Belinda Long
February 25, 2015
Finding out that your partner cheated on you is devastating. Emotions, from anger to guilt, are running high and it’s hard to imagine that you will ever feel good again. Your heart is broken and your trust is betrayed. It…
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Sam E. Jones
February 25, 2015
If you browse through the profiles of random people you see on dating sites, you start to notice certain trends, or patterns. For one thing, most of them read pretty much the same. It’s as if the site passes out…
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David Willis - 572736
February 25, 2015
For some people, the activity of online dating is a mystery. They seem to end up with the same types of people over and over again, or they can’t seem to meet anyone at all. There are certainly many horror…
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Amela Piric - 507810
February 25, 2015
Reasons for fear of commitment in women are varied as women themselves. Yet, amongst the main reasons why majority of women fear commitment are unfinished business from previous relationships, fear of losing independence and falling behind in their career, high…
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Sun Meilan
February 25, 2015
Finding a soul-mate in life is not the easiest of processes. Those who are happily married or living together have probably forgotten or may not realise just how hard it can be to meet that special someone. Once found, it…
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Todd Hicks
February 25, 2015
You are bummed out. As a guy, you had your hopes up once a lady just gave you her E-mail address in person or over the Internet. You thought you would have a lasting relationship with her and you quickly…
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Kimberly Morin
February 25, 2015
To cheat on somebody you care about and supposedly love is wrong and hurtful, and it breaks all trust in a relationship. The grass always looks greener on the other side, however once a cheater always a cheater. To be…
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Akua Hinds
February 25, 2015
Your online dating profile is your biggest selling point. You might have the most appealing profile photo uploaded, but if your profile doesn’t portray you in an appealing light, you won’t get too many responses from eligible bachelors or bachelorettes. …
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Lucy R
February 25, 2015
There is no magic formula of ‘signs to watch out for when you are with the wrong person’, every relationship is unique with its own ingredients of what makes it function and an adequate relationship for one may not be…
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Vilie Farah
February 25, 2015
The purpose of a dating website profile is to get others to notice you. Everyone wants to make an excellent first impression and an impeccable profile is just the right way to accomplish that. People are often tempted to exaggerate…
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Matt Bird
February 25, 2015
For young men, one of the most annoying, troublesome dilemmas when in love is figuring out if the girl likes you back. A thousand different signs can paint some very conflicting stories, and your opinion of her level of interest…
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February 25, 2015
In your quest through cyberspace for that special someone, the girl of your dreams and your soul mate, you may be doing things which knowingly or unknowingly are sabotaging your plan. Unfortunately, these mistakes will result in the unavoidable failure…
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Joyce M. George-Knight
February 25, 2015
Oh, how often the statement, “absence makes the heart grow fonder,” comes into the thoughts of those involved in a long distance relationship. For when the couple finds that open window of time together, though it may be brief, it…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
February 25, 2015
There are some common online dating mistakes women make. In an effort to compete with the many other women online they tend to make the following mistakes… * Pretend to be much younger than they are. This can be by…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
February 25, 2015
There are now thousands of dating sites you can join free of charge. Some of them are totally free of charge, others just let you join for free. Which is crafty, because if they get lots of people to join…
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Diane Callahan
February 25, 2015
It was my single co-workers who introduced me to the idea of online dating. They spent lots of time perusing the current crop on various dating sites and I was always looking over their shoulders. Who could resist? I was…
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JC Campbell
February 25, 2015
Posting pictures of yourself on a dating site puts you in the shop window for potential suitors or potential nut cases who might have taken a strong fancy to you. You really have to question the sanity of people who…
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Spencer Hawken
February 25, 2015
In times past you meet partners through friends, or workplaces; few of us form lasting relationships based on an encounter on a night out, but its likely option. Bus here in the 21st century the power of the Internet is…
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Bobby Coles
February 24, 2015
Traditional courtship has been negatively impacted via online dating by removing the element of conversation and the pitching of the proverbial woo. With online dating, the potential awkwardness of traditional courtship has been removed, allowing for all of the unpleasantness…
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Gene Patterson
February 24, 2015
Do you want to learn to attract people online with ease? If so you had better buckle down and learn how to write a good dating profile. It is not easy, but it is incredibly important. ♦ There are no…
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Paul Lines
February 24, 2015
Tonight you have a date and the clock is ticking round to the appointed time. As you sit in your lounge watching television, you cast an eye at the clock. There are ten minutes to go and yet you still…
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Gene Patterson
February 24, 2015
Once upon a time, on an Internet far far away, Internet dating was only for social outcasts and rejects. That is simply not true these days. There are literally millions of people who meet tons of women through online dating…
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Sheila-Ann Bender
February 24, 2015
You’ve made it through your first speed dating event, and you anxiously await to hear whether or not the attraction you felt for the matches on your score card was mutual. Your heart skips a beat-or two-when your host provides…
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Maggie Castellanos
February 24, 2015
Sometimes I feel as if the Internet is more of a curse than a blessing. This is because it sometimes helps people feed off other people’s deep rooted need to be loved. This desire to find love has been known…
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JC Campbell
February 24, 2015
I’ve just started a brand new dating agency for seniors although I don’t yet have a name for my venture. I was thinking of something along the lines of or’ve had a very good response from a number…
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Katie Lee
February 24, 2015
First, there was looking. Then you saw someone of interest and there was an exchange of e-mails or texts, or even phone calls. Then there was setting up the first meeting or date. Then there was the actual first meeting-slash-date…
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Stephanie Banfield
February 24, 2015
Few available singles in an online dating world want to meet a potential partner sight-unseen. Could there be anything more awkward and uncomfortable than walking into that crowded uptown restaurant in your chic black dress, matching heels, and perfectly blended…
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Kimberly Chitwood
February 24, 2015
“Knock-knock.” “Who’s there?” “Experience.” Corny, I know. But, what’s not corny is my own personal experience with the online dating idea. In 1999, I “met” Jamie online, and I met him on That should’ve tipped me off because that…
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Izzy Martindale
February 24, 2015
Still single and nudging 34 I was beginning to feel anxious. It seemed to me that I was the last unmarried person left on Earth. Friends were either happily married, cocooned in a blissful state of mutual affirmation or they…
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Gene Patterson
February 24, 2015
Once it was only the desperate man who went looking for love online. You could see them in their mother’s basement trolling for their latest victim… err…girlfriend. Those days have changed, and changed greatly. Many people these days meet people…
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