Lorri B Smalls
January 18, 2015
The effects of love on psychological health is well noted to be a factor in the way how our society functions as a whole. The lack of a loving environment in the home can create the perfect storm for countless problems….
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Rudi Gannascoli
January 18, 2015
It is right there in psychology if you look hard enough, Love is the Feeling your the same. I feel this means in a virtuous way, the primary one being unselfishness. It is doesn’t allow you to see the flaws….
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Ruth Belena
January 18, 2015
Almost everyone has the capacity to love, but few people can tell whether love is a feeling, an action or a choice. What is true for every person is that love does make a difference. There is really real choice about getting a warm positive feeling for another person. Some people…
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Tia Martin
January 18, 2015
Pisces, or the Fish, is one of 3 water signs of the Zodiac. Born between February 19 and March 20, they tend to be imaginative, sensitive, and compassionate. They are also usually selfless, intuitive, and sympathetic. These traits breed weaknesses,…
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Barbara Kasey Smith
January 18, 2015
How can you hurt someone you love? First, when we love someone unconditionally, we should show love, kindness, care, and be sincere in all the things we say to them. We should never be hurtful or discourteous to them in…
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Barbara Kasey Smith
January 18, 2015
Why does love…fade? Oft time love fades because of issues in relationships that cannot be resolved and the two people find themselves going in different directions. As they progress going in their separate ways, they find they don’t have anything…
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Angela Diggs
January 18, 2015
Have you ever looked at someone who was in love and noticed how bright they look? Some people refer to it as the ” sparkle in their eye”. Well it seems that love causes more than the heart to flutter,…
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January 18, 2015
Unconditional love is the term and concept that is comparable to true love. While true love is used more frequently to describe a love between lovers, unconditional love is used to describe a love between family members, friends, and other…
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Suzanne Rose
January 18, 2015
There are a lot of ways to find a significant other. Different ways work for different people, and the following are some popular methods to consider. Speed dating Speed dating is an innovative dating method that makes it easier to…
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January 18, 2015
If by “feeling” what is actually meant is emotion, then no. Love is not a feeling. Emotion is that which implies a sensing of “strong physical and mental manifestations”. These may indeed accompany Love (and it is wonderful when they…
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Shicodie Ross - 404165
January 18, 2015
There is a big difference between love and lust. Love is something so special. When you in love it doesn’t matter how a person is you won’t try to change them from what they are. You will accept them as…
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Thomas Mayne
January 18, 2015
Why can’t I pull girls? This is the universal question which has plagued mankind since the dawn of time. Some guys just have the natural talent and have never had to ponder one of life’s taxing quandaries. Most of us…
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Sabrina Woodroffe
January 18, 2015
I’m sitting here listening to Jordan Spark’s single Battlefield blasting from my radio and it occurs to me that the song epitomizes the atmosphere that I create in all of my relationships. Come on, to be fair everyone always knows…
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Angela Diggs
January 18, 2015
When it comes to romancing a female Virgo, it helps to know her nature inside out. Women born between the months of August 22 – September 23 are considered to be under the earth element. Women of this sign are…
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Patricia Ragan
January 18, 2015
Finding a man these days is hard, much less finding the right man. And, once you’ve found him, how do you keep him? How do you keep him interested and wanting to come back for more? Well, I think most…
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Lauren Smith2011
January 18, 2015
Why would anyone want to make anyone else fall in love with them? I don’t think it is possible to make or force another person, male or female, to fall in love. Surely, falling in love with someone should be…
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Barbara Kasey Smith
January 18, 2015
What do you feel when you are in love? What a person feels when they are in love can be multiple sensations. I’m sure many people who reply to this sort of question will have to stop and try to…
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Zelma Rankin
January 18, 2015
People who are afraid to love are shadowing themselves from all the hurt and pain they have dealt with all there life. all the cheating misconceptions of trusting someone whom they thought cared for them, the backstabbing, lies, and hatred…
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Wayne K. Wilkins
January 18, 2015
Whether you look at the situation with optimism or pessimism, a break-up is a new beginning regardless of whether you are happy with it or not. Getting back into a dating routine however can be incredibly difficult and even heartbreaking….
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Michelle Basile - 570734
January 18, 2015
The true definition of romance is different for everyone. When we are little, we watch fairy tales of princesses being rescued by the prince on a white horse or a knight in shining armor rushing in with his sword raised…
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Victoria Tiegert
January 18, 2015
After a break-up, you may be feeling a mixture of emotions, from loneliness to anticipation to nervous excitement and a plethora of things in between. It can take a while to get over the prior relationship enough to even consider…
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Lawrence George
January 18, 2015
What do men look for in a partner? Just as there is no such thing as “men”, one single identifiable mass, so there is no single answer. Each man brings his own life, his dreams, his loves, his childhood to…
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Kolby Botka
January 18, 2015
Love…and obsession. *Warning: Hard truths ahead* Do I have a lot of experience with love and ooey-gooey stuff like that? Well, yes. I do. And there is a difference between love and obsession, better known as the slang term “clingy”….
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Bridget Webber
January 18, 2015
If you’re a man on the dating scene and don’t understand dating etiquette you could find that you inadvertently offend a dating partner, or commit a social blunder. Knowing how to act on a date can help you give a…
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Lauren Smith2011
January 18, 2015
My mother gave me a piece of advice once which I think is very wise. She said “treat every relationship as if it were your last.” I was a bit stunned by her advice at first, but the more I…
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Victoria Tiegert
January 18, 2015
Most of the time when thinking about romance, one automatically thinks about the needs and desires of women. Romance is seen as a feminine thing because that is how society has portrayed it over the years. However, men appreciate and…
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Bridget Webber
January 18, 2015
Knowing how to act on a first date can be tough if you aren’t sure what dating etiquette is. Understanding what is expected of you when you first go out with a man can help you feel more comfortable and…
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Lauren Smith2011
January 18, 2015
Love is a wonderful gift. There are many different types of love; love of a child, parental love, sibling love, the love of friendship and of course romantic love. Loving each other is what makes us human and makes us…
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Victoria Tiegert
January 18, 2015
Women love romantic gestures and most women will tell you that they wish that they were getting more of them by the man that they love. Men, however, aren’t always the most romantic creatures by nature. They tend to be…
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Bridget Webber
January 18, 2015
First dates are important because they are often the first time daters are alone together. This means that when they go out together initially they are likely to form an impression of one another which may stay with them, and…
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