, 2014
The trouble with summer is it’s full of heat; heat that can mess with your mind and cause you to wonder if anything is real; especially a romance. Whether it’s a boy you met at the pool, or a girl…
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Olha Romaniuk
July 22, 2014
Break-ups are hardly ever pleasant affairs. No one in the right mind gets into a new relationship, already planning to break up with his or her new significant other, unless he or she is planning on using that person from…
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Matt Bird
July 22, 2014
It really sucks to break up with someone and then have them stuck in your head. This is practically an inevitability for some people: they have trouble letting go, regardless of how bad their relationship was, and they’ll refuse to…
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Jennifer Fraser - 572145
July 22, 2014
What exactly is a fling? If you were to look it up on Wikipedia, the definition states “a brief casual relationship.” So when looking for a summer fling, you need to take this into consideration. This will not be a…
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Cody Hodge
July 22, 2014
Are we responsible for the heartbreak of other people? This is a good question because I think that while someone may cause a heartbreak, they might not really be responsible for heartbreak. I know that sounds weird, but anything in…
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Matt Bird
July 22, 2014
Whether you liked your ex or not, chances are good you’ll always harbor some regrets about leaving them. There’s usually at least one or two things they did right that nobody else seems capable of matching. And that is perfectly…
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July 22, 2014
The most laudable characteristic about laughter is the fact that it makes us open up. Through laughing we become more than we are, through crying we become less, we grow smaller. Sorrow is inclined to have one fold over as…
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