Janet Cipolli
February 21, 2015
“You’ve got mail!” How exhilarating those three little words can make a woman feel. Unfortunately, they don’t always deliver good news. “I know I should be telling you this face-to-face but I’m a coward. You don’t deserve me, you deserve better. It’s…
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Jennifer Eblin
February 20, 2015
Me Tarzan, You Jane. We’ve spent centuries evolving and yet some men still seem to revert back to the behavior of their long forgotten ancestors, especially in regards to the dreaded “e” word, the e word being ex-boyfriend. Even the…
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Jessica Bordelon
February 20, 2015
I am in support of living with a lover prior to marriage. However, there is an even better alternative to this process. Consider this: Most couples date for a few months and then enter into the realm of exclusivity. Then…
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Norma Budden
February 20, 2015
Reasons for relationships falling apart are numerous. Sadly, it is often too late when couples realize the wrong paths they chose through the course of their relationships. Some important things to keep in mind about relationships are: 1. You must…
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Gloria Edmonson Nelson
February 20, 2015
While speed dating is fun to some people; you do not spend enough time with the person to know whether the truth is being told. When people did this years ago, it was fun; now it can be dangerous, especially…
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Olivia Kay
February 20, 2015
You’re having the time of your life, you’re in a relationship with that special man or woman, and you’re just sure that they’re the “right one”. Sound familiar Although we all hope that all of our relationships will work out…
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February 20, 2015
Picture this: you’re sitting at a lovely restaurant with a gorgeous man or woman, a piano softly tinkling in the background. Everything is perfect. Except your date won’t stop droning on in that monotonous voice about the perks of being…
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February 20, 2015
A breakup is always painful, even when you are absolutely sure that this is the right thing to do. Leaving a part of you behind requires emotional strength, that not everybody has. Things can get even more complicated when the…
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beth king
February 20, 2015
If you are a workaholic, dating can be one of the most difficult things that you deal with in life. It is very hard for someone who isn’t a workaholic to understand putting work ahead of most everything in life,…
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Renee Garrison
February 20, 2015
Speed dating is the latest fad in the attempt to find a potential date, significant other or spouse. The concept is simple. A group of potential candidates are seated at a series of tables in a room. Members of the…
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Vanessa Ylagan
February 20, 2015
If you get your heart broken, cry a river, build a bridge and get over it! A relationship is a cycle. The process would include falling in love, getting hurt, mending those broken hearts and then back to the beginning,…
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February 20, 2015
In order to get women, several men tend to do obnoxious things. Since that can often become a habit for them, they tend to be called jerks. The top 5 things jerks do to get women 1. Sell their drama…
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Frankie Haney
February 20, 2015
There are most likely times when you are dating someone you are very interested in and wish to spend quality time getting to really know them better. Going to restaurants, movies, or clubs can be quite expensive and not always conducive to…
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Carolyn Gibson
February 20, 2015
He may have started out okay. He had a car, a decent job, and took you out every weekend. Both of you were happy. Then the problems begin. His car needs a transmission, which he can’t afford to buy. He…
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Laura Garrow
February 20, 2015
We are talking about real people, real emotions, and real intimacy. How do we know who we are really chatting with online? The person could be married, in a relationship or simply going around chatting with many others. You haven’t…
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Ted Sherman
February 20, 2015
For guys short of cash and long in imagination, it’s possible to take a lady on an inexpensive date without actually appearing to a cheapskate. It’s all in your sense of romance, how you set up the date and the…
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JD Frew
February 20, 2015
On-line daters are not real couples. “Real” couples involve “real” emotions, “real” conversations, and real-life interaction. Across emotionless cyberspace, these three things cannot exist. In the same breath, relationships are not solely about emotions, chats, and quality time; they also…
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Esmeralda Destiny
February 20, 2015
When going on a date, your expectations can differ from your date’s expectations as much as your unique tastes in movies. With that said, if your date is going to be a movie date, it is a very difficult situation to be…
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February 20, 2015
If there is one thing I’ve learned with giving “love” a second chance is that there are “5” simple rules to follow when you move on to a new realtionship, and as I single women I feel like if I…
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Suzanne Bertrand
February 20, 2015
Romantic dating is the essence of spending time together. Some of the most romantic dates are also the least expensive. Being with the right person will set the stage for a romantic encounter that is priceless. Finding affordable romantic dating…
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Unwirklich VinZant
February 20, 2015
Candle light dinners, cozy nights on the couch together, playful soap fights as the abysmally small pile of dishes disappears washed by a blissful couple, delusion is a good word to describe this if it’s all your expecting when moving…
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Isaac Madengu Mangatu
February 20, 2015
It is always interesting to comment on relationships and how this or that other relationship have failed or worked. Look at the Hollywood relationships or celebrity relationships, they seem to be the shortest ever were we would expect them to…
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Wayne K. Wilkins
February 20, 2015
Going to prom can prove to create some of the best memories of your teenage years. Of course, there are several contributing factors that accompany these memories including what you do there, who you go with and more importantly, how…
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Ann E. Smith
February 20, 2015
So you’ve found someone special and want to spend time getting to know this person. But money is a bit tight, especially given the current economy. The good news is there are some neat things you can do without spending…
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Chris Bowen - 305396
February 20, 2015
This is a more complicated issue than just yes or no. I see both sides and understand that some people see a couple as two people who can touch one another or kiss but I think at any stage a…
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Perry Brass
February 20, 2015
Thirty Seven Ways to be Seductive with a Man One of my prime feelings lately is that too many people have lost the talent of being seductive. A generation or two ago, it seemed to go with the territory of…
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beth king
February 20, 2015
If there is someone special in your life, surprising them with a romantic gesture is a great way to say how much you care. Since romance is more about state of mind than cost, coming up with romantic surprises is…
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Chaton Turner
February 20, 2015
Halle Berry is having a baby by Gabriel Aubrey, a White man. Since she released her statement the media and the black community has been a buzz. The media has applauded her pregnancy because she’s longed for a baby for…
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beth king
February 20, 2015
Romance is that intangible feeling that we strive to experience in our relationships, but how much does it cost? The answer is nothing; since it is a state of mind and an emotion, it can’t be bought. So, what should…
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Shaun Mcgonigal
February 20, 2015
What is polyamory? What would it mean to become polyamorous? Polyamory is much more prevalent than you may think. Earlier in its history, polyamory was often called non-monogamy. It was a reaction to the social norm of monogamous coupling, which…
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