Jennifer Eblin
February 14, 2015
Unwanted pregnancy. STDs. Bad reputation. Unwanted attention. Lack of social contact. When someone asks the question, what’s wrong with being promiscuous, they probably don’t stop to think about the answers found above. In fact, they probably laugh off some of…
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Victoria Tiegert
February 14, 2015
Passion is an important part of any romantic relationship. In marriage, especially after a family with all the responsibilities that go along with it begins, there can be times that it seems as if the spark that once kept you…
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Christina Johnson - 291388
February 14, 2015
No, I think teens are going to make their mind up as to when where and who they want to be with weather or not their parents or law says not to. Though I bare that in mind I do…
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Paul Lines
February 14, 2015
As a teenager you know that, at some time or other, you are going to be spoken to by your mother and father about a lot of things than may happen in your life, especially those that could be dangerous…
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Harvey Stelman
February 14, 2015
Should the federal government set a national age for sexual consent for teens? Lets ask ourselves these questions; how old do you have to be to join the military? What age do you have to be to vote? These are…
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Mara Yoresh
February 14, 2015
It is interesting that in the United States, whenever an article or some other source claims that “a study says…” everyone gets all in a tizzy without even stopping to wonder *which* study or question important factors such as who…
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Taylor Horak - 61922
February 13, 2015
Just as in dealing with everything else, teenagers seem to believe that experiencing sex is on some unofficial check-list for growing up; that is to say, they seem to want to just get it over with. The reason sex is…
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Ted Sherman
February 13, 2015
My old grandfather ran a tailor shop for many years, and always bragged that he was so successful because he chose to locate it right next to a big Ivy League university where all the students were rich and well-dressed….
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
February 13, 2015
It is tempting to stay in a relationship longer than one should. If we do it is either because we are hoping that although things look bad now they will improve late, or because we are scared of being without…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
February 13, 2015
When an ex wants you back it proves they feel they would be happier with you than without you. They have tried to be without you, they were with you before, they can measure how good one feels against the…
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Ted Sherman
February 13, 2015
When my son was about 12, I sat him down for the traditional dad-son talk. I told him it was time for us to discuss the mysteries of sex. He replied, “Sure, Dad. What do you want to know?” An…
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Carol Wise
February 13, 2015
I am not sure why this is true but it definitely is. Perhaps it goes back centuries but we and several societies have a long history of demanding our women be chaste, while men are encouraged to be sexually active….
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
February 13, 2015
You know it is the right time to leave a relationship when you no longer feel any happiness or peace of mind when you think of the future with your partner. You have tried to speak to your partner about…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
February 13, 2015
You have been dating him a long time and you sense that things have changed. You somehow know that he does not feel as keen as he did before. It hurts, it hurts a great deal. But it is best…
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Mary Antonette Abello
February 13, 2015
To love and to be loved can be the most wonderful feeling we can experience. No amount of joy can surpass the happiness that we feel when we are in the arms of the person we love the most. When…
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Holly Trout
February 13, 2015
In every relationship there comes a time when it occurs to one person or another that the relationship is no more. It crosses everyone’s mind at one point or another. No matter how it is thought of the only question…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
February 13, 2015
If you have been with your boyfriend for a long time or you really enjoyed being with him, you will miss the relationship you had with him and want him to come back to you. But if he ended the…
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Bhavya Dabas
February 13, 2015
When you’ve just had your heart broken and are feeling lonely, it’s easy to get involved with anyone you feel even slightly attracted to, or anyone who offers even a little bit of sympathy and understanding. Because you are in…
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February 13, 2015
So here it is a little over a year since the final separation of my last relationship and have found myself in the middle of a new beginning of another. Where this one goes, I do not know. What I…
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Ann E. Smith
February 13, 2015
Breaking up is hard to do – sometimes so much so that it can be years in the work. Conversely, some couples stay together even when utterly miserable, so as to avoid the dreaded end of the marriage or relationship….
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Shaun Baines
February 13, 2015
As the great ABBA once sang “Breaking up is never easy, I know.” But what makes them uniquely qualified to give such advice? It can’t just be because they’re Swedish. As far as this writer knows, no one country has a…
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Viviene Mae Coyne
February 13, 2015
OH HOW DO YOU MEND A BROKEN HEART? I had been in love a lot of times. Not only to speak about how many times my heart was broken, in fact my tender heart smashed to smithereens. Good thing, I…
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Aster C. Lilly
February 13, 2015
A Break-up Box is a tool kit that will help you get over your ex-boyfriend. While not necessarily an actual box, the break-up box is a list of items that you can use for comfort. Think of it like a…
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Raven Lebeau
February 13, 2015
How can a law be written to identify sexual predators and only sexual predators? I don’t pretend to have the answer. My aim is to enumerate the legal/moral conundrums associated with arbitrary age limits. Child molesters incur so much loathing…
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Anita Carter
February 13, 2015
The Jonas Brothers was recently ridiculed in their stand for safe sex. The host of the VMAs insulted the young teen idols for making a statement concerning their view on teen sex. But they are not the only teens who…
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Sebastian Talon
February 13, 2015
NO! The federal government should NOT set a national age for sexual consent for teens. This is not a legislative question, but a moral one. And, truthfully, with all the sex scandals involving government employees, can we trust the government…
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Pat Lunsford
February 13, 2015
The One Night Stand Those who participate in one-night stands are seeking sex, desire, intimacy and romance. The excitement of a “heat of the moment” experience can be overwhelming and somewhat overpowering. Typical one-night stands are usually not planned; they…
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Tammyjo Eckhart
February 13, 2015
Sexual sadomasochism, to be truly called by these terms must involve two components: sexual arousal and pain or intense sensations. It does not require any exchange of power or authority or bondage and frankly does not require that traditional sexual…
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John Tabler
February 13, 2015
Oh boy, guys, this is a loaded question. See, every bone in my body tells me to answer this like a father and go into the rampage on how it would be better to wait before having sex. Every fiber…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
February 13, 2015
You have all heard the murmurs from moms and dads about sex and usually these are very negative, and although they may not explain why or what lies behind their recriminations, they really do have your best interests at heart….
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