April Dujin
January 29, 2015
Club Intimate is a new totally-free international online dating and social networking service that breaks the mould of traditional dating sites by including features that allow members to build communities around their personal interests. Members can find partners with higher…
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Jennifer Eblin
January 29, 2015
Everyone has heard one of the many horror stories involving online dating. The girl who was raped and murdered by a man she met over the internet. The guy who was beaten and robbed by a couple he met online….
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Bethan Williams
January 29, 2015
I think it is becoming pretty clear nowadays that maybe be for every genuine profile out there numerous others must inaccurate or downright lies. I think it is very easy to as a person with various on-line profile ranging from…
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Lori Salsgiver
January 29, 2015
Before you decide to pursue the online dating arena, ask yourself these questions. What are you looking for when you meet someone online? What are your motives for finding love on the internet? How much personal information are you willing…
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THE Broken Angel
January 29, 2015
Internet dating can be both fun and dangerous. I know this from personal experience. I have met some very wonderful men online that are great people. I have actually had long term relationships with a couple of men that I…
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Matthew Rogers
January 29, 2015
Log On, Link Up: Innovative options on the internet geared at divorcees and widows, or those on the rebound, make it easier than ever for second-timers to find true love again. Being single can be difficult. Being single, middle-aged and…
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Mona Gallagher
January 29, 2015
The Internet brings virtually everything to our homes so it’s not surprising that many boomer and senior dating services are available online. As with all relationship service, boomer dating sites have their good points and their danger zones. The good…
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Tammy Cramblett
January 29, 2015
Relationships can be confusing and sometimes a flat out mystery. Each person is unique and so there is no real right and wrong to forming a solid relationship. Couples find a happy medium and work out the rest in their…
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Paris Jones
January 29, 2015
Friendango just launched its own, one of a kind, social networking website. was built from the ground up by a group of young, forward thinking designers and programmers who created an online social meeting environment that is completely different…
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Sherelle Cary Smith
January 29, 2015
Well…I’m not sure how scientific this is but fifteen years later, it’s still working. I believe I had some “Divine Intervention” going on in my life at the moment of “knowing”. I was in a very horrible living situation with…
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Raina Scudder
January 29, 2015
You can’t hurry love Why is it that it seems everyone is out looking for love? Why do you flirt with every man/woman in your sight just because they could potentially be your next relationship? Would your future spouse appreciate…
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Victoria Tiegert
January 29, 2015
With so many of the proverbial fish in the sea, it can be hard to know when you’ve caught the right one for you and not just another old sneaker weighing down your line. There are some people who may…
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Guy on the Internet
January 29, 2015
Charisma is often used interchangeably with confidence to describe people who can sway an audience. The more confident you are the more comfortable you make the people feel around you. Imagine if you were in an audience and the speaker…
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January 29, 2015
If only love could be what god intended it to be, free, kind, pure, undiscriminating, unconditional, patient and beautiful. Love brings healing to the mind, body, and soul of a person. It makes a person feel complete and happy. There…
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Calvin Robinson
January 29, 2015
Infatuation is an often misunderstood emotional reaction to a typically physical attraction. Notice I did not say emotion. I believe love is an emotion and infatuation is a chemical reaction in the brain to certain stimuli that pleases and confuses…
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Amelia Randall - 546119
January 29, 2015
Saying I love you can be really hard for some people. Though not as hard as the first time you say it and mean it. It is said that actions speak louder than words and it is so very true….
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Gene Patterson
January 29, 2015
Most guys are not good flirts. Many men simply cannot seem to help themselves, they go strait to inappropriate behavior, thinking it is “flirting”. When these guys flirt they often stumble in one of three ways. WAY #1: They come…
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Elaine Sihera
January 29, 2015
On the welcoming page of my personal website I have 12 Lessons in Life which are very important to me. Among them is the statement: Never make someone your priority when to them you’re only an option. Those words have…
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Jesse Bocock
January 29, 2015
There is a very fine line between love and hate. It almost always starts with one and becomes the other. Whether it be a mortal enemy becoming your only ally or hatred rearing its ugly head in a happy marriage. …
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January 29, 2015
‘Love may just be a chapter in a boy’s life, but to a girl, it’s the whole story’. A well said quote that I think sums up a woman’s search for Mr Right quite succinctly. Ever since anyone can remember,…
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January 29, 2015
Finding your soulmate is not an easy task. While you may love several people in your life, there is only one person who can fulfill you in every possible way. There is only one soulmate for each person. How to…
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January 29, 2015
There is nothing quite so heartbreaking as being in love with someone, and not having your love reciprocated. So how do you get over it and move on with your life? While there are no easy, quick fix answers, there…
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Heidi Peaster
January 29, 2015
We all know the old fairy tale. In it, the princess and all her court is asleep for a hundred years because of a wicked spell. When the prince slays the dragon and fights his way through the thorny vines,…
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Elizabeth Blankenship
January 29, 2015
Does she like me and is just playing hard to get? Good question. Here are a few tips that every man looking for love must know about women that play hard to get: Body language: ~ Her body language often…
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Ellen Lapointe
January 29, 2015
Make Any Man Fall In Love And Captivate Him – A Man Will Never Leave You As Long As You Read This! There are people who think it’s hard to make a man fall for you, alot more if you…
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Aeryka Rae
January 29, 2015
Keeping in mind that ’50 Something’ IS the “NEW” ’30 Something’…mature women over 50 HAVE romanced just about every aspect of life that exist, including men. They have no problem adjusting to new romantic ventures. But, before I get into…
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Mansor Romman
January 29, 2015
Let’s start this article by saying that love is everywhere. Our creation was a result of love from the almighty. So is our birth. There is no way we could avoid being in love. But the important thing that we…
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Allen Teal
January 29, 2015
Sex can be a lot of work. However, the amount of work expended during sex by either the man or the woman does not account for the fatigue and drowsiness that follows intercourse. While both partners experience this phenomenon, men…
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Leslie Trotter
January 29, 2015
Determination to make a long distance relationship work is all it takes for it to survive all of those miles. If it is truly love and two people or in the relationship for better or worse, finding simple ideas to…
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Victoria Tiegert
January 29, 2015
Every successful relationship begins with dating. Heck, even the unsuccessful ones do, although you’d all rather avoid those. But, how do you manage to do that? It seems that there are too many people who don’t understand the “rules” of dating…
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