Peter Sharpe
February 28, 2015
Tips for men going on a first date First dates are very exciting. You have asked the girl out, she said yes, you arrange the time & place and then you are set. First dates are also, by nature, incredibly…
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Grace Angel
February 28, 2015
There are many reasons the person should not become romanticily involved with their boss. Doing so can cause various work related problems for any person. This is because there will be resentment within the office once colleagues find out about…
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Prosper Angel
February 28, 2015
Relationships are part and parcel of life, there are various types of relationships today, these are Romantic relationships, Family or Blood related relationships, Friends or workmate relationships and society relationships within the community one resides in. All these types of…
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Matt Bird
February 28, 2015
Let’s say you have a friend. This friend, in their infinite wisdom, has set you up with an acquaintance of theirs you’ve never met. And, invariably, your friend extols all their virtues: beautiful, charming, smart, passionate, outgoing all the good…
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Jennifer Eblin
February 28, 2015
When I started dating my now ex-boyfriend, our friends just kind of shook their heads and laughed. They took one look at us and thought that there was no way we could ever make it work. I guess no one…
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Jennifer Eblin
February 28, 2015
Who can forget the love triangle between Kelly, Brenda and Dylan on Beverly Hills 90210? It was such a popular storyline that they even did a similar version on the update of 90210 where Brenda and Kelly both had feelings…
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Amanda A Ashley
February 27, 2015
Honesty is the best policy. If you want to end a blind date, the best thing to do is to tell the truth, instead of making up excuses to leave. Your date will probably see right through you, and you’ll…
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Jessica Rangel
February 27, 2015
The hardest thing to admit while in a relationship is that things are simply not working out. Many couples try to work on their relationships even more so, when they know they aren’t connecting or communicating like they once were….
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Sun Meilan
February 27, 2015
First dates can be a terrifying experience, especially if you barely know the person with whom you’re about to spend a couple of hours. Whether you’re going on a first date for the first time in your life, or you…
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Jennifer Boyd
February 27, 2015
Have you ever been out with friends relaxing and perhaps having a glass of wine or a beer and someone approaches you and lays a cheesy pick up line on you? What did you do? Did you play along and…
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Melody Bish
February 27, 2015
Loneliness is my constant friend and companion; isolation beyond solitude and feeling disenfranchised from the world. No one wants to admit to loneliness, as the human animal is a pack creature craving the companionship of others. Sometimes I do crave the…
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April May Maple
February 27, 2015
The dreaded first date… it can open the door to a wonderful relationship with plenty of future opportunities but it can also crash down around you faster than you realize. Not to get you nervous but there should be a…
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Laura Byng
February 27, 2015
What I never understood is why so many people today actually believe that there is baggage from past relationships? Isn’t the real issue that the ones that feel lost or betrayed always find themselves in the same situation down the…
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Joshua K. Bradshaw
February 27, 2015
Single and Child-free? You can’t be serious! Well, what if I am? Isn’t that my choice to make? It annoys me that so many people are close minded when it comes to this issue. “Oh, but it’s tradition. Marriage and…
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Gareth Great
February 27, 2015
Admit it. You want to experience a perfect first date. The first thing you may ask about a date is- should a woman invite a man to have lunch or dinner with her? The answer would be “of course”. We…
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Wendi Spisak
February 27, 2015
Most women are especially uncomfortable with their bodies. Given the media, Hollywood and pornographic material, women believe that they must live up to those standards. What few women realize is that while men are visual beings, what attracts them to…
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Michael Allen McCormick
February 27, 2015
Is there really a difference between love and infatuation ? Infatuation is more about filling your own need. Love goes a bit deeper and adds the element of concern for the needs of the other. A person who is “in…
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Joshua K. Bradshaw
February 27, 2015
I can honestly say being a single fella with many married/involved friends that singleness has its benefits. Granted, having that special someone to share life’s joys with is truly wonderful. But relationships can be like a rollercoaster. You reach a…
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Janeen Elite
February 27, 2015
There are many women who absolutely love a man in uniform and thankfully there are plenty of those handsome and honorable men around if you just know where to look. Join the Military. While this is by far the most…
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Victoria Tiegert
February 27, 2015
With so much media attention being given to having the “perfect” body, women today have been especially targeted to try to embody that perfection themselves. Of course, there really is no perfect body, only ones that are perfectly airbrushed. Yet,…
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Ann E. Smith
February 27, 2015
Coping with an uncomfortable date Dating can be a great time, but it can also provide some uncomfortable moments. So many scenarios come into play, especially on a first or second date. There are countless opportunities for awkwardness, ranging from…
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Edgar Arold
February 27, 2015
Every relationship has its obstacles that must be overcome in order for it to work out and move forward. However, a long distance relationship has even more hurdles to get over so that eventually, the long distance can be shortened…
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Tara Jorgensen
February 27, 2015
You have butterflies in your stomach. You miss them after just spending time with them. You see their “flaws” but still think they’re perfect. You must be in love right? Well, in love or just a deep infatuation that is….
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Criss C
February 27, 2015
Whether you meet a girl at the park, through a friend, or through the Internet, the first date with her is the most vital. First impressions are important if you want your potential “future girlfriend” to like you. Knowing body signals…
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Elizabeth M Young
February 27, 2015
Humans tend to group with their immediate households and families. At higher levels, humans become community or tribal animals, then social animals and ultimately nationalistic animals. At the grandest level, humans can view themselves as isolated in the universe with…
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Patricia Watson - 275866
February 27, 2015
If you live on this planet, you have tasted divorce or known someone who has gone through the heartbreak of a lost marriage. The longer you live, the greater the odds are of knowing someone who has survived a terrible…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
February 27, 2015
Taking time off at the end of a relationship will give you time to get over the upset and sadness you suffered in your past relationship. It will also give you a much needed breathing space, so that you can…
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Jordan Jenifer
February 27, 2015
I’m 25, and have two 3+ year relationships under my belt. I never dated as a teenager, I only crushed hard on boys (and a few men) who never returned the feelings. My first serious relationship taught me a lot….
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
February 27, 2015
It is your first date and you want to impress the lady so that she wants to see you again. You hope that this first date will lead to many more and you may also be hoping that it leads…
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Stacey Midge
February 27, 2015
According to the 2005 census, 26% of American households consist of one person living alone. Living alone has many benefits, but it also brings up certain concerns that are not as much of an issue for those who live with…
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