Maria C Collins
December 12, 2014
William, Prince of Wales, will marry Catherine Middleton on April 29 2011. The focus everywhere in the United Kingdom is on weddings. There are many newspaper column inches on how William knew that Kate was the person he wanted to…
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Andrea-Lee Peters
December 12, 2014
Maintaining a long distance relationship if you have to move overseas is not impossible, at the same time it is never going to be easy. Instead of having your significant other close to you physically and being able to hug…
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Russell Waldron
December 12, 2014
Long distance relationships can be agony as well as ecstasy. As many as ten million couples are striving to survive long distance relationships and these cover military families, working couples, college students etc. The obstacles are many, the chances of…
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Leslie Trotter
December 12, 2014
What to do when your girlfriend’s parents threaten your relationship A nightmare for a man is going over to his new girlfriend’s home to pick her up for a date, knock on the door and her dad opens standing there…
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Rex Coker
December 12, 2014
Relationships today are based on how well you adapt to change. Many dating couples that have the time to build a relationship only to have their partner be relocated to a far off destination, presents many questionable thoughts by the…
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December 12, 2014
This is pretty logical. They say it just because it is the easiest way to end your date without going into too much elaboration and discussion about you two. Some men say that they say it just like that in…
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Anna Hofman
December 12, 2014
You need to be honest with yourself on this one. If it were the reverse situation, and your boyfriend/girlfriend was spending time with someone of the opposite sex – how much time would be acceptable, and how much time would…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
December 12, 2014
If one of a couple have had an affair and they are genuinely sorry they did so, then it is possible to repair things. Building up trust is vital as without trust there is no proper relationship. We all make…
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Tracey Cox
December 12, 2014
Heartbroken, devastated, humiliated…..These are just some of the emotions a betrayed spouse feels after they discover the person who vowed to love them forever is cheating. I know these awful feelings all too well. My husband cheated on me with…
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Can Tran
December 12, 2014
Cheating on ones partner is not necessarily limited to the physical sense. However, what does the physical sense mean in the first place? Physical cheating can be grouped into the following: sexual intercourse with someone who is not your partner,…
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Jean Leslie
December 12, 2014
When a boyfriend cheats on his girlfriend, or the other way around, it erodes all trust between the couple. Where before she may have believed everything he said, now she doubts whatever he says, especially when he says that he…
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Jami Wright
December 12, 2014
In a relationship; when a person cheats, there are really only two decisions to make, forgiveness and rebuild trust or shut the door to this relationship and move on with your life. Either one has hard ships and the challenges…
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December 12, 2014
Everyone has experienced jealousy at some point in life. There is nothing wrong in that as long as it not go too far. Deep down you have to feel some pang of jealousy for your partner. However, the problems emerge…
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Susan Quilty
December 12, 2014
According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN), acquaintance assault (or “date rape”) involves all sexual activities that occur against a person’s will and are imposed upon them by someone they know (a friend, date, acquaintance, etc.). Approximately…
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Shelly Barclay
December 12, 2014
Dating a single dad can be quite different from dating a single man with no children. Single dads are busier, they have more ‘baggage’ and they have to be ready to come to the aid of their children at a…
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Lynette Alice
December 12, 2014
Before you get to deep into a relationship with your man there are some signs to look for to help spot if he is prone to cheating on you in the future. While they may not be scientifically vetted, they…
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Belinda Long
December 12, 2014
It’s hard to imagine anyone, other than the man who is cheating, knowing why men with great power cheat. I’d wager if you asked the man, he’d have a slew of creative reasons for his transgressions. All I can offer…
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Karen Chaffee
December 12, 2014
At the very foundation of every successful relationship lies trust. Once broken, trust is hard to re-establish. In light of these facts, is cheating ever okay? And what exactly constitutes “cheating?” Most equate the word cheating with sexual infidelity. In…
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Todd Daigneault
December 12, 2014
Jealousy is so commonplace in relationships-that it could account for just about every relationship. It is so common in our society, for it is such a natural emotion. Love can be such an intoxicating emotion, almost a form of delirium,…
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Can Tran
December 12, 2014
Where do you factor in this “love triangle?” Are you involved in a relationship with two other people? Are you involved in a relationship in which you and another person are seeing the same man or woman? If you fall…
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Amanda Price
December 12, 2014
This is a loaded question – one that alot of men and women ask for all types of reasons. Whether it be the high school sophomore looking to hook herself a senior, or a man looking to date a woman…
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Michael Abbate
December 12, 2014
THE FLAWS OF INTERNET DATING Times have really changed tremendously in comparison to past generations. It seems we live in a society where people have less time, patience and desire to go through the sometimes painful process of getting to…
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Angela Diggs
December 12, 2014
The best time to meet an online love is when both individuals feel comfortable enough to take it to the next level. If two individuals want the same thing and trust one another there should no problem. But it truly…
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Rebecca K.
December 12, 2014
Online dating can and does work, but it takes two people willing to do the necessary hard work to build a good relationship. It is even more difficult if it is a long distance relationship, but many couples pull through…
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Matt Bird
December 12, 2014
The rapid advances in technology are, for the older generations, sometimes a little bewildering. There are new things to consider every day, each new element more alien than the last – to the point that simply turning on the computer…
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Akua Hinds
December 12, 2014
Anything in life comes with risks and online dating is no exception, but online dating is as safe as a person wants their online dating experience to be. Anyone who participates in online dating should be aware that exposing oneself…
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Akua Hinds
December 12, 2014
Finding love via the Internet is a popular way for singles to meet other compatible singles living locally and around the world. Online dating is open to every man and woman over the age of 18 years old but not…
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Kriszia Vengua
December 12, 2014
We’ve all heard the horror stories: Man’s Online Fiance a Fake, Loses Thousands in Online Dating Scam. Jilted at the Airport: Woman Gets Stood Up By Online Boyfriend. Despite the much publicized successes of online dating, there still lies a…
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Ryan Ives Austria
December 12, 2014
Sometimes people give up in meeting people in the streets that they want to date because at the end of the day it turns into a disaster. That is why there are those who would just stay at home, open…
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Carrie Slattery
December 12, 2014
There comes a point in online dating when you’ve read and written your fair share of emails, and perhaps developed some significant interest in one or two people. It’s probably time to get out there and meet someone. This is…
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