Carmel Brulez - 538252
March 1, 2015
Whether you are married, living with someone or dating someone, whether it is serious and monogamous or casual and laid back, there are always signs that a relationship is over. When people say they did not see it coming and…
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Allen Teal
March 1, 2015
Obviously, the answer to a broken heart is not to find all of the ice cream you can and eat it. This old remedy helps for a few minutes, but as soon as you have finished off that quart of…
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Theresa Curnow
March 1, 2015
A broken heart is undeniably painful but there are ways and means of recovering from this emotional upheaval. First of all, realize that you are not alone with this feeling. Everyone, at some point in their lives has suffered from…
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Bridget Webber
March 1, 2015
After a break-up, you’ll be vulnerable as your self esteem will have taken a knock. You may miss the closeness you felt with your partner, and with your emotions running high, the break-up may leave you longing for the sense…
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Patricia Watson - 275866
March 1, 2015
Adultery is most likely the death knell for a marriage. It may seem like a wake up call at first. You may even be able to try working on your problems. Ultimately, your spouse has broken a trust, and you…
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Jane Allyson
March 1, 2015
A broken heart is a physical hurt that can be caused by many circumstances. It happens when a set of events come into being that the victim can do nothing about. It usually signifies the end of someone or something…
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Jennifer Searle
March 1, 2015
There are many ways that you can lie to get out of a bad blind date. You can even do the old stand by of the buddy system, made popular by Sex in the City-season six; when Charlotte is on…
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Donna Alexandria
February 28, 2015
You never saw it coming. One day the two of you were licking ice cream cones in the park watching the birds sing sweet melodies. You guys were inseparable lovers who shared dreams, laughter, and planned a lifetime with one…
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Colette Georgii
February 28, 2015
So you’ve fallen in love, but your love is not reciprocated and now you have a Broken Heart. What to do. Here is my remedy for a Broken Heart: Cry and cry and cry your eyes out. Really feel that…
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Elaine M. Doxie
February 28, 2015
When you are in a relationship, you are going to make mistakes. Your partner is going to make mistakes, too. This is inevitable. Some of those mistakes are going to be relatively small. Others are going to be much bigger….
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Gareth Great
February 28, 2015
No matter how perfect a relationship is right now, there are times when the question of what will be the future pops- up in your mind. A strong and full of intimacy relationship doesn’t mean it will last up to…
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Tim StS
February 28, 2015
There are a few different points within a date that you may come to the realization that this isn’t going to work out. First off, you have the ones that you know it isn’t going to go well within the…
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Tara Jorgensen
February 28, 2015
Relationships are hard! They’re a delicate mix of give and take. Problems arise in every corner at times, while others are spent enjoying the gratification you both receive from one another. Although all relationships require work, with a focus on…
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Kim Miller - 582309
February 28, 2015
Most people love to talk about themselves and the things they love. Men love to talk about themselves and the things they love. They also love to be the center of attention and to brag on themselves which is actually…
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Stephanie Wiederspohn
February 28, 2015
Jealousy is often mistakenly seen as a form of love. This can be especially true in some women who believe that men need to vie for their attention. These women believe that if their partner is not jealous of them…
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Sam E. Jones
February 28, 2015
Ten things women think are sexy but aren’t It’s a funny thing in life how you can just be bopping along, thinking things are one way, and then something unexpected pops up and you discover that what you thought was…
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Anthony Savage
February 28, 2015
Before going on a blind date elaborate planning is required. For those of you who are too lazy to get past the thought “Oh boy, there is someone who will go out with me?” or anyone else who does not…
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Barbie Swope
February 28, 2015
The easiest way to end a bad date is something that you learn from soul searching. Before you end up in a bad situation take the time to analyze why you would go on a date with this person in…
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Elaine M. Doxie
February 28, 2015
You’ve heard it before. Communication is the most important part of any relationship. The question you have to ask yourself however, is why? What is it that makes communication so profoundly important in a relationship? The truth is, that without…
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Melody Hearndon
February 28, 2015
Body language is read by paying close attention to the mannerisms of the person sending the messages. Some are obvious and readily acknowledged just by ones actions. The real knack to reading body language is being able to discern its…
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Travis Graf
February 28, 2015
You’re nervous. You’re twitching. Your voice is cracking. However, there’s a part of you that holds the excitement coming from the thrill of going out with a special someone for the first time. After all, society has led the world…
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Mahi Khan
February 28, 2015
LOVE IS LIFE OR LIFE IS LOVE We use the word love to mean different things, which are often intertwined in our relationship with someone of the opposite sex. If we love smeone we treat them with justice. That is, we…
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Grace Angel
February 28, 2015
There are many ways that a man can make a girl laugh. Usually doing so is about telling her funny stories from the man’s everyday life. Women usually connect with the voice tone of the man that is telling the…
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Elaine M. Doxie
February 28, 2015
As far as the world has come regarding race relations, there are still many people out there who do not approve of interracial relationships. On the other hand, there may be many people who are attracted to people outside their…
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Todd Hicks
February 28, 2015
You are one who is baffled. You either know some ladies who have a relationship with undesirable men or you read about men doing something bad to the ladies they are involved with. Why is this? That is a good…
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Peggy Molloy
February 28, 2015
I think the glamor of the “bad boy” is much greater than the reality of having, or trying to have a relationship with one. I equate through speculation only, that perhaps it could be likened to the “bad girl” phenomena…
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Lawore Olufemi
February 28, 2015
LET’S GIVE IT UP FOR THE FEMALES There is a special quote that I have kept dear to my heart. I have promised to officially say the quote whenever I have the opportunity to do so but unfortunately due to…
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Angela Diggs
February 28, 2015
Two people meet for the first time in a restaurant. They make eye contact at the same time and instantly there is a connection. All of a sudden, they are conversing as if they’ve known each other for years. They…
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M.A. Dal Cero
February 28, 2015
The Ladder Theory, developed in 1994 by Dallas Lynn with the assistance of Jared Whitson, attempts to “scientifically” explain exactly how men and women are attracted to each other. Presented on the Ladder Theory website in a humorous although somewhat…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
February 28, 2015
Often when the head is being ruled by the heart, it’s hard to see the difference between infatuation and love. They both make you feel like your world has been turned upside down, but there are subtle differences. Love is…
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