Allen Teal
February 1, 2015
What a woman really wants will vary some from woman to woman and how many of her needs are already fulfilled. Some generalities can be stated with a fair degree of certainty. Women want stability. They want a relationship with…
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Megan Leffelman
February 1, 2015
We live in a world where society would lead you to believe that women are the only ones being broken up with via Post-It note ala Carrie Bradshaw and being forced to come to terms with the phrase “he’s just…
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Mark Stewart
February 1, 2015
A girl stares out into the air during a normal day apparently looking at nothing. But in her eyes she sees a picture that makes her heart soar and her hopes burn with a fire that is clearly seen by…
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Grace Angel
February 1, 2015
There are many ways that dating an older man can boost a woman’s self-esteem if she is younger. Many older men have an ability to speak positively over the women that they are involved with. This can raise the younger…
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Claudius Northoff
February 1, 2015
This world is filled with charming, beautiful and very lonely women. Yes, you might think, for those who have tons of cash, look like an Olympic athlete and are famous! True, but also true for you, too! Let’s take a…
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Patrick Sills
February 1, 2015
In a proportionally large number of cases and situations, nice guys indeed finish last. For quite some time, many cultures have slowly evolved into a less-refined social order. Looser moral standards and a relaxed set of ethics increasingly define the…
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Clarity Jones
February 1, 2015
Dating a drug addict is not as simple as it may seem. Most people would automatically say that they would never date a drug addict. After all, the stereotype for drug addicts is the homeless man on the corner desperately…
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Shawna Lacharite
February 1, 2015
You, Me, and Technology Makes Three It’s 1986 and you ask a girl out by inviting her to a movie, but not before you check with her father first. It’s 1995 and women are psyched that it’s no longer taboo…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
January 31, 2015
Wow. Things to consider when dating an older man. Well you have found the right woman to ask, as I have dated many ancient… oops, older men! The truth is that I and many other women are not attracted to…
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Leslie Trotter
January 31, 2015
Reasons why some women date men for their money Although we live in a society where most women earn their own money, have businesses of their own and take care of themselves without having to depend on their male counterparts…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
January 31, 2015
There is a knack to getting a man you are dating for the first time to want to date you again. Certain things you should do and certain things you should not do. Assuming that you have decided he is…
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Todd Hicks
January 31, 2015
As a single guy, you are feeling uneasy. You are desperate to have romance and possibly a lasting relationship with a female; yet, there is more to this than meets the eye. You sometimes see pretty ladies and you want…
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Leslie Trotter
January 31, 2015
Top reasons why women pick the wrong guy The reason why some women pick the wrong guy to be in their lives could be many. However, the obvious are always there. There are many good men in the world, but…
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Carol Wise
January 31, 2015
Such statements that are so broad and general, are as I have learned through experience, usually false. As with any opinion an individual might develop, one can always find examples to support their theory and ignore the evidence that disputes…
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January 31, 2015
My daughter just turned 5 years old this past weekend, I am 28. To give the reader a better understanding of my perspective on single parent dating and how it affects children, I shall give a brief summary of the…
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Ronnie Dauber
January 31, 2015
For many of us, first dates are the just the worst time of our lives because we’re caught between being on our best behaviour and trying to impress someone, and being just ourselves without showing our worst side. We look…
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Linda Shrigley
January 31, 2015
One thing you need to know right from the start, it that children do not want to accept anyone being with their parent’s, except the other parent. Children are born to one set of parents, and that is the only…
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Suzanne Fort
January 31, 2015
There are many ways to ruin a first date. The one thing that really can mess up your first date is talking about topics that may reveal too much or scare off a date from wanting to go on a…
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Marcus Brooks
January 31, 2015
For a single parent, the dating world can be treacherous. Trying to find a mate is difficult for yourself. That difficulty is multiplied when searching for a mate, and a positive, role model for your child. There are amoral people…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
January 31, 2015
When we fall in love it is easy to be swept away by the intense passion we feel and let things get out of hand. One of the mistakes quite a few lovers make is to lose their own identifies…
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January 31, 2015
This is more than dating. Way beyond dating. But the expectations remain the same. Is it true that I want more? Time and time again I come upon a crossroad where I have to decide which is direction to go?…
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Cyndi Li
January 31, 2015
Some guys get a little nervous when they’re on a first date. Sometime they say things that wouldn’t be considered the most intelligent of comments to make or questions to ask. There is however some things that have nothing to…
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Marc Phillippe Babineau
January 31, 2015
There are many things that are taboo on a first date, especially if it is a blind date. The longer you have known each other, the more that can be forgiven as nervousness or mistaken signals. For example, when she…
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Can Tran
January 31, 2015
Talking to a friend of mine on the dumbest things a guy can do to ruin a first date; she let me in on some very interesting tidbits. It was a few things that had happened to her. But, I…
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Marcus Brooks
January 31, 2015
First dates are exciting when you’re a high schooler attending prom. Some are even exciting when meeting that special one at a college, keg party. You poured a Bud Light in her plastic 16 oz. cup. The foam leveled off…
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Marcus Brooks
January 31, 2015
Being an Iowa resident, I enjoy living in relative quiet. Yes, we’re void of the hussle and bussle of cities where the “in crowds” reside. There are no Redo Drives, Times Square, Vegas Strips, Bourbon Streets or South Beach. We…
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Marcus Brooks
January 31, 2015
Interpersonal relationships are the most complex form of human contact. When a man and a woman first meet, there are usually “Hellos” and “Goodbyes”. Depending on some situations, the conversations are liable to include: 1) First name introductions (A man…
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Steve Marshall
January 31, 2015
I have never thought much about mastering the art of aloneness before. Is aloneness after all only an art? Or is it more a state of being that we approach, when we turn our loneliness into aloneness? My main aim…
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Cyndi Li
January 31, 2015
Who doesn’t love the thought of a first date? The anticipation, the wonder, the curiosity, it’s all part of waiting for the day to arrive. All combined, my friends and I have been on quite a few first dates. As…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
January 31, 2015
The article which follows is taken from personal experience, and is a common sense article aimed at helping those women faced with the dilemma of dating a single dad. There are many aspects which go into making a relationship work,…
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