Victoria Tiegert
February 18, 2015
There is no doubt that whatever affects a parent will also affect his or her children. That goes for everything from financial stress, to employment situations, to dietary habits, and most certainly includes dating. When a single parent decides to…
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Martine Pauwels
February 18, 2015
Mind games are a form of manipulation that are a form of abuse many victims do not understand. Fact is that is does not feel like abuse and many women who date men that like to play mind games, might…
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February 18, 2015
Many women complain that men tend to love their friends more than them. Between watching a football match or drinking a few beers with their friends and watching a romantic sunset with their wives or girlfriends on the beach, several…
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Lynette Alice
February 18, 2015
Tossing your hat into the online dating ring is riddled with pros and cons. At some point or another most single people have given it a whirl, heck even some married people which is a whole other issue altogether. It…
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Nathalie Guerin
February 18, 2015
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it really make a noise? This brain twister can be debated in many ways, which is not unlike the following question “If one is…
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Olha Romaniuk
February 18, 2015
Got a date this Friday night and don’t know where to take the object of you affection? Don’t fret – even the best and most suave and experienced of us get the pre-date jitters and feel like we are back…
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Lynette Alice
February 18, 2015
Very few people really enjoy being set up with a stranger, I sure never liked it, but there is some good advice I can give for women going on a blind date. Thankfully I haven’t been in the dating pool…
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Shaun Baines
February 18, 2015
A quick poll will tell you men want sex, beer and Jean Claude Van Damme films. It’s easier to say that than say they want security, love and respect. No-one would believe that, not even men. We’re supposed to be sex and beer…
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Joanna Fletcher
February 18, 2015
If a guy really likes you, he will ask for your phone number – right? Not always. Some guys are very shy and intimidated by girls, especially ones they really like. There are ways to tell if that guy likes…
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Lawrence George
February 18, 2015
You’ve been talking to her for a while and you seem to be getting on well. But – does she like you? Would she go out with you? And if she did, would it go anywhere? There are ways to…
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Victoria Tiegert
February 18, 2015
Okay, men, here’s the lowdown about what you are doing wrong when it comes to your relationships with women. This is coming from a woman, so believe what is being said. Relationships between men and women are interesting at best…
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Martine Pauwels
February 18, 2015
Like a song title suggest “It’s So Easy To Fall In Love”, it is also so easy to lose yourself in it. Getting lost in love, is not always that clear. Many do not even realize they are losing themselves….
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Kate Johns
February 18, 2015
Dumb things guys can do to ruin a first date. Dating advice 101. I’m at the point where I’m beginning to think I should open up a dating service because I’m always giving dating advice to people I know. Guys…
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Grace Angel
February 18, 2015
Dating a man that plays mind games is never easy. This is because knowing what he has truly been feeling during the relationship can be difficult. Most men that play mind games do so because they are afraid to lose…
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Todd Hicks
February 17, 2015
Are you dating someone whom you do not appear to have a good connection with? If not, are you looking for your “knight in shining armor”? It is important to not waste your time. By continuing to read this article,…
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Karon Brandt
February 17, 2015
What a fancy word for “list,” which we all do either consciously or subconsciously. When looking for a partner, a first date, a person to go bowling with, or a spouse, we have inner expectations and bottom lines, whether we…
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Martine Pauwels
February 17, 2015
All love affairs start romantic and many might end up in marriages or in deep friendship, but when the chemistry of falling in love has worked out and the person remains, it is time to evaluate. There are several signs…
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Akua Hinds
February 17, 2015
Men who play mind games in relationships are usually insecure and difficult to predict. Mind games are a form of manipulation in order to make a person feel like they are in control and in power over a situation. There…
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Jed Eane
February 17, 2015
Everyone has an opinion of online dating. Say those two words to someone and they will automatically associate them with either negative or positive aspects – or a combination of both, which is really the best way to see online…
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Sam E. Jones
February 17, 2015
Well, you can’t make a guy like you of course, the best you can do is look at yourself to see if you are what a guy might like, and if not, choose or not to make adjustments. Believe it…
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Kate Johns
February 17, 2015
Wouldn’t it be awesome to be a mind reader so you could read your date’s mind? That way you could talk about everything that interests your date, and avoid all those topics of conversation she or he has no interest…
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Melanie Cossey
February 17, 2015
First dates are unique because they serve as a testing ground for compatibility and chemistry with a potential partner. The first date is about putting your best foot forward. The key to achieving this is to steer clear of hot topics that…
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Julie Michael
February 17, 2015
There are several dumb things guys can do to ruin a first date. The first thing a guy can do to ruin a first date, is to show up LATE. First impressions are everything, and if you show up late,…
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February 17, 2015
It is no big secret that even the smallest of things that a single parent will do, including those things that may seem insignificant, will ultimately affect our children one way or another. As a single parent, perhaps one of…
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Barry Marcus
February 17, 2015
The days when making use of a dating service or a ‘lonely hearts club’ carried a stigma are long gone. Online dating has become an accepted and popular option for men and women seeking partners or simply wishing to expand…
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James Johnson
February 17, 2015
There are several resorts in the Caribbean and each one would be quite glad to say that they are the “Best for singles”. The best of anywhere for anything is always difficult to define. This is because everybody is different,…
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Cyndi Li
February 17, 2015
Single parents are in a class all by themselves. Everything associated with home life is their responsibility. Their children’s needs are solely put on their plates. Their children’s development and lifes training are placed exclusively in their hands. Basically, a…
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Mona Pellerin
February 17, 2015
Online dating has many benefits such as easy access to conversations, ability to acquire personal information before meeting and profile information before making selections. The main problem arises from personal needs which can take on an addictive quality that usurps…
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Kerlain Kate
February 17, 2015
Congratulations if you were asked to a first date! Want to get it successful? Then read some rules how to do it easily: 1) ASK TO FIRST DATE, BUT DON’T REQUIRE TO COME.When you ask a person to come to…
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Mary Culler
February 17, 2015
There’s hope, and I can prove it. Directed to the ladies who are feeling bitter and single… I have seen a lot of single and bitter people, or single and “beating themselves up” people, complaining that they can’t find someone….
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