Wayne K. Wilkins
October 31, 2014
Being sexy can be defined as many things. You can pass someone on the street and judge them solely by image and label them as ‘sexy’, but in reality, being sexy is a combined effort of appearance, confidence and portrayal….
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James Gibson - 536810
October 30, 2014
Why should a person risk a lifetime of pain and suffering for the sake of a few minutes of sexual pleasure? A sexually-transmitted disease or a pregnancy can result from just one sexual encounter. There is a major difference between…
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Vilie Farah
October 30, 2014
In the very beginning, love is passionate, pure and exciting. Partners discover something new and amazing about each other on a daily basis. As time passes, the initial excitement subsides. Daily tasks replace romance and the thrill seems to be…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
October 30, 2014
The true definition of romance will vary from couple to couple and person to person, but by and large it is about love, passion,lust and deep intense friendship. Very few couples truly feel that about each other and if they…
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Edgar Arold
October 30, 2014
Relationships can become serious, sometimes at the beginning of the relationship and oftentimes, the relationship takes time to become serious, which is probably the best scenario. However, it is up to the couple to determine how fast they want the…
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Mitchell Clark
October 30, 2014
You are in a serious, committed relationship that, in all likelihood, will lead to marriage. The two of you have made a decision to abstain from engaging in sexual activity until you are married. In light of the overwhelming societal…
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Willow Breeze
October 30, 2014
Spring is in the air. Everything is new again. Bulbs are blooming, birds are singing. Love is in the air. Whether it is your first time falling in love or your hundredth romance will never die. To be wooed, excited,…
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Ashwin Kumar K
October 30, 2014
I firmly believe that, emotional aspects of life require a level headed approach. Despite that ideology of mine, I also admit, that there are situations that require deeper examination to comprehend the necessity for the application of the above said…
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Wayne K. Wilkins
October 30, 2014
Sex eventually becomes an important part in any relationship, yet it is not technically essential for a relationship to be successful, nor is there truly any set period of time in which sex must be engaged in for a relationship…
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Elaine M. Doxie
October 30, 2014
Is co-creating erotica an inspired way to learn about one another, or a recipe for false expectations? It really depends up on who you’re with. With the wrong person, it definitely creates a recipe for false expectations, and can often…
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Angela Diggs
October 30, 2014
The “sexual experience” should be regarded as something beautiful and it should be one of the most enjoyable times in our lives. However, some people do not get to enjoy sex as much as others. This has much to do…
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Amanda Kringle
October 30, 2014
During today’s stressful times, it has become necessary for couples to focus more on the world around them then on themselves and their relationship. With the pressures of kids, money, insurance, politics, bills and life in general many couples have…
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Tryniti J.
October 30, 2014
While I certainly understand that laws are (generally) put into place to protect us – mostly from ourselves – I also believe that there are many more basic, human, rights that just shouldn’t be messed with. That includes the right…
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Barbara Kasey Smith
October 30, 2014
Romance and sexuality: What makes certain relationships last longer than others? Certain relationships last longer than others because the couple may have a lot in common with each other, is compatible together, they have an outgoing and funny personality, they…
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Lisa Putnam
October 30, 2014
Whoever said that love doesn’t cost a thing was absolutely right. When it comes to romance, money is optional, not required. The following ideas are perfect ways to add romance to your relationship whether you are on your second date…
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Lana Norton
October 30, 2014
Why is the first sexual experience labeled as “losing your virginity”? Well, to fully answer that question it is important to first define what is meant by “virginity”. Taken from, the term virginity is defined as: “the state or…
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Sandra Piddock
October 30, 2014
This writer likes to be seduced, and also to seduce her man, but seduction is not something that can be taught. The success – or otherwise – of the seduction depends on reading the situation and knowing the right buttons…
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Sam E. Jones
October 30, 2014
When I was growing up, my father told me that girls were different and kind of special so you had to put up with their moods, and you could never hit them. Ever. That was that. Later, when I got…
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Sandra Piddock
October 30, 2014
Lovemaking isn’t just about connecting bodies, though of course, this is very pleasurable. Satisfying lovemaking is so much more than just the sexual act. The anticipation is part of the participation, and touch builds up the anticipation to the point…
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Angela Diggs
October 30, 2014
When a person is placed in the position to love two people at the same time, this can cause inner confusion. In some cases a person can feel as if they are in between a rock and a hard place….
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Erica Thacker
October 30, 2014
What makes some relationships last longer, if there was an answer everyone would be happily married, however there are somethings you can do. 1.DON’T COMPARE never compare your relationship with anybody else your are different and the person you are…
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Olivia Kay
October 30, 2014
Sexual realtionships between two people who lack an emotional attachment to one another are possible, but establishing and maintaining them can be very challenging. It is important to bring out the fact right away that sex is best reserved for a loving and committed relationship where…
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Tosha Love
October 30, 2014
So, you’re looking for ways to bring more fun, excitement and zest back into your love life? You’re not alone. Many couples find that time, stress and everyday life tends to leave them longing for “something more” in the intimacy…
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Jeanine Gilbert
October 30, 2014
Can A Woman Start A New Romantic Life After 50? Women are looking and feeling much younger these days it is rather hard to guess their ages. The fifty-year-old women is not old like once thought, she is beautiful, captivating,…
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Linda Sajiw
October 30, 2014
If you are having sex with one person while thinking of another on a regular basis then to put it frankly you are with the wrong person. What you are really doing is scattering your sexual energy. Thoughts like everything…
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Lynsey Farnsworth
October 30, 2014
In the world of dating, sex can be a slippery slope. This is particularly true of newer relationships, or relationships in which sex is not a regular occurrence. With condoms coming in so many sizes, brands, and even colors or…
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Sandra Piddock
October 30, 2014
Sex is a pleasureable pursuit. It’s the most fun two people can have without laughing, it’s completely free, and you don’t need to join any expensive clubs or buy any special equipment to do it as often as you like….
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Wayne K. Wilkins
October 30, 2014
When it comes to sex, there are men out there that engage in sex specifically to pleasure themselves without even regarding their partner. Some men just go at it until they are done without setting the mood or getting their…
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Amanda Price
October 30, 2014
In a perfect world I would say that men should be the gallant carriers of contraceptive measures, but in this day in age, and how much unprotected sex goes on and how many children result from such escapades that it…
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Katherine D
October 30, 2014
I lost my virginity at the age of 13, and let me tell you it was nothing special! In fact it was awkward, strange and disappointing to tell you the truth. I had always imagined sex to be romantic and…
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