Michael Tabbs
January 29, 2015
Last Wednesday, I met this hot chick from HR on the third floor. I had never seen her before and decided that it couldn’t hurt to check her out. I was up on the third floor because my boss had…
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La Belle Epoque
January 28, 2015
I want to tell you about an ex-lover of mine. Actually, I should probably start with Anya, because I first encountered this problem when she asked me to describe sexual arousal. We were walking home from school, gossiping about who…
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Sandra Piddock
January 28, 2015
Love hurts, but it’s also the most wonderful thing that can happen between two people. So is the pain that comes with love worth it for the joys that love can bring? You’d better believe it! Let’s look at this…
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Lorraine Hayden
January 28, 2015
The mind, body and soul are the three key elements that allow healthy adult relationships to flourish. Often people allow one element to be the primary force in their decision-making when seeking a mate and push aside the other two. In order to…
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Elaine Sihera
January 28, 2015
The simple answer is: Whatever you feel comfortable telling him/her. However, if they feel uncomfortable with that information, they are the wrong person for you. They would not be at all suitable in the long term. There is an essential…
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Author Name Withheld 123
January 28, 2015
Why falling in love young is bad for you Let’s face the facts, how many of you know somebody that fell in love under the age of 18 and is still with that person? Not many I bet because I…
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Ellen Lapointe
January 28, 2015
What Are The Secrets That Make Any Girl A Guy Magnet? Here Are The Proven Bulletproof Strategies You’re probably wondering to yourself, if there is a guy you are interested in, how will you get him to be attracted to…
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Kate Johns
January 28, 2015
Okay guys; do not even try to meet women at bars or clubs. This is so old, and this just says looking in all the wrong places. A guy can meet a woman anywhere, but if you want a real…
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Kim Sharpe
January 28, 2015
I think that the past is the past. If you elaborate too much on your past romances or flings with your husband or partner then it is almost like you are being whimsical and perhaps even missing those days. So…
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Leslie Trotter
January 28, 2015
Signs you might like somebody but not know it It’s hard to believe that some people just don’t know how to listen to their hearts. Perhaps, they were hurt and decided to put up a wall to protect themselves from…
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Felicia Foy Hailey
January 28, 2015
Simple Tips to Finding Your Soul Mate Online Who would have thought 50 years ago that by 2010 we would be paying bills, sending letters to love ones, and even working from home by using the nifty invention, the computer? Today…
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Maggie Castellanos
January 28, 2015
No matter who you are or where you are, there are only a handful of people that will not be able to benefit from having someone to call their own. People have spent much of their lives in pursuit of…
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Annie Patch
January 28, 2015
Memory Memory is a strange and unpredictable thing. When it comes to the important things like birthdays, anniversaries, dinner dates, it can, without notice, fall flat and fail. However, when it comes to the real important things, a first kiss,…
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Theresa Wind
January 28, 2015
“We fell in love when I was only ten the years disappeared much has gone by since then. I bite my lip can you send me away? You touch I had no choice I had to stay”. These hauntingly beautiful…
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Horace Dempsey - 590792
January 28, 2015
What it means to love someone. That’s a very hard question to answer but being in love myself I think I can give some insight on it. Well first off, love is a difficult thing to understand. Love makes you…
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Vilie Farah
January 28, 2015
Your divorce ended recently. Your self-confidence was dealt a painful blow and dating seems to be something that could hypothetically take place in the distant future. Most men, who go through divorce, feel angry, betrayed and confused. Dating is probably…
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Jerome Espinosa Baladad
January 28, 2015
I learned first hand the mighty power of love from the lessons I received from my Father who indirectly taught me on matters about loving someone who is practically as un-loveable like him. When I turned 40, I moved on…
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Horace Dempsey - 590792
January 28, 2015
This title says the process of falling in love but I think they have it wrong. To me love is not really a process, it just happens. Love is a complicated four letter word. It has so much power for…
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Melinda Barr
January 28, 2015
Throughout my teen and young adult years I had hours of free entertainment watching my brothers attempt the dating/mating game. In our generation, there was no school curriculum covering sex education, so we all received the stock “birds & bees”…
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Gene Patterson
January 28, 2015
Flirting is simple, powerful and fun. Yet somehow men often screw it up. We can come on too strong and freak a girl out or not flirt enough and have a woman lose interest. Often the first issue is guys…
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Kris Vaassen - 261730
January 28, 2015
Whether or not to become sexually active is a subject that each teenager or preteen is faced with at some time in their lives. We all have hormones in our bodies that are what lead us towards sexuality with another…
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Jimmy Patrick
January 28, 2015
Typically, a woman will not say things that will indicate she likes you. Hypothetically speaking, let’s say a guy just walked up to a girl and asked her if she was attracted to him. Even if she was, she would…
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Rozario Nicholas
January 28, 2015
Alfie, a 13 year old boy, became father of a child shocking Britain where free sex education has been given much value. Now we have to discuss this issue of boys growing up and learning about sex. Many kids don’t…
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Catherine Persinger
January 28, 2015
When most people think of love in this day and age, they automatically think sex. Well, I am here to tell you that love really has nothing to do with sex. Sex should be just an after thought if you…
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Patricia Watson - 275866
January 28, 2015
When a young girl likes a boy. a punch in the arm can signal she is interested! My youngest son came home with many bruises in grade school. They were delivered by girls who had crushes on him. When we…
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January 28, 2015
Intimacy versus sex: Which element is more important in a relationship? Well that is actually a matter of opinion because people have different views on rather intimacy is the same thing as sex of if it has a deeper meaning….
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Susan Overbey
January 28, 2015
I am sure your dad did his best when talking to you about meeting girls but there are things he may not have gotten around to telling you. It could have been because he was too embarrassed to mention some…
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Debbie Messerli
January 28, 2015
When people say the word passion it usually conjures up visions of lusty sex. So to begin you may want to define what it means to you. Webster’s Dictionary has several definitions, only one which pertains to strong sexual desire….
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Ethan Holmes
January 28, 2015
Top Ten Things Dad Never Told Me Allow me to offer a prelude to this piece by saying that I never had a Dad to tell me things I should know later in life. I was too busy working by…
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Simplicity Lett
January 28, 2015
Of all the important and interesting things that I could have been told about meeting girls, talking to girls, how to treat girls and most importantly how to not look like a complete fool in front of girls, the one…
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